The Order of Me?

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I was sitting there facing a Cormac who was looking increasingly more human the more time he spent out of the circle. I couldn't stop myself from eyeing him suspiciously as my mind danced, doing it's best to skirt around the information he just shared. I could feel anger building, almost like my other brain was just stroking the fire. I knew I would be pissed once I had Xander cornered. He was gracious enough to wander far away with my father and Cormac in a huddled group. 

I started trying to take a deep breath and face this "obstacle" -Dr. Maria told me to call stressful events that- and decided it was easier to just accept it at face value. If my life has taught me anything it has been that adaption is key.   I want to live and if for whatever reason a Goddess cursed me to death hundreds of years ago, I have to endure this. That outweighs being pissed off at everyone. I can deal with everyone and their betrayals or whatever that once I won. 

I'm surprising myself left and right tonight. A smile crept up on my face at me reflecting my current personal growth. Instead of just indulging the broken parts of me I squared my shoulders. I had to read the books I have been pushing off this whole time.  I need to be adult about and learn everything I can. 

After all, I was facing a Goddess. 

"Cormac!?" I randomly blurted out. His head whipped around to me so I guess I have no choice but to ask him now. 

"What kind of Goddess is Sigyn?" His jaw dropped, his eyes glazed over as he just blankly stared at me. I think I am already on the thinnest ice possible before I asked him this. His face started to contort into furrowed eyebrows and angry lines. 

"Did you not read anything?" He thundered. I caught a quick flash of how he looked when I first met him. Fleeting moment thank goodness. 

"Seriously girl, I have dedicated more time than you can even imagine to you and you couldn't bother to give me a few hours?" I would have had to be deaf to miss the hurt in his voice. I'm starting to see the family resemblance, the erratic mood swings. 

"Foolish. I know you've lost one. Perhaps the most important one at that." He sounded almost bored with this, it could be me. I could have caused something to snap deep within him. 

Also, I really wanted to ask him why he was getting more normal looking. His skin has a natural color and parlor now. His hair is almost revitalized. 

"I have a lot of questions and I want to learn because well I want to live a life worth living. But, I need you guys to know I'm pretty pissed at the lot of you and I'm also going to need space. So if you could all leave and we start tomorrow that would be great." I know I was rambling rather long-windedly and that I cut off Cormac as he was just rallying up into an awesome lecture. 

Casey took this moment to be the best friend that I always knew she was. 

"You heard her boys clear out. Come back in the morning." I hadn't noticed her joining us but I was thankful for her anyway.  Ma'ii wasn't far behind bless her she put herself between me and Cormac. She kept her eyes locked on him she sat on her back hunches and waited. She gave me a quick glance over her shoulder, I got the hint. 

Before I could stand something heavy appeared in my lap. Looking down I saw that it was a book. A rather large red leather bound book much larger than any of the others. I instantly fell in love with its dark shade of red covering and was drawn to reading it. I knew who gave it to me and I knew why. 

Too bad I was petty and couldn't bring myself to thank him right now. Maybe next week, or never. 

"Goodnight guys." Was all I said as I left my chair and them behind. Ma'ii was at my heels and Casey at my elbow.  She steered me onto the couch and then just left me to my own devices. 

I peeked into the book. I was expecting typed words on the page and instead, I found it to be handwritten.  Of course, it is. Cormac doesn't mess around.  I couldn't help myself as I ran my fingers across the page. I could feel all the little indents on the page. That brought me an odd sense of joy. 

The first few pages were basically telling what Cormac showed me. A beautiful woman randomly showed up in his village and started attending the lessons he offered. One night she grew bold and threw herself at him, once he rejected her and she revealed she was a Goddess. 

I couldn't help but wonder how in love with his wife he must have been.  Which almost lead me down a Xander path I didn't want to go down right now. Cormac's book wasn't actually holding my interest but I forced myself to work through its pages. 

I finally got done the first chapter. I double checked the book index - it was like a complete textbook- it also had references to I'm guessing some of the other books I have. I skipped to the chapter labeled Sigyn. Chapter four I figured that would be chapter two but it is not. 

After the rather snippy introduction, I found most of the answers I needed. Sigyn was the wife of Loki he caused the death of their two sons -one literally the other more metaphorically. Despite all that, she sat with him and protected him as much as she could from the poison of a snake. He repaid her faithfulness by running off when he was finally free.  The hurt and betrayal sent her on her descent into madness, and that's how I wound up cursed. 

Or at least that's my working theory. 

I backtracked to chapter two, now that I had an idea of who was after me. I shouldn't feel so disconnected from the context. 

Reality finally made sense again.  I was starting to grow bored again. So I went back to the index. 

6: Your inner Seer. Caught my attention I turned to that page. It was a very interesting chapter it broke down the different ways our family has had their powers manifested. It was rumored -I hope- that I would have them all at some point. I dog eared the page for further reading. Deciding it was time for a little snack and bed. Grilled cheese sounds really good right about now. 

I stretched and eyed the cable box on the entertainment center trying to read the time. Ew three AM, I got up and quietly tiptoed into the kitchen. Clutching the book to my chest as if in some way that would enhance my stealth. I was hesitant to leave the book on the counter didn't want it disappearing again.  I was bent in the fridge doorway digging for foodstuff to make my sandwich.  I stood up and turned to put my back towards the fridge's open door, not paying much mind to what's behind me. I set the cheese and butter on the counter and reached up into the cupboard for a plate.  Turning to grab the bread and a knife. 

I am startled by Casey just standing there watching me. I stood there clutching my fist to my chest. My face was screwed up to give her a hateful look. 

 "What? I snapped, my hands now on my hips. 

"Go pack a bag we have to leave. James called." The unenthusiastic tone to her voice was not lost. I glanced back behind me. 

"Can I at least make my sandwich first?" I truly was hungry and it would probably be a while before the convoy would stop. 

"If you can be already by the time Xander gets here," she turned to go back to her room. "Oh don't go making that face, you gotta suck it up. He was just trying to protect you. We all are." The sincerity in her tone helped kick in the fact that she too was a part of it. She was out of sight before my brain could form even a single complete thought. 

I cried as I made my grilled cheese and as I packed my bag. I had pulled myself together by the time Xander was knocking on the door. Book in hand and Ma'ii in toe I left my home ready to face James.

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