Prince Ivan

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Name: Ivan
Age: 18
Sexuality: Pansexual
Looks: Curly black hair that has the tendency to fall in front of his face when he is extremely focused, distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, pale skin and eyes that are bluer than an unpolluted ocean. Compared to most, he's quite tall and has a wiry frame that makes him seem more of a graceful person.
Personality: Sarcastic, sweet and can be too romantic for his own good. He tends to make sure those around him are happy before he could concern himself. He likes to make sure that no one is sad.
Likes: Winter, rain, reading, the quiet, music, having conversations with people, the dark, being at peace, sports.
Dislikes: Summer, the ocean, people who take advantage of others, being bored, when he's reminded of unpleasant memories, when he cannot make those around him happy.
Flaws: Doesn't worry about himself; isn't the best at math; tends to worry about the smallest of things.
Backstory: Doesn't want anyone to know
Secrets: He doesn't really care for himself, he's embarrassed about how he acted as a child.
Other: N/A
Played by: RxseSxciety

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