Here's, Stitches!

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I paced the living room, trying to recite the passage for the millionth time in my head. Xander was on the hunt for the candles, herbs and other odds and ends that I needed. Casey was trying to find a back up summoning spell, she wasn't having much luck. None of us were very fond of the summoning we had. Stitches was old, so we had to assume he was powerful. We weren't sure if he was still human, he sure didn't look it last time I saw him.

I didn't want to ask for Papa's help and without it I was heading down a dark path.

No worries, I wasn't planning on staying on it for too long. I tried to reassure myself that it was better than letting Papa know I lost a book already. Ma'ii lifted her head off her paws and stared at the door, she had grown tired of pacing with me.

I was getting tired of hearing my shoes squeak on the floor every couple steps.

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, squeak.


My other brain decided to make it into a song. She was gleeful, I could almost feel her dancing about my mind. She for whatever reason loved the idea of summoning a great big old powerful demon -possibly-.

You might ask yourself why and to be quite frank, she's fucked in the head.

Yes, I realize this is my mind I'm talking about, but the truth is the truth.
I'm fucked in the head.

Casey appeared into my line of sight, interrupting my thoughts.

"Did you find anything else?" I asked in a rush. Feeling hope raise just a little.

Just to have it dashed as her head dropped and she shook it no.       

We collasped on the couch together, defeated by the day. Good thing was we only had a few hours left. Casey found the remote and turned the TV on. She channel surfed, landing on a show I had yet to learn about. It was mid-way through, I wasn't even going to try to pay attention.

Was I making a mistake? Maybe I should wait and see if the book returns?

No, no. My other brain cooed at me. Reminding me, I didn't really have time for this.

With the meeting for James, pressure from both Xander and Papa. I was dying to get this over with. If I needed to know.

Casey distracted me enough to get me to eat dinner. I laid down shortly after, I had read resting before heavy spellwork was beneficial. I need all the energy I could muster.

After food, I decided we needed extra protection. Also I wanted an excuse to not have to suffer through more if this mindless show. I got off the couch with a plan.

Heading to my room, with Ma'ii in tow. As she got comfortable on my bed, I grabbed one of the new books I got. It was on all different kinds of charms.

It couldn't hurt to make us protection charms, right?

I don't really care about myself, but I won't let anything to happen to my friends. Determination steeling my resolve, I gathered all my materials. Ma'ii tried to help by biting at things as I set them up in how I was use them.

Between the two task; making and gaurding the charms, I had killed a decent amount of time.

A knock cut through my room, as I was dumping the leftovers into my side table draw.

"Yeah, come in." I didn't need to know who was on the other side, before I grabbed a bag. They were all happened to be green.

Hopefully they brought us luck.

Xander poked his head in.

"Wanna join me for a movie?* After a slightly awkward pause. "Casey's taking a nap, she wants me to wake her when it's time." He explained, growing more unsure and awkward as he went. Rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the floor, while he waited for my answer.

"Sure, did you have one in mind?" When we have the chance to watch a movie, he lets me pick. I picked solely off the covers, don't even bother with reading the back. I learned that this isn't the best way to pick.

We ended up watching "The Green Lantern". Which lead to Xander's constant mention of a superhero movie marathon. "One day " He says and cletches his chest, dramatically, every time it's brought up.

"I do. It's a Comedy, a kids movie that you missed. One of my favorites." His face was lit with happiness.

As I was passing him, I pressed the charm bag into his hand.

"Just put that in you pocket." Without hesitation or question he listened.

A few minutes later, us, Ma'ii, a blanket and a large bowl of extra buttery popcorn, were parked infront of the TV. The DVD menu for "Jumanji'  was waiting for us to press play. We did and I was taken on a magical ride.
This was one of the first movies, I actually enjoyed from start to end. I typically get bored at one point. By the end of the movie, I was cuddling Xander and Ma'ii was on my legs.

"We need to have a Robin Willis marathon, one day." I mused, I felt him chuckle.

"Robin Williams, sweetie." He gently corrected me. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"We will, Bubbles." He promised. That's was new, was that what they call a pet name? He left me to deal with my thoughts. "Now I have to wake her up, it's almost 11." He said as he went to her room. I could hear her grumbling all the way from here.

She wasn't happy that it was show time. Neither was I.

I got up, stretched, let Ma'ii out on the lead, someone had gotten her today. Next I folded the blanket and turned off the tv.

Xander rushed out of Casey's room, looking at the front door.

Yup, she's chased me off. She's so hateful when you wake her up. I went to the kitchen, banging on her door as I passed. I quickly slipped out the kitchen.

Now she'd have no choice but to come out here and help. I knew damn well, she wasn't going to miss out on a chance to yell at me or anyone for that matter. 

She's been testy lately, well, more than usual. I left the back door open, no use in closing it. Xander came shifting a box around in his arms, trying to see around it.

He placed it beside on the ground, I was too busy staring at the stars. Even when in town it was still breathtaking.

"I've always loved the stars, the beauty of the night sky." I found some peace amongst the stars.

One more stolen glance and I set on to the task before me.

Casey joined us, long enough to whisper yell at me. We did not want the neighbors seeing what we were doing. Hell, Casey was even making Xander cut the grass, in hopes there will be no evidence tomorrow.

I placed a large circle if alternating dark blue and white candles. I picked white for protection, or peaceful. Blue was simply because I hoped he liked it. 

I grabbed the white spray paint, Xander really thought of everything. I need to put a sigil I believed to be his. It had to be in the center of the circle I made.  My family's crest came to mind, trusting me gut and closing my eyes, I started spraying. It wasn't exact, a little rough around the edges but it would do.

Had no choice by this point.

Xander took out the cup and whiskey. We had to have something to offer, right away.  Casey placed that incense sticks into the ground. I made sure to remind her to keep the grass away from them. Earning me a murderous look in return.

I looked on my phone we had about ten minutes to light everything and get in front of the circle. Passing out boxes of matches, we all got to work. After carefully pouring and placing a shot in front of the sigil.

Casey, Xander and I all kneeled infront of the circle. Everything smelling of Cedar, I have no idea why I picked that incense.  One more stolen glance at my phone.

One minute till midnight, I leaned back a bit on my heels. I stared at the stars one more time.

A hush fell over us and the nature life joined in. I had gotten use to almost constant drone of insects. It was a bit unnerving to hear silence around us. 

I decided it was better to stay kneeling down, bowing my head, ND joining hands with the others.

"I call upon, at this midnight hour, Cormac the Seer!" I really didn't know what else to say. I focused and pulling him from where ever he was.

I squeezed the others hands, hoping I was conveying that they should join in with me.  Everything I read said chanting was the way to go. 

That's what we did, it took me saying it a few times before they joined me, I'm just glad they did.  Would have been awkward otherwise.

After what felt like an hour of chanting. The wind picked up a bit, making my already dry lips, worse.  My perched tongue, offering nothing. 
The wind was whipping my hair around, into my face.  It a got chilly, not "I need a jacket cold" but cooler than a few seconds ago.

Dread rose up from somewhere deep, my gut screaming at me to run, fast and far away. 

A toxic, pungent odor wofts from within the circle, I don't remember him having that smell before.

Panic seized my heart, then pushed the poor thing into overdrive.

What if I summoned the wrong being?

It was a gamble I had to take.

The ground shook, a small temor at first. That silenced my thoughts. I pushed through with the chant. I at least wanted to finish the verse we were saying.

Goosebumps, formed all over my arms, I desperately wanted to rub some warmth into my arms.  I was regretting my tank top now.

Stealing glances at the others, as the quiet grew between us. They looked just as uneasy as I felt.

The dread and tension is overwhelming, I wanted to run away.

I'm paralyzed, by fear, or something else entirely.

Casey is crushing my hand, I'm probably doing the same to Xander. I try to relex my grip, nothing, still clenching his hand.

Thunder rumbled somewhere off in the distance.  We were use to storms here, but it sounds off, somehow.

There was no lightening, anywhere my eye could see, I swiveled my head around, not unlike an owl.

Another rumble, closer.

Much closer. 

My heart is banging around my ribcage, trying to burst out and run for me. 

Another rumble, the ground shook with this one. The wind picked up, stinging my eyes. Leaving me no choice but to close my eyes.

The rumbles and wind grew, to an almost maddening level. The ground shook and rocked under me.

Thunder boomed, at a deafening level. All of us let go of each other to dover our ears. Through my hands, I still heard a monterous crack, followed by a loud ripping. I stole a peek, there was a shadow standing in the middle of the circle. In the mist of a giant dust cloud. They were hovering above a massive crater.

Guess the shot is gone.

All the wind stopped, instantly. The quiet that followed, felt hollow. The rumble stopped too, I guess it wasn't a storm, after all.

The dust is settling, I could see the shadow taking more of a man's shape. I was almost certain we got Stitches. The others were still hands over ears, head bowed, eye shut. They had no idea, we had summon, someone.

I took a deep breath and sent a quick prayer that I did call Stitches.

Tapping the others, they moved and looked up, Casey gasped and gripped my arm.

I just stared straight ahead.

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