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My eyes would not focus on anything other than Ida, the twisted angle of her neck was all I could look at. I didn't even look at how the rest of her was positioned, I didn't much care. My feet were rooted to the ground. Willing myself to move back was proving pointless. Finally, I dragged my eyes away from her neck, but they landed on something worse.

Her dull eyes. She was staring off to her side. It didn't look like she was even frightened but I wasn't focused on how her face was set. Something in her eyes held my gaze, I couldn't look away. I barely knew her, yet I could feel a sob building up in my chest. My knees buckled unable to hold me up anymore, collapsing to the ground. 

Something wet hit my forehead causing me to look up at the sky. A raindrop fell into my eye as I was looking up, it made me recoil and look down. After I rubbed my eye I looked at my hand as confusion laced its way through my gray matter. 

The part of my brain that processed new information seemed to be suffering a major malfunction. Enabling me to be unaware of all my surroundings. Which was the plan I assume?

"Guys," James half asked, and half whines. "Who's that?" He pointed towards the treeline on the other side of the yard nearing the far end of the lot. Tearing my eyes up to where he was pointing a feeling of dread started once again. My eyes landed on a woman with longish dark hair, I couldn't make out much more. It had grown too dark, the storm and no street light not helping matters. Instantly I knew she killed Ida, Ida's spirit was still lingering around her. My heart shook at seeing her in that fuzzy distorted way. 

My instincts told me to run. Listening to my gut I turned on my heel and started sprinting. No real destination in my mind, I hadn't even thought to say anything to the others. I heard heavy footfall behind me, relieving me of the guilt that had just started forming. I had no shame as I hauled ass across the unkempt yard. I rounded the corner and saw the vehicles. 

Can't leave Cas and Maddox to fend for themselves. Right. I pumped my legs harder, my feet clumsily eating up the distance between me and the cars and I veered off to the right. When I got close to the doorway, I spotted my candle still burning. With a little hop, I was over it and into the room. 

"Casey!" I shouted as I scrambled to a stop. Trying to locate the door to the basement stairs. "We got to go!" I spun in a circle a little too fast I had to take a step forward to catch my balance. As I wobbled to stay upright and on spot, I saw I wasn't alone anymore and it wasn't a friendly face or at least one I knew. 

Sigyn stood before me. I knew it was her the moment I laid my eyes on her. Something deep inside recognized her even in the yard. Kicking myself for not getting to the car like a smart person would have done. Well, I might as well take in what my killer will look like. I was nowhere near ready to face her, I had no choice but to squash my nerves and face it like a champ. Racking my brain I hit the auto-pilot button, so I wasn't wasting precious brain power. 

I studied her features. Starting with her long curly hair, I noticed her hair had lighter roots, letting me know, she dyes her hair. But why?  Good question, I held that thought. I shifted feeling awkward but that quickly disappeared. A warm fuzzy feeling filled my body, it started in my heart and worked its way out. I felt comforted, I didn't quite trust it though. My other self was uneasy. 

Quickly I was captivated by her unnervingly pale eyes. Feeling like I have seen her before but not being able to recall the occurrence -which was beyond annoying- I continued staring. Her eyes were also giving off a kind, motherly vibe. Taking my gaze away from her eyes and to her straight-edged nose, it sat in the most pleasing fashion on her face. Moving my glance down I saw she was smiling, her light pink thin lips spread over almost perfect teeth. Her skin was fair, and she didn't look much older than me honestly. She was wearing a simple dark blue dress and no shoes. Her feet weren't dirty like I thought they should be.  The desire to kneel at her feet and just pray for forgiveness was one I had to fight. 

How could someone so pretty and calming be my mortal enemy? I mused to myself. 

Something over her shoulder caught my attention but suddenly froze. Confused I lean to the side so I could get a better view. It was Xander, he had a panicked look on his face. His eyes locked on Sigyn he still had one foot in the air. That was an obvious clue that Sigyn was one bad lady. She froze time! My slow self finally pieces everything together and left me with the desire to find a rock, curl up in a ball and cry until the end of time. 

"We must talk before things play out as they should." She stated in a soft but firm voice. I knew I had no choice I just had to play my part now. 

"Okay, let's talk," I said flatly and with a curt nod. I was resigned to my fate doesn't mean I was happy about it. My eyes cut to Xander, a pang of sadness went through my body. I just accepted how things were with him, and my feelings for him. Now it's time to part ways. 

It doesn't have to be. But how would I be able to defeat her? 

She glanced around the room, wrinkling her nose in disgust at what I was sure was the rank smell of mildew that has only gotten worse with the rain. I had to concentrate hard to ignore it. 

Swiftly a breeze blew through and brought a pleasant floral scent into the house. It wafted around and decided to stay. There was something off about the smell, there was a hint of something to it. Something that made it artificial like. I only caught a whiff of it every few seconds. 

She hummed a happy sound. 

"I would like to tell my side of things, first. Then maybe say a few other things." She opened her arms to make a peaceful gesture. To show she had nothing up her sleeves. It didn't matter much, it wasn't like she needed a weapon. I never found out just what she could do. 

Kicking myself again for not spending more time reading the books Dad left me. 

Maybe if someone had told you why it was so important you would have. I urged the little ember of anger that was smothering deep in me. My only real hope was to lose it and let whatever happens, happen. I just needed her to talk to me long enough for me to get angry- okay, more like enraged. Letting out a long breath, I started tending to the small spark.

"I would like to say, that Cormac lies about how things transpired between him and me." She spoke like a disapproving mother speaking about her worse child. Anger glinted in those ice eyes. She didn't wait for me to respond before moving on. 

"I'm not quite sure what he told you but I do have a good idea." She scoffed and swiped some imaginary dust off her blue gown. "We're going to start at the very beginning." her face turned firm, and she threw me a dirty look. 

"No, it had nothing to do with Loki, and No, we will not be talking about him." Her tone was oddly intimidating, which did not match her face. Oh, that's a sore spot for sure. Her dark mood didn't lighten up like I had hoped it would once she finished threatening me -or at least that's how that felt.

"I have two questions before we start what I feel like is going to be a long explanation." For some reason I was feeling like I was interrupting her, I shifted nervously from one foot to the other. 

"W-wh-why do I understand you? Aren't you multiple centuries old?" I couldn't help stammering out that question, staring down a Goddess was no easy feat. 

Her face shifted back to the happy smiling one that graced it earlier. Her musical laughter filled the empty space around us. She shook her head and sucked on her teeth. I blinked, and she was in my face, startling me I went to move back and found out I couldn't. I was a mouse on a sticky trap, and she was my cat. Her hand lightly rested on my face. 

"You know, I almost feel bad about all this," she caressed my cheek. "You are young but there a great amount of potential in you." She glided back and straighten herself back in her earlier position. 

"Now is not the time or place for those types of talk." With her dismissal went my last remaining shreds of hope ones I wasn't even aware I was holding on to. 

"Cormac's village and the temple was dedicated to me. They must have spent days worth of time praying and begging for me to listen. One day, I finally did." Her shoulder moved in a subtle shrug. As if, it was just a whim to grace her following. 

"In the beginning, I pretended to be a wanderer and just happened to settle there. After I was well immersed in the community I found out Cormac's wife wanted to leave him, she was unhappy." Seeing my confused look, she nodded "In their culture, she had to gather enough proof to divorce him." She shrugged and tucked some hair behind her ear. 

"I wanted to reward him, he had built a whole life dedicated to me. Alright, I admit that I was a misguided after the whole Loki then." She shrugged again, she gave me a look that told me if I was smart I would stay quiet. 

"Never in a million years did I think he would reject me, but he mocked. He didn't believe I was the real deal I guess, making threats that his daughter- which he had none- was going to be more powerful than me." She barked out laughter like that was the funniest thing she had heard, still. That ticked me off just a bit. I mean she was truly laughing at me at this point. 

"I'll admit I was less than noble in setting out to kill you, but I am a woman of my word, so sorry." Her halfassed apology was just salt on the wound. I was going to grow bold in a moment if she didn't cut it out. 

"I just feel bad at this point, it won't even be much of a fight." She said. That pushed me over the edge. I had to swallow most of my anger, putting it on the back burner for the right moment. 

"So what did Ida have to do with all this? If I'm just a pawn in this game between you and Cormac, why kill her?" I bite out every word having lost all my patience for this game she was playing. Pity filled her face smile, I wanted to roll my eyes but somehow I resisted the urge. 

"Sweet child, she betrayed you." She spoke slowly as if I was stupid. My back burner pot was overflowing now. I do not appreciate the condescending tone in the slightest. I do my best to give her a tight-lipped smile. Mainly in hopes, I didn't open my mouth. 

"She helped me, in keeping tabs on you. I no longer needed her though, and her betrayal to you begot her own." She said. 

"Poetic" I mumbled sarcastically. She either ignored my tone or it simply went over her head because she smiled kindly at me. Her justification didn't sit well with me. I didn't really care about her reasons for anything anymore. So, what people lied to me? They've been doing that my whole life. Why must she drag this out? 

"Are we almost done with this?" Spilled from my mouth before I could stop myself. My grumpy tone threw off. Just for a moment she lost her carefully place smiled and I saw a tiny flash of rage. Satisfaction flowed through me. I may not win the war but I do believe I won this battle. 

"Sorry," she spat out. Then she regained her composure and her pleasant tone. "I have been waiting a very long time for this, I have spent a lot of energy too. Do you have any idea what goes into ensuring a family no matter how big it got had no girls at all? Do you have any inkling of the means I went through to make sure the timing was right?" She ranted and raved about like a mad woman. Going on about how she spent so long planning this. All of it, almost every moment of my life aside from the ten years I was hidden to her. Something about all the crazies hid my energy from her. 

 I understood completely that I was destined to lose the moment I was born. She didn't plan on one thing and even admitted to as much. 

"I never thought he would be as involved as he is," her eyes landed on Xander as huffed out the words. I couldn't help the smile that formed when I looked at him. Or maybe it had to do with the fact I unnerved a goddess. Who knows. 

"I grow beyond tired of this. Now that I think about this I don't owe a mere speck like you any sort of explanation." She hurled her words at me like an insult but too bad for her I still didn't care. I had all the time I needed, and I may not have got a lot of knowledge, I have a whole lot of rage. 

You have me too!  Oh... I never thought about that, I wasn't sure how I would give her the reins or even if I should.  

"Good luck Theresa." Sigyn said. 

Then Xander collided into her, and they went crashing to the floor. James was right behind him they were trying to restrain her was my best guess. Maddox and Casey came running up from somewhere behind me. Casey took one look at the situation and started pushing me out the door. 

"There is no use Casey," I whispered, her only response was to push me harder in the direction of the door. 

James and Xander grunted as they hit solid-ish- floor. No sign of Sigyn. My annoyance with Casey's bony fingers growing. She did almost have me to the door now. Giving in I let her push me, she can be the one to fight the inevitable. Rushing I was trying to figure out if I should let the other side hit Sigyn with the sneak attack. Maybe she had something to do with my powers?


Helpful. I was running out of time. How about we both get a shot, I will try a spell if that doesn't work you will do the hulk out thing? 


Now that I was in agreement with myself, I racked my brain for a spell. Anything I could use. Casey had me outside now. We were heading towards the car, and I was not going into that. Nope, I've seen horror movies now I know that's how you die of backseat attacks. 

A scream cut through the night air, giving me the chance to run away from Casey. She turned to see who was screaming. From the high pitch, I knew it had to be James. Heading in the opposite side of where Ida laid, I made my way through the dead, dried jungle that was the yard. I heard much heavier footfall then I expected following me. 

Something flashed into view in front of me. 


I stumbled to a stop as quickly as I could. Xander joined me a few seconds later. I grabbed his hand and just held on for dear life. He was more than happy to return the pressure. I couldn't look at him in fear of crying, I knew he still had hope, he always does. 

"I'm sorry," I said. Reciting an incantation in my head, I was given enough strength to push Xander far away from me. Just for Cormac to take his place. 

I almost groaned out loud. Can't they just let me lose already?! 

"It is I who is sorry. This is all my fault and I should fight in your place." He said. 

"Tsk tsk, that is not allowed." Sigyn said. Now much closer than she was before. 

Cormac grabbed my hand. 

 "Do what feels right." He whispered and then he disappeared. I had a feeling he didn't leave willingly. I could almost make out a lump beside Xander. It could be just my imagination though.

For the first time in a long time, I listened to someone else's advice and I trusted someone. 

Myself. I handed over the reins. Tears sprung to my eyes and a fire began to burn its way through my body. I wanted to drop to the ground as I felt her take over, leaving me as just a passenger in my mind. 

Xander's POV. 

Aches in my back and side were what made me focus on where I was and what was going on. I gingerly rolled to sit up. Exhaling a big heavy sigh as I moved. Theresa carries a hell of a punch when she wants to. My eyes landed on her a second after I sat up. I got to admit she looked absolutely bat-shit crazy, I found that to be an alarming mix of hot and terrifying. Pulling myself up on my feet I started to limp my way to her. Must have twisted my ankle at some point, it really did not like my weight on it. I ignored its protests, I had to get to her. 

Theresa didn't flinch or relax her tight smile as she stared down Sigyn. I've said it before and I will say it again, her balls are bigger than mine. Cormac is groaning on the ground behind me, I stop to help him up. 

A new rule for when this is all over popped in my head, no using magic on anyone in the crew. When the objections are voiced and I know they will be I will just explain that this shit is unfair. How can she just throw magic at me and expect me to be cool with it? She can't unless I volunteer to be her test subject which might happen but not tonight! 

Okay, enough of my deflecting from the situation at hand. Cormac is on his feet, and we are both doomed to helplessly watch as the stand down progresses. 

Self-berating thoughts run rampant in my head like why didn't I make her study more or why didn't I just tell her everything from the beginning? Hindsight is always 20/20. Unable to stop staring at Theresa she was mouthing something, probably some more mojo words. I was too occupied praying to any other god or goddess who would listen. 

A blinding bright flash of color flew from Theresa and Sigyn. It was almost too quick for my eyes. Cormac pointed to, I nodded before he could speak. I didn't need him to tell me that Theresa just threw everything she had at her. I could tell by her now sagging shoulders, the winded way she was breathing now. The look of frustration on her face only grew worse as she watched Sigyn basically just eat her punch. Absorbing it like it was nothing, she would have reacted more to a fly buzzing around her face I'm sure. 

A bad feeling settled over me as a hundred thoughts stomped through my mind. Blaming myself yet again I should have made sure she was ready at all cost. 

Failing to move more than three steps away from where I was knocked back. I knew Sigyn had made it so no one could help. 

The desire to scream "run" to Theresa was overwhelming. I wanted to protect her the bitter taste of failure became prominent in my mouth. Heart racing, dread pumping through my veins instead of blood. Cormac placed his hand on my shoulder in attempts to comfort me. 

By now what was left of our group had gathered around with us. None of us had any equipment on us, it had all be lost in the chaos. I did take notice that James was missing, I didn't care enough to ask anyone about him though. My focus was only on Theresa. I barely caught the little movement Sigyn did. Cormac's gasp drove my panic. 

"Don't look, boy." I tore my eyes from Theresa to him. I knew he just wanted to shield me from what we both knew was coming. The urge to just hit him almost overtook me. It was after all his fault this was even happening. Or at least that's how I felt right now. He nodded his head; as if he knew what I was thinking, and he agreed with me. 

A startled yelp drifted across the yard to my ears and against my comrade's advice, I looked to the source of the sound. Theresa was no longer staring down her enemy. She was looking directly at me. Not caring about whatever was keeping me in place I started charging forward.

My feet ate up the distance between her and just as I reached her, she started to collapse. She was in my arms before she went down.  

"Farewell Theresa." A musical voice spoke from beside us.  I wanted to scream at the goddess to fuck off, and maybe I did. To be honest and I can't tell you what I did. I just know I held the love of my life, and we were both on the ground. Too busy dealing with the fact I never told her exactly how I felt or how much she meant to me. I was tuning out the world, all I cared about was in front of me. 

Not a word was spoken between us, she just stared at me and I returned the favor. I was trying to memorize her face. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"Boy, we have to move if you want to save her." a gruff voice said Save her? Save her from what?

"She's dying, come on Xander we have to go!" Casey pleaded with me. Someone reached down and tried to pull Theresa's limp body off of me. Why was she limp? My brain was struggling and I knew it. 

I stumbled to my feet and followed Cormac who was carrying Theresa whose head is rolled all the way back it bounces with every step he takes. 

"Where is the closest body of water?" He asked the group and everyone looked at me. Scrambling for my phone, that I never gave James cause fuck him.  I punched in the question and waited around for service. Of course, there was none. 

Cormac scoffed and made a comment about us millennials. I don't think he meant it how some did but okay. He then stuck his nose in the air and sniffed a few times. Then like a bloodhound, he followed his nose. After trekking for ten minutes he found what he was looking for.  He didn't even think twice about walking out into the water until he was waist deep in. He let Theresa float on the water surface. 

That's when my heart shattered into a million pieces. Her eyes were glazed over Ida's. 

She was gone, I made a move to go to her but a strong pair of arms grabbed me. I knew it was Maddox he was the only one it could have been. 

Dropping to my knees a sob ripping through me. I failed her I did and I didn't even get to say I'm sorry. Pain, grief, and guilt ate at me until I was nothing more than a mess on the shoreline. 

I watched as Cormac let Theresa float down the current until she disappeared from view.  He joined the rest of us, Maddox let me go and went to comfort Casey who wasn't fairing much better than I was. 

"Don't worry, we can still get her back," Cormac said. 

"What are you talking about she's dead?" I said harsher than I meant to but I wasn't in the mood to be polite. 

"So was I at one point and here I stand. Just trust in her." He really wasn't making much sense.

"What?" My confusion was clear. 

"She has a journey to take, and she will be back." He planted a seed of hope. 

"So what do we do?" I asked hoping there was something I could do besides sitting in my own despair. 

"We go to the Order, and we help her." He said with a tone that implied I was dumb. Instead of getting mad I got up and made myself move back to Starvation Heights. 

I will see you soon Theresa I vowed. 

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