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[It is again pitch black. A doorbell ringing sound is heard multiple times]
Aunt Petunia: Mia! Mia! Mia! Open the door.

George's sneer cut through the air like a blade as he remarked, "Calm down, She's not a dog." His tone was sharp and dismissive, as if he had seen enough to form a judgment.

Fred's voice joined in, injecting a touch of sarcasm, "Nor is she a house elf." His words carried a hint of defiance, as if he felt the need to defend Mia.

[Cut from black to the foyer, where Mia opens the front door. It is raining outside and Aunt Marge exhales as she brings her umbrella down and gives it to Mia.]

The air in the Great Hall filled with the startled cries of the younger students as they laid eyes on the imposing figure on the screen.

Colin, caught off guard, exclaimed, "What is that?"

Mia, her gaze fixed on the offensive sight, replied plainly, "That's Aunt Marge."

McGonagall, careful in her inquiry, asked, "I thought Lily only had one sister."

Mia explained, "She does. Marge is Vernon's sister. I hate her. And before you ask, you'll see why very soon." Her statement left most of those around her perplexed, although her friends understood exactly what she meant.

As memories of the unpleasant events began to flood back, Mia couldn't help but stifle a silent laugh. Her friends, Sirius and Remus, exchanged confused glances at her sudden amusement. She leaned in and whispered confidently to those around her, "Just wait until later. I'll explain it then," casually waving off the rest of the audience in the Hall.

Sirius, with a bemused expression, leaned over to Mia and asked, "What's got you so amused, Mia? You look like you know something we don't."

Mia grinned mischievously and replied, "Just wait, Sirius. You'll see why in due time."

Remus, ever the voice of reason, interjected, "Mia, tell me you didn't do anything trouble?

Mia shook her head, still wearing that enigmatic smile, and assured him, "I had no control over it."

Remus and Sirius shared a look.

[She passes the foyer into the kitchen where Aunt Petunia stands waiting. Aunt Marge's pet bulldog Ripper is on a leash. Aunt Marge and Aunt Petunia exchange greetings as Ripper lifts up on his hind legs at Aunt Petunia.]

"Why does that dog look like that?" Woods asked incredulously, his disbelief evident in his tone.

Mia couldn't help but giggle at the question. "Oh, that's Ripper, Marge's bulldog. She's had a long career in breeding bulldogs, and Ripper is her favorite. I can't stand that dog. He's really mean," she explained, her voice carrying a mixture of exasperation and disdain as she spoke, grumbling the last part of her sentence.

"Why? I thought you loved dogs," Sirius inquired, curiosity coloring his tone as he sought to understand Mia's feelings toward the pet.

"I do. Just not that one," Mia defended herself, her words coming out firm and resolute, as she asserted her stance on the matter.

[We then cut to Mia and Uncle Vernon in the foyer, where Mia unfolds a small parchment while Uncle Vernon takes off his car coat.]
Mia: Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form.
Uncle Vernon: What is it?
Mia: Nothing. School stuff.
Uncle Vernon: Later, perhaps, if you behave.

"So, that basically means no, right?" Ron queried, seeking confirmation from Mia, who simply nodded in response, affirming his understanding.

"I don't like him," Pansy sneered at Mia's uncle, her words carrying a tone of disdain as she openly expressed her dislike.

"Who does?" Draco asked, joining in with a sardonic smirk as he echoed Pansy's sentiment with a touch of scorn in his voice.

Mia: I will if she does.
Aunt Marge: Oh, you're still here, are you?
Mia: Yes.

"So, you two openly don't like each other?" George inquired, seeking validation from Mia.

"Yeah," she answered, confirming the situation with a straightforward response. "I'm pretty sure you will all understand why I hate her," Mia stated in a monotone voice, her expression hardening as she fixed her gaze on the screen.

Aunt Marge: Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful way.

Narcissa spoke out in defense of Mia, expressing, "She wasn't being ungrateful. Though I don't know why she wasn't, they aren't good to her." She stood up for Mia, emphasizing the Dursleys' mistreatment and drawing a parallel to Marge's potential behavior.

Molly fervently echoed Narcissa's sentiments, her voice carrying both frustration and righteous indignation. "Narcissa's absolutely right. The way the Dursleys treat her is appalling!" she passionately declared, firmly advocating for Mia's deserved support.

Hermione's fervor flared as she joined the conversation, her tone growing increasingly impassioned. "She was simply responding to a question!" she exclaimed, her gaze fixed on the screen, her fiery eyes reflecting her strong sense of injustice.

Others present joined in, their expressions and gestures conveying their shared agreement, frustration, and a sense of solidarity with Mia against the unjust treatment she faced. The room filled with voices of understanding and empathy, painting a picture of unwavering support for Mia.

Aunt Marge: [She hands Ripper's leash over to Petunia] Damn good of my brother to keep you.

"He had no other option," Hermione rebuked the screen, the frustration in her tone palpable even though she knew Marge couldn't hear her.

Dumbledore visibly shrank in his seat, feeling the weight of everyone's glares.

Sirius's anger flared, his voice filled with palpable frustration. "Mia should never have been with the Dursleys in the first place. She should have been raised by me and Remus."

"We'll sort everything out after this movie, Sirius," Mia assured her godfather in a whisper, her voice carrying a mix of reassurance and determination.

Aunt Marge: [She goes to Vernon to say something to him] She'd have been straight to an orphanage if she'd been dumped on my doorstep, Vernon.

"I might have been better off there than with the Dursleys," Mia remarked, casting a shadow of unease over the room. Dumbledore shuddered and turned slightly pale, the weight of a past decades-old choice hanging heavily in the air.

Hermione responded with a hint of doubt in her voice, "Maybe," her words reflective of the intricate layers within Mia's experience and the uncertainty surrounding it.

Sirius, struggling with his own emotions, interjected, "No, Mia. You shouldn't have had to endure any of it. We should have been there for you."

Narcissa, her voice filled with empathy, added, "You deserved far better treatment than what you received. It breaks my heart to know how you suffered."

The room fell silent, the weight of unspoken regret and empathy weaving through the air, as Mia's past experiences and the impact of choices made long ago came to the forefront of their minds. Mia felt uncomfortable and underwhelmed by the pity and empathy she was receiving. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate their concern, but it reminded her of a painful things that she had worked hard to overcome. She wished they wouldn't dwell on it and move on from it, as it only brought back these few memories she'd rather forget. Despite their good intentions, Mia struggled with the weight of their sympathy, feeling as though it overshadowed the strength and resilience that she had built over the years. She longed for their support.

[Laughter is heard nearby. Hearing that, Aunt Marge looks delighted. She walks up to the couch, where the laughter has come from Mia's fat cousin Dudley, who is watching TV and eating snacks]
Aunt Marge: Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh? [She kisses Dudley.] Give us a kiss. Come on. Up, up.

Everyone laughed at Dudley's nickname.

Uncle Vernon: Take Marge's suitcase upstairs.
Mia: Okay.

"You agreed pretty quickly," Draco observed, avoiding eye contact with his father as he directed his attention to Mia.

"Well, I suppose I had a choice, but without a doubt, I took the better option," Mia responded, her voice reflecting both resolve and vulnerability.

"Why did you look sad just then?" Crabbe asked, prompting puzzled glances from the others.

Mia chose to remain silent, her inner turmoil evident, prompting Pansy to intervene by lightly tapping Crabbe on the head.

Amidst the exchange, Mia's thoughts wandered, imagining what her family might have been like if her parents were still alive. She couldn't help but wonder if they would have cherished her as much as the Dursleys loved Dudley, or perhaps even more. Her wistful musings played out in her mind as she gazed at the screen, a bittersweet longing visible in her eyes.

Those who were closest to Mia were quick to notice the sadness in her eyes, even as she maintained a neutral expression, adeptly concealing her inner turmoil from the rest of the group. Understanding the depth of her unspoken emotions, those who had known Lily and James shared in Mia's underlying sadness, though no words were exchanged.

Feeling the weight of Mia's emotions, Ron gently squeezed her hand, offering wordless support in a moment filled with unspoken emotions.

[As Mia clears the dishes, Uncle Vernon brings out a bottle of brandy.]

Colin inquired, "How can you stand them treating you like that?"

Mia retorted sharply, "It's just simpler that way, okay?"

Everyone exchanged knowing looks, realizing that they had only scratched the surface of the mistreatment Mia had endured at the Dursleys' hands. Her intense anger hinted at deeper pain they had yet to understand.

Uncle Vernon: Can I tempt you, Marge?
Aunt Marge: Just a small one. A bit more... a bit more... That's the boy. [taking a sloppy sip] Aah. Excellent nosh, Petunia. It's normally just a fry-up for me, what with twelve dogs. [She smacks her lips, lowers her brandy, and lets Ripper take a slobbery lap out of the glass... then catches Mia looking.]
Aunt Marge: What are you smirking at!

"She was simply observing, not even a hint of a smirk!" one of the girls exclaimed.

"Merlin, that woman is absolutely dreadful," Hermione remarked, her disgust evident in her voice.

"It gets even worse," Mia sighed, recalling the events that followed after a brief silence.

Aunt Marge; Where is it that you send her, Vernon?
Uncle Vernon: St. Brutus's. It's a first-rate institution for hopeless cases.

Snape's unexpected inquiry about St. Brutus prompted Mia to delve into the false narrative that her guardians had spun to cover up her absence during the school year. "St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurable Criminal Girls," she explained, was the fabricated institution concocted to account for her whereabouts.

McGonagall, her brow furrowed with concern, prodded for a deeper understanding, asking, "Why go to such lengths, Mia?"

Mia's eyes met McGonagall's, and she hesitated for a moment before replying, "We couldn't risk exposing the existence of a magical school to the non-magical world."

The tension in the room grew as Ron chimed in, his frustration evident. "But how could they justify painting you in such a negative light?" he asked, his voice tinged with incredulity.

Mia took a deep breath before answering, "For the Dursleys, it was the perfect solution, make themselves out to be heroes, while keeping my true story hidden."

The group lingered in a heavy silence, processing Mia's revelations about the elaborate cover-up. Sirius shook his head in disbelief, his features creased with anger. "It's despicable that they'd stoop to such measures," he muttered, unable to conceal his disdain.

Hermione's eyes softened with empathy as she turned to Mia. "It's wrong, Mia. You shouldn't have had to carry that burden," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.

Neville's expression mirrored his concern as he spoke up, "We're here for you, Mia. You don't have to face this alone."

Mia met her friends' supportive gazes, offering a faint nod of gratitude. "Thank you, everyone. I've grown used to it, but your support means everything," she said, the trace of a grateful smile touching her lips.

[Hearing this, Mia frowns, glances at Uncle Vernon, who glares darkly at her.]
Aunt Marge: I see. And do they use the cane at St. Brutus's, girl?

The shocking revelation that the Dursleys wished for Mia to be beaten left the group reeling in horror, their expressions a mix of disbelief, anger, and concern. Their shock was palpable, with McGonagall's usually composed demeanor giving way to pure shock and disgust as she addressed Mia, "They want someone to beat you?"

"Inhumane," Molly exclaimed, unable to contain her outrage, causing her children to stare at her with wide eyes. She hadn't meant to let the string of curse words escape, but the depth of her fury had overcome her.

Sirius, his voice filled with anger, shouted, "Forget crazy. They're insane!" His eyes blazed with a mix of protective fierceness and disbelief at the cruelty of Mia's guardians.

Mia's calm demeanor did little to quell the escalating emotions in the room. "It doesn't matter," she said, attempting to downplay the gravity of the situation, though her eyes betrayed the concern she felt.

Remus, struggling to contain the rising fury within him as Moony threatened to emerge, countered sharply, "Of course it matters," his voice tinged with a protective instinct for Mia, a reflection of his deep care for her well-being.

Mia held his gaze firmly before asserting, "It doesn't matter, because I don't go to St. Brutus's. I never have and I never will, seeing as I go to Hogwarts. Besides, I don't think that St. Brutus even exists." Her words were steady and resolute, revealing her unwavering loyalty to the truth and her own sense of identity.

Her words brought a momentary calm to the room as the group absorbed the implications of Mia's revelation. The air seemed to still as the truth sank in, and a brief lull followed as the weight of Mia's words hung heavy in the room.

Despite the temporary calm, Mia knew that the storm of emotions would flare up again soon. The tension in the room remained palpable, leaving an unspoken understanding that her ordeal was far from over.

Mia: [sarcastically] Oh, yes. I've been beaten loads of times.

"Why do you agree to going along with everything they say and do?" McGonagall asked, her concern evident in her voice.

Mia snapped, her frustration bubbling to the surface, "Like I said, It's just easier that way for me to agree with everything they say, okay?" Her tone carried a mix of defensiveness and pent-up resentment, revealing the immense strain she faced in discussing her guardians.

She really didn't wanna talk about the Dursleys. She hates her life with them. Every mention of her time with the Dursleys ignited a whirlwind of suppressed emotions—anger, longing, and a deep sense of betrayal.

She would rather be in the wizarding world with her friends and her family. Her true home was embedded in the magical world, where she felt accepted, loved, and understood—a stark contrast to the cold, oppressive environment at Privet Drive.

As her thoughts lingered on her true home and the warmth it brought her, an intense desire resonated within her—a longing to return to the magical world, where she felt a sense of belonging she could never find with the Dursleys.

Aunt Marge: Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not hitting people who deserve it. [She took another sip. Mia heard her and smiled slightly]

"Why are you smiling?" Lavender asked, her confusion and astonishment evident in her expression. The contrast between Mia's smile and the seriousness of the situation was baffling to her.

Mia gave off a weak smile as she responded, "She was buying everything Vernon told her. It's kinda funny." Mia's words were tinged with a hint of wry amusement, but her friends exchanged concerned glances, uncertain about how to react.

"We really need to have a talk about the things you find funny," Fred exclaimed with genuine worry in his voice. Concern etched his features as he added, "I'm seriously concerned for your sense of humor." The weight of his words resonated with the others in the room.

Sirius nodded in agreement with Fred, a somber expression replacing his usual lighthearted mien. "He's right. It's not healthy to find humor in such situations."

"Look who's talking." Mia rolled her eyes at them.

Aunt Marge: Still. Mustn't blame yourself for how this one's turned out, Vernon. It all comes down to blood. Bad blood will out.

The Purebloods, including Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco, responded to Marge's words with solemn nods and composed demeanors. However, a palpable sense of unease settled over the group, each member harboring a foreboding feeling about the potential ramifications of Marge's declaration. Their shared silence spoke volumes, communicating their apprehension and the unspoken concern about what might unfold in the wake of Marge's decisive stance.

Aunt Marge: What is it the girl's father did, Petunia?

Sirius and Remus growled in unison, their voices low and filled with fierce determination. The sudden drop in temperature was mirrored by the intensity of their emotions, casting a chilling aura over the room.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as everyone contemplated the possible actions that might follow Marge's declaration. A sense of unease settled among them, each one grappling with the weight of their apprehension and the looming uncertainty of what might transpire.

Aunt Petunia: [Agitated as she felt Mia's eyes looking at her] Nothing. That is... he didn't work. He was -- unemployed.

"Because he was in hiding to protect his wife and child! He wanted to be an auror," Sirius's voice boomed, resonating with indignation and fervor as he vented his frustration at the unfolding scene on the screen. Remus, struggling with the inner turmoil of his lycanthropy, found solace in the support of those around him, a silent testament to their bond.

The outpouring of intensity and emotion from Sirius and Remus stirred an undercurrent of unease among those around them, prompting a cautious withdrawal from the heated atmosphere. Despite the palpable tension, the others redirected their focus to the screen, choosing to immerse themselves in the movie rather than the volatile emotions brewing nearby.

Amidst this backdrop, Mia remained steadfast in her attention on her godfathers, her unwavering gaze an unspoken display of support and understanding, a testament to the unbreakable bond and shared history they carried.

Aunt Marge: Of course. And a drunk, I expect --


Sirius and Remus thundered in unison, their voices carrying the weight of impassioned conviction as they vehemently rejected the portrayal of falsehoods on the screen. The intensity of their denial reverberated through the room, cutting sharply through the tension that hung in the air.

Amongst the fervor, Sirius turned to Mia, his eyes alight with an urgency that bespoke a deeper truth. "Don't believe them, Mia," he implored, his voice ringing with a fervent plea. In that moment, his words conveyed not just a desire to set the record straight but a fervent need for Mia to embrace the truth about her parents, to reclaim their legacy from the shadow of deceit.

Mia: That's a lie.

"That's my girl," Sirius praised with a mix of pride and exasperation, a hint of anger still tainting his voice. His conflicted tone encapsulated a spectrum of emotions, encapsulating his fervent support for Mia alongside the underlying frustration at the situation.

Aunt Marge: [She pauses on her wine, eyes narrowing on Mia.] What did you say?
Mia: My dad wasn't a drunk. [POP! The glass in Aunt Marge's hand exploded, making Mia take steps back.]

The abrupt shattering of glass jarred everyone in the Hall, prompting startled gasps and startled exclamations as the room filled with a collective surprise. Some instinctively recoiled, their expressions a mix of shock and apprehension.

"What was that?" Colin queried, his shock evident in his tone.

"Accidental magic. Regardless if you are receiving teaching or not, it can still happen, when we can't control our magic," Dumbledore calmly explained, his words carrying a reassuring note as he sought to allay any rising apprehension among the children. His gentle explanation aimed to dispel fear, emphasizing the unpredictable nature of magic and the need for understanding and patience.

In the aftermath of the unexpected event, a sense of awe mingled with trepidation, the broken glass serving as a vivid reminder of the raw power that lay within the magical world. The momentary disruption underscored the importance of guidance and support, drawing attention to the complexities of mastering magical abilities and the inherent responsibility that came with it.

Aunt Petunia: Oh my goodness! Marge!
Aunt Marge: Not to worry, Petunia. I have a very firm grip. [Mia stares at the shattered glass in surprise.]
Uncle Vernon: You go to bed. Now!

"For once, Mia, listen to him," pleaded the characters on the screen, their voices tinged with concern and urgency, echoing the unspoken hopes of those watching.

Aunt Marge: Quiet, Vernon. It doesn't matter about the father. In the end it comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs.

"Did she just call Lily a dog?" Snape demanded through clenched teeth, his effort to contain his anger evident but ultimately faltering.

The weight of his seething rage permeated the air, casting an icy pall over the Hall as the temperature seemed to plummet further. Snape's vehement disbelief and fury cut through the tense atmosphere, casting a chilling shadow over the room as his emotions threatened to spill over.

His incredulous accusation reverberated, haunting the space with the intensity of his indignation. The collective unease heightened in response to the palpable tension that emanated from Snape, his reaction serving as a stark reminder of the unresolved wounds of the past that continued to fester.

Aunt Marge: If there's something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong with the pup...

The collective fury of the crowd exploded in a resounding yell that reverberated throughout the Hall, a forceful demand for silence that sought to quell the mounting chaos.

"HOW DARE SHE SPEAK THAT WAY ABOUT LILY AND JAMES!" Molly's voice rang out, brimming with righteous indignation and fury. Her impassioned declaration echoed the sentiment of betrayal and hurt that burned within her, further stoking the flames of outrage that swept through the room.

"AND WITH MIA IN THE ROOM!" Sirius bellowed once more, his outraged tone echoing the deep pain and anger that gripped him. Beside him, Remus struggled to contain the turmoil of his own emotions, the battle against his inner turmoil etched upon his face.

Amidst the escalating discord, individuals who could no longer contain their anger sought solace within the soundproofed bubble, their actions a testament to the depth of their grief and anger. It was primarily the adults, those who had shared a personal connection with Lily and James, who sought refuge within the bubble, shrouding themselves in a cocoon of seclusion and grief.

The tumultuous scene mirrored the collective turmoil that engulfed the grieving community, a potent reflection of the complex web of emotions that bound them all in a shared experience of loss and betrayal.

Mia: Shut up!  Shut up! [Aunt Marge starts to reply, when a button on her dress sails into the air. seams groan. Thread snaps.]

The collective realization that Mia was on the brink of another bout of accidental magic elicited a chorus of solemn "oh, no's," as individuals flinched and averted their gaze from the screen, a reflexive attempt to shield themselves from the imminent display of unbridled magic.

Yet, despite their concerted efforts to look away, their intense emotional investment in the unfolding narrative and their unwavering concern for Mia held their gaze captive to the screen. A sense of grim foreboding permeated the air, underscoring the underlying fear and apprehension that gripped the crowd, their collective trepidation a poignant testament to the depth of their emotional connection to Mia and the gravity of the moment at hand.

[Aunt Marge's eyes widen. Her cheeks billow.]

"What the-...?" Remus interjected, his confusion palpable as he struggled to comprehend the unfolding events.

"What's happening?" a first-year Slytherin piped up, seeking clarity amidst the escalating tension.

"Accidental magic," McGonagall stated tersely, her tone betraying the gravity of the situation as she maintained her unwavering focus on the unfolding scene before her.

[Her whole body billows, and she begins to inflate like a Monstrous balloon.]

Laughter rippled through the room, beginning as a series of small, hesitant chuckles that gradually grew into a collective release of tension. The sudden eruption of laughter, while unexpected, served as a collective outlet for the lingering anxiety and unease that had gripped the group.

Amidst the infectious laughter that filled the room, Mia's joyous laughter rang out, blending with the chorus of mirth that echoed throughout the space. Her lighthearted laughter served as a testament to the transformative power of time and the healing balm of shared moments of happiness.

In the midst of the uproarious laughter, the joyous sounds of the twins and Sirius resonated above the others, their raucous laughter punctuated by tears that formed in their eyes. Their uninhibited mirth underscored the depth of their emotional release, as they found solace and sheer delight in the shared camaraderie and the simple joy of laughter.

Uncle Vernon: Marge! [As she rises, Uncle Vernon leaps for her. piper growls, fixes his teeth to his trousers. Mia frightened by what she's done, watches Aunt Marge Bounce Gently across the ceiling and into the Conservatory. The others race outside. As Aunt Marge begins to float away, Uncle Vernon grips her hands.]

"This was gonna be good." Sirius smirked through his laughter and tears.

As the laughter swelled and intensified, Sirius's voice cut through the merriment, his words punctuated by the brightness of his smile. Amidst the riotous laughter and tears that flowed freely, his choice of words sparked a renewed wave of mirth, amplifying the jubilant atmosphere that enveloped the room.

Uncle Vernon: Don't worry! I've got you... [Slowly to his horror he himself begins to rise. Aunt Marge looks fearfully into his eyes.]

As the laughter reached a crescendo, a collective sense of breathlessness engulfed the room, the sheer intensity of the mirth rendering each breath a struggle amidst the riotous laughter and rollicking joy.

Mia's inadvertent slip of magic at the age of thirteen emerged as the subject of delight, eliciting uproarious laughter and a crescendo of shared amusement. The group's remorse over having missed both occurrences in person was eclipsed by the sheer hilarity of witnessing these events unfold on screen, their absence tempered by the joy of experiencing the moments in the retelling.

Aunt Marge: Vernon. Don't you dare — [But he does. He lets go. Falls to his knees. And watches Aunt Marge float away.]

The room, enveloped in the radiant afterglow of uncontrollable laughter, became a scene of joyous camaraderie and shared delight. Fanning themselves with their hands, Everyone sought to assuage the breathless effect of their boisterous merriment, their actions a poignant testament to the enduring impact of shared laughter.

[In Mia's room, she crashes inside]

As the jovial atmosphere in the Hall began to wane, a tangible shift in mood accompanied Movie-Mia's sudden display of anger. The collective sense of elation that had suffused the room gradually ebbed away, replaced by a solemn hush that enveloped everyone.

[She takes her Trunk, then puts her heel to a loose Floorboard and removes her wand from its hiding place. Turning, she grabs the photograph of her parents and look at it with tears in her eyes]

As the poignant scene unfolded on the screen, a tangible undercurrent of sadness pervaded the Hall, resonating with Movie-Mia's poignant gaze upon the picture of her parents. The collective weight of sorrow settled among the group, each member instinctively offering their silent empathy to Movie-Mia, though she steadfastly rebuffed their unspoken overtures.

[She then head outside the room. As Mia tows the trunk down the stairs angrily and really loudly, she finds Uncle Vernon waiting for her.]

"Did 'keeping quiet' not factor into your plan?" Neville inquired cautiously, mindful of avoiding angering Mia.

"No, I just wanted to leave as quickly as possible. Quiet wasn't really part of the plan," Mia replied simply, her tone devoid of hostility.


"Sure, sure," Draco drawled sarcastically, raising an eyebrow in obvious disbelief as he delivered his skeptical remark.

"Like that's ever gonna happen," Ron chimed in with a snort, his tone exuding a mix of disdain and amusement at the idea.

Mia: No! She deserved what she got! And you... you keep away from me. [Uncle Vernon eyes Mia's wand nervously, then grins with knowing cruelty.]

Sirius voiced his approval and support with a reassuring "Good girl," infused with warmth and encouragement.

Dean, navigating the delicate nature of the topic, cautiously broached the subject, inquiring whether mistreatment was a frequent occurrence for Mia. The room was thick with anticipation and unease, as everyone held their breath, awaiting Mia's response.

Mia's simple affirmation, calmly stating "Yes, to all of it," ignited a simmering anger among the group, as they grappled with the raw truth of her experiences.

Initially, Remus and the others felt inclined to reprimand Mia for resorting to her wand against her uncle. However, Marge's hurtful words about Lily and James shifted their perspective, stirring a deep-seated desire for retribution against the woman who dared to speak ill of the late Potters, particularly Lily.

Snape, in particular, disregarded any mention of James, focusing solely on his unwavering concern for Lily. At the height of the tension, Umbridge unleashed a torrent of accusations and venomous remarks, directed at Mia, Sirius, and Mia, shattering the tranquility of the room.

The abrupt silence that enveloped the hall drew every eye to Mia and Umbridge, the intensity of the moment hanging palpably in the air.

Mia's forceful outburst of "SHUT UP!!!" pierced through the silence, reverberating through the hall, leaving everyone present stunned in its wake.

Umbridge, momentarily silenced, cowered under Mia's authoritative interruption.

As Mia's gaze swept from side to side, a familiar gesture in her struggle to regain composure, it underscored the relentless battle to reclaim control over her emotions. The ongoing effort to navigate her emotions seemed beyond her grasp, evoking a poignant sense of detachment, as though her emotions and actions were detached from her, a recurring battle that exposed the depth of her inner turmoil.

Mia's rhythmic movement and heavy breathing did not go unnoticed by everyone, who observed her with growing concern. The subtle physical changes in Mia this year, coupled with a newfound temper, prompted a wave of worry among her companions.

In a moment of intense emotion, Mia found her voice, addressing the room with a resolute tone. "First of all," she began, expressing her desire for justice without resorting to extreme measures. She challenged the narrow-minded perspective of the group, highlighting the need for truth and protection, calling out their collective failure to keep them safe.

Continuing, Mia recounted the life-threatening situations she had faced, emphasizing her inherent need to survive and protect others. Her impassioned defense resonated with an unyielding determination.

As Mia's words echoed through the room, a palpable tension settled over them. They turned inward, contemplating their understanding of the world they inhabited. The revelation of truth over the past two movies had expanded their perception, yet the realization that more revelations awaited them left them reeling.

Fudge, cautious in his approach, attempted to interject with a measured response, only to be swiftly cut off by Mia's blunt retort. Mia's sneer of "Just watch the movie" rang with a defiance that left the room in a charged silence.

Uncle Vernon: You're not allowed to do magic out of school. They won't have you now. You've got nowhere to go.
Mia: [She realizes it's true. Briefly falters. Then smirks] Yeah? Try me. Beside, anywhere's better than here.

"I stand by that statement," Mia declared, fixing a steely gaze on the screen, her determination palpable.

Dumbledore, his voice gentle and soothing, addressed Mia, emphasizing the necessity for her to return to Privet Drive in order to ensure her safety and protect her family. However, something within Mia seemed to fracture at his words.

"I'm so sick and tired of everyone telling me what to do," Mia whispered, but the silence in the room amplified her words, making them resonate with raw emotion.

A heavy, collective inhalation filled the room as everyone grappled with the weight of Mia's words. The air hung heavy with the unspoken desire to provide solace, yet each person found themselves at a loss for comforting words.

The teachers, overcome with shame and horror, realized that they had failed to comprehend the true extent of Mia's personal turmoil. The revelation of the Dursleys' cruelty weighed heavily on them, fueling McGonagall's anger towards Dumbledore and herself for the decision to leave Mia in their care all those years ago.


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