Royals of Glass {Selecting}

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Prince Asher Charming { Son of Cinderella and Prince Charming }

Age: {24}

Personality : He's a duplicitous character, a quote that sums him up is by the amazing Lady Macbeth "Look like the innocent flower, be the serpent under it." He will act all sweet to you on the outside, acting like you're his friend, he will be one of those princes who'll eliminate without hesitation as he loves using his power to get what he want. Got a sad back story? He doesn't care, all he cares about is how you treat him and others. Good luck trying to crack this tough cookie.

Appearence :

Blonde hair that he likes to keep neatly in place and bright emerald green eyes.

Likes :

Being in control, being respected, having power and looking down on imbeciles and people less powerful than him. He also likes taking walks through the garden, the peace and quiet. He likes reading and drawing.


Asher grew up with his sister in the Kingdom of Glass, side by side they were raised knowing that they were royalty and thus, better then anyone else.

Hobbies : 

This cold and sadistic character likes reading and can actually sing. He doesn't like singing in front of others, though. He also likes drawing and sword fighting.Dislikes : Not being in control, being told what to do, being proved wrong. He also dislikes anything sweet as he just doesn't like sweet things. Don't get him to drink any alcohol, he hates drinking alcohol or anything that will make him drunk.

Played by: Sapphieplays

Princess Katherine charming{ Son of Cinderella and Prince Charming }

Age {16}

Look: auburn hair with strawberry bling highlights. Her eyes are a dark cloudy blue with a dark gray mixed into it. She wears a lot of makeup too maybe too much on the mascara

Personality: she your typical princess rebel. Kat is always looking to stir up trouble and acts angry most of the time. Her is a pretty closed off solo girl. She can be really flirty and challenging. She doesn't stop till she gets what she wants with her determination. She curses a lot. It's just her nature


Not a lot. She cares for her brother and animals but that's a bout it.. she likes terrorizing the shy kids especially. L she loves surrounding herself with nature. It's a part of her soul. Loud noises make her happy but she doesn't mind silence either.


Basically everything, she doesn't like bright colors and chatty pretty girls who try to be everything they aren't. It annoys her to pieces. she doesn't like losing arguments and hates being stuck indoors. Itgets her stressed out and moody.


Katherine grew up with his sister in the Kingdom of Glass, side by side they were raised knowing that they were royalty and thus, better then anyone else.

Other: She fears: she is afraid to fall in love. The feeling is a bit foreign to her and prefers to just love her family. Anyone else isn't in her agenda.

Played by: EpicMorninglory

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