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Writer :: BelMane2271

Reviewer :: jjkluvskthvk

Title :: Strangers

Cover :: 8/10

Your cover is simple yet beautiful. I, especially, like the Jungkook outline. It perfectly matches the font of the title. It doesn’t look too crowded, which just hurts the eyes, and sometimes, simplicity is enough to attract the readers’ attention. However, while it does slightly imply what your book might be about, it’s not enough to be fully relevant to your story. Another thing is that the black background makes it a little harder to concentrate on the cover. Other than this, your cover is perfect and pleasing to the eyes!

Title :: 3/5

Your title is spot on! It perfectly matches the concept of your story, which is about two strangers meeting unexpectedly and falling in love. While your title isn’t exactly unique, it doesn't really matter because it’s enough to make people curious and bring them in.

Synopsis :: 1/10

I loved how you used quotes in your synopsis. Things like this always attract the readers. However, they are rather confusing. How do your quotes relate to your story? Is it supposed to be funny or does it have a deeper meaning? While you have used them, I don’t really think they are doing the job you want them to, especially if you have used them to attract readers, because they'll only be leaving them confused. Not to mention, your description feels incomplete. As a reader, I want to know the theory and who the characters are. Not too much in detail, but enough to make me want to stay and continue reading. I want to make sure that the book I'll be reading is worth it, in a sense.

Plot :: 4/30

Your story falls short in many things. First of all, it is a cliché love story. This fact can be sometimes overlooked because some people still love the hype love stories bring. However, there are still many others out there who are looking for some spice that your book doesn’t provide. If you want more readers, you should think of more unique plots that are not overused, especially since Wattpad is filled with cliché stories. Your story started well. However, you really did lose me because of how cliché it was. I, myself, love to read romance stories but if they don’t interest me, I wouldn’t hesitate to stop reading. And I’m sure that others feel the same too. The only thing I probably liked about your story was the ending. I was expecting Jungkook to say sorry and patch up with the girl but instead, he broke up with her, leaving her heartbroken. It legit screamed out the message that “happy endings are not always possible”.

Characters :: 1/10

I have no words. There is no description of the characters, their actions nor their dialogue, whatsoever. This makes it harder to really empathize with them and harder to understand what is going on as well. Just as your plot, your characters are undeveloped. You need to plan out these things before you start writing. You need a good plot and interesting characters to keep your readers hooked. I found the characters plain boring and the main character, especially annoying because she could see the change in Jungkook’s behavior yet she still chose to ignore it. Like, does she have no self-respect? Girls really do need to stand up for themselves. You can’t be going around making them weak and just pure brainless because this would trigger several of your readers. Overall, I just want to say that you need to make your characters realistic to make your readers relate to them.

Grammar :: 1/25

I’m going, to be honest here. I know you said beforehand in your author’s notes that you have purposefully changed the grammar and punctuation. But, sweetheart, that’s not how it works. Every writing needs at least some form of correct grammar for it to make sense. If you want your book to be recognized and gain more readers, you need to deliver it in a way that has a good impact on them. It needs to leave behind a lasting, positive impression. Like I mentioned earlier, your plot is cliché, but if it was executed properly with correct grammar, it would have been much, much better.

Writing Style :: 1/10

I’m not exactly a fan of your writing style. While you do have short paragraphs which makes it easier for the readers to follow along, this is neglected by the fact that you don’t have proper sentence structuring, your dialogue is just plain dull and your story does not flow well. This is similar to your grammar and punctuation. The writing style is an important aspect of your story. It needs to be unique in a way that it’s yours but remains legible. I would like to mention here that your story was rushed, like a lot. I understand that you wanted to keep it short, however, it felt as though you were stating the scenes rather than letting it flow. You need at least some form of description, to the characters, to the setting, to the situation itself, for the readers to stay captivated and informed.

I’m not going to sugarcoat my words and say that I enjoyed reading your story. I am going to be blunt; I didn’t like it, for various reasons, especially the ones mentioned above. You had too many grammar and punctuation mistakes that just made me want to give up reading. You could have used the correct form which would have made your story bearable but because you didn’t, it felt as if it was a waste of time. Your vocab was plain; you could have used interesting, unique words which could have made your story better, but, again, you didn’t. Cliché stories are fine, many books on Wattpad are cliché and yet people still read them. What made your book outright tedious was that you had many chances of ‘fixing’ it but you chose not to.

Total :: 19/100

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