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This is going to be here so hopefully people will read it. This is NOT in Illéa. There are no provinces and no caste. You pick which world your OC is from.

1.) Please make your character unique. Have character diversity. If you want a Hispanic character have one, if you want an Asian character make it.

2.) Please read every chapter I put up before making a form. It's there to help you.

3.) To spice it up a bit each kingdom has a few characteristics that are normally found in its people. Please put at least 1 in your form.

4.) Certain chapters have passwords. You must comment the password for that chapter on that chapter.

Now for the regular RP rules that everyone knows yet I feel I have to put them here.

1.) Hate the character not the roleplayer.

2.) Third person please. The author decided not to put an example, she was more than sure they knew what to do.

3.) No god mode. (Don't control People's Character! I had this happen in my last rp, I will call you out.)

4.) No smut.

5.) Cussing is allowed. Censor it, don't do a lot of it and no F word.

6.) No Mary sues! I mean it. I want brutally honest people, and mean girls, and people with mistakes.

7.) I can not say this enough. This is the most important rule.

Password: Your favorite show

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