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Author :: chloboshoka

Reviewer :: athenaxglamour_

First Impression :: 12/20

The first impression of this book wasn't too good because of its cover and confusing blurb. Let's jump into the review to find out more about it. 

» Cover :: 4/10

Not so attractive from a reader's point of view. I didn't even feel an urge to read the book. It wasn't giving me intriguing vibes because it was too plain and doesn't excite me to read the story. 

1) explicit or direct view (the basics)

From a direct view, your cover is exploring all three basics - picture, title, and author name. No major issue in this area as these three things are very important on any cover. 

2) implicit or indirect view (how this cover relates to the book?) 

Definitely, the story revolves around two men: Dal Gong-gi and Gang Taeyang. The cover is covering the implicit view of the plotline too. But the thing is, this cover doesn't fall under "attractiveness" and all. 

↱❛ Reviewer's tip ::  I recommend changing this cover. You can order a nice cover from some cover shop on wattpad. I am not sure if you are okay with my suggestion, but not all of us have expertise in graphic designing. Please consider my tip as a suggestion. 

» Title :: 5/5

After reading your book up until now, I can say that this title is matching to your plot, completely relevant and raises curiosity because of its uniqueness. Taeyang is more prominent in the book so this title is clear and simple. No other title would be suitable for this book. 

↱❛ Reviewer's tip :: No changing is required here, but I believe you should remove that Korean word from the cover. I think it's the Korean word for Taeyang, but it's not quite creative because not everyone understands Korean. 

» Blurb :: 3/5

There is nothing bad about your blurb when it comes to grammar because your grammar is very polished. But it's quite confusing for the readers who are reading it for the first time. For example: 

[Together they must convince the world that they (are) madly in love as part of their management's marketing plan.] I think you had to write "are" before madly because without it, these lines are quite confusing. 

As far as no technical area is concerned, you have got a nice conflict, characters, stakes etc. No doubt, the blurb is very intriguing. But the setting of the book is missing out. 

↱❛ Reviewer's tip :: Here is some information on four elements of a blurb. Mainly three elements are necessary in any blurb, but you can have a look at them for a better understanding. 

- Characters: Who are the people of your book? What are their names? What kind of personality do they possess (in few words)? 

- Conflict: What is the main problem that needs to be resolved in your book? Is this a case of murder? Is this a marriage that is faked to save a family? Is there any monster who is trying to possess the land of ice? 

- Stakes: Very confusing yet so important. It's where you sign a contract with your readers that what can go wrong if the conflict (main issue) isn't resolved? The consequences of a decision. 

- Setting: When your story is taking place? Is this the time of ancient Roman or Greece? Is it a modern tragedy? Or we have 2020 with a lot of romantic or non romantic touch? Tell it to your readers as it will help them imagine a better scenario for your book. 

Beginning of a new start :: 7/10

The beginning of a book tells everything about your creativity in the book. As far as the first four chapters of your book are concerned, they are good in grammar, character introduction, and overview of the plot. We are given all the basic information about the plot, the characters etc. But I think the beginning of this book lacks creativity, description, and flow. 

↱❛ Reviewer's tip :: You should add some brief introduction of the characters before starting the actual chapters. You can take the help of quotations to introduce the characters. It's a mere suggestion. 

Concept and plot :: 20/25

The plot is amazing, original, and the creativity of your mind flows through your words. I believe you started out very well but still I couldn't find much of a moment in the book so far. I guess it's because you are still writing this book so we can't conclude it for now. The concept and the idea screams originality and realism for sure. Every event flows naturally and smoothly. 

↱❛ Reviewer's tip:: I will recommend reading "Aristotle's structure of a plot" on Google. It will enhance your mind more so that this book is perfect. This structure will help you understand where should you stop, then pause then take a step ahead. Again, just a mere suggestion. 

Characters and emotions :: 10/15

I see you are mainly focusing on Dal Gong-gi and his life story. His character development is very good but Taeyang, somehow, is left alone in the development. The plot is still going on, and I believe you will introduce his character more. I want to see Taeyang and his life's story more. As a writer, your focus shouldn't be on one lead character but on the other lead too. 

↱❛ Reviewer's tip :: Provide more background story on Taeyang. I believe your book is still ongoing so it will be easy to write more about him in the next chapters. 

Tone and style :: 8/10

I believe your writing style is very simple yet so welcoming. The tone of the characters is changing from cheerful to pessimistic; clearly showing off their moods. The point of view is consistent and there is no irrelevant information regarding characters, places, and events. Don't doubt yourself, just be a little more descriptive in your style and language. 

↱❛ Reviewer's tip :: Try using sensuous imagery and poetic tone in your language. It attracts readers more than a simple writing style. 

Grammar :: 16/20

Your tenses are consistent, and your punctuation errors are less frequent to repeat. I was trying so hard to find any major grammar errors but I found nothing but one issue and that was the wrong usage of punctuation in verbal tags. 

1) verbal tags 

When dialogues are followed by words like, "said" then we use a comma (,) before closing the quotation. Notice the following example from your book. But if dialogues are followed by words like "yelled" and "ran" or any action verb then you will use a period (.) before closing the quotation. In some places, you are using this rule right. But in other places, it's wrong. 

↱❛ Reviewer's tip :: Just work on verbal tags, and I believe you know the basics of grammar very well so you don't need any editing from an editor. Good job! 

Overall: Original plot but needs some more work on plot and characters. Make your writing style more aesthetic and appealing. Simplicity is great but people are usually attached to aesthetics. 

Total :: 73/100

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