Demon 1: Go Fight Demonrangers

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Jessica was reading a book. It's been weeks since they became Demonrangers. Insector was training with Lightos. Darkos, Fireos, Hydros and Ghostor went to get food for everyone. Rotos, Earthos and Timeros was relaxing.

Timeros said,"They are taking too long."

"Calm down Timeros-niisan," Jessica said while reading her book.

Timeros sighs. Rotos stomach growls. Lightos and Insector was still training. Earthos saw someone walked up to them.

Earthos said,"Uncle Kaiser."

Kaiser said,"Hey."

Jessica looks at Kaiser.

Kaiser asked,"Where's Darkos?"

"He went with Fireos-niisan, Hydros-niisan and Ghostor-niisan to get some food," Jessica said before continue reading her book.

Kaiser said,"Ok. I'll wait here until they come back."

Minutes later, Darkos, Fireos, Hydros and Ghostor came back with food.

Kaiser said,"Son."

Darkos looks at Kaiser and said,"Hey Dad."

Kaiser said,"I need to tell you this but you're having a younger sibling."

Everyone except Kaiser was shocked.

Darkos said,"I'm going to be a big brother."

Kaiser nods. Darkos smiles. Kaiser smiles.

Kaiser said,"See you son."

Darkos said,"Later Dad."

Jessica said,"Tell Aunt Wendy that I said hi."

Kaiser said,"I will."

Darkos asked,"Can I name my sibling once it's born?"

Kaiser nods. Darkos smiles. Kaiser leaves. Jessica went back to reading her book

Dark Demon King's lair

Demon Hunter said,"Master, It's a good time to attack the humans."

Dark Demon King said,"Alright."

Demon Knight leaves with an army of Demon Fighters.

The city

Demon Hunter and the army of Demon Fighters arrives then started attacking the city. People started running.

Demon Hunter laughed,"Scream you foolish humans!"

Someone said,"Stop!"

Demon Hunter looks around. Jessica, Darkos, Hydros, Earthos, Lightos, Timeros, Fireos, Earthos, Ghostor, Rotos and Insector arrived. Demon Hunter looks at them.

Demon Hunter asked,"Who are you?!"

Jessica said,"We are the Demonrangers."

Demon Hunter yelled,"You bastards!!"

Fireos asked,"Ready guys?"

They said,"Yeah."

Jessica, Darkos, Hydros, Earthos, Lightos, Timeros, Fireos, Earthos, Ghostor, Rotos and Insector took out their Demon Changers.

Demonrangers said,"Demon Dragon Great Change!"

They opened dragon's mouth as it breaths out a color smoke which turned into a dragon. As the dragon reaches the Demonrangers, the Demonrangers' original forms appears and the Demonrangers suits appeared. The Demonrangers' original forms put their hands on the the Demonrangers' body as the original forms turned into a helmet. Demon Hunter was shocked.

“Power of the Flame Spirit, Demon Red!” Fireos said.

“Power of the Time Spirit, Demon Orange!” Timeros said.

“Power of the Ghost Spirit, Demon White!” Ghostor said.

“Power of the Water Spirit, Demon Blue!” Hydros said

“Power of the Light Spirit, Demon Yellow!” Lightos said.

“Power of the Earth Spirit, Demon Bronze!” Earthos said.

“Power of the Rotting Spirit, Demon Brown!” Rotos said.

“Power of the Insect Spirit, Demon Green!” Insector said.

“Power of the Demon Queen Spirit, Demon Purple!” Jessica said.

“Power of the Dark Spirit, Demon Black!" Darkos said.

Fireos said,"With the power of the ancient demon spirits! Seishin Sentai!"

"Demonrangers!" The Demonrangers said.

Demon Hunter growled,"You pesky Demonrangers!! Go Demon Fighters!"

The Demon Fighters began charging at the Demonrangers. Fireos took out a spear.

Fireos said,"Flame Demon Spear."

"Time Demon Axe," Timeros said as he took out his axe.

Hydros said while taking out his weapon,"Water Demon Dagger."

Ghostor said as he took his weapon,"Ghost Demon Scythe."

"Queen Demon Sword," Jessica said while taking out her sword.

"Rot Demon Staff," Rotos said while taking out his weapon.

"Insect Demon Bow," Insector said while taking out his weapon.

"Earth Demon Tonfa," Earthos said while taking out his weapon.

"Light Demon Mace," Lightos said while taking out the mace.

"Dark Demon Lance," Darkos said while taking out the lance.

Everyone attacked the Demon Fighters.

Demonrangers said,"Demon Blaster!"

The Demonrangers took out their Demon Blasters. The Demon Blasters looked dragon like. The Demonrangers shot the Demon Fighters. Demon Hunter growls. Demon Hunter left after the Demon Fighters was destoryed. The Demonrangers went to the Demon Sentai Organization HQ.

Demon Sentai Organization HQ

Barco said,"Welcome back."

Jessica said,"Hey Dad."

Megumi walked up to them with a cake.

Megumi said,"This is for all of you for your first fight as Demonrangers."

Fireos said,"Thank you, Mother."

Milo, Fubuki, Kaiser, Wasabi, Wendy and Nero walked up to them. Everyone began taking pieces of the cake and started celebrating.

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