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"Jimin, are you ready? Let's go!"

Jimin took a last glance of himself in front of the old rusty full length mirror inside his room before taking his stuff with him and going downstairs, finding his mom who is already standing at the doorstep.

His mom smiled at him, "You look lovely hun, don't worry."

"Thanks." Jimin smiled back, closing the door before following his mom who is now walking ahead of him.

"We will soon buy a car, okay?" Mrs. Park said when she noticed that her son is looking at the cars they pass by adoringly.

Jimin shook his head, "No need, mom. The bus is okay."

The small talks continue until they reach the bus stop. Jimin practiced speaking  the whole morning just to stop his stuttering. He succeeded even though he knows that he will have huge adjustments to do once he goes to the univeristy.

It was the right timing since there is a bus waiting to get full. The both of them found a good seat at the middle and they settled in there.

"We will fix your documents today at the university and hopefully tomorrow will be your first day." Mrs. Park said, making Jimin smile in excitement. 

Jimin nods his head, "I cannot wait, mom."

They finally reach the university and when the both of them entered inside, the pink haired guy can't help but to be in awe because of the enormous and beautiful surroundings.

Jimin can't help but to feel excited and nervous at the same time. It's a first time in a while ever since he last joined a large group of people. The nervousness is overpowering the excitement that he is feeling but he is still trying his best to calm, he needs to adjust. 

"Just wait in here, I'll go to the main office to talk to the principal. Alright?" His mom said, motioning for him to take a seat first at the bench.

He nods and gave a smile, reassuring his mom that he will just stay there and will not go anywhere. Well, he doesn't even know the place yet so why would he bother?

Knowing that the waiting will be a little longer than the usual, he brought out his favorite pocket book from his backback to kill time. Reading will always be Jimin's favorite.

When he was about to flip the page to the next chapter, someone accidentally tripped in front of him which makes the person fell down flat on the floor. Jimin jolts up from his seat, making him drop his book, just to help the stranger who tripped out of the blue. 

"Ah, damn it. My fries!" The stranger complained when he pushed himself up from the floor as he look frustratedly over his flavored fries that splattered on the floor.

Jimin tapped the stranger's shoulder and offered a hand to help him.

"Thanks but I'm good," The said latter stand up and straighten out his shirt that became kinda wrinkled, "I supposed you're new in here. You are a new face around."

Jimin nods his head, "Yes. I am actually new to this place."

The stranger smiled, showing him a kind of box smile that seems to glow brightly, making Jimin smiles back at him.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you! But just call me Taehyung." The said guy gave out his hand and Jimin shook it lightly.

"Likewise. I am Park Jimin."

"Oh," Taehyung exclaimed and laughs a bit, "Another Park in the campus!"

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked, clearly having no clue at all.

"You are like the hundredth Park I know. Well, of course that is just an exaggerated example. But here we have, Park Chanyeol hyung. Park Jung Soo hyung. Park Hyungsik hyung. Park..."

The Park list continues as Taehyung even use his fingers to count the names he is stating. Jimin can't help but to chuckle at how silly Taehyung is. It is as if he knew the people that he is telling him but he lets Taehyung continue, he seems very serious about it. 

"...and lastly, Park Bogum hyung. Then, you who is the newest Park in the university. Phew, that's a lot of Park to tell." Taehyung finished off as he dramatically wipes off a fake sweat on his forehead to add more comic to his act.

Jimin crack out a small laugh, "Mhm, I see. Thanks for informing me."

"My pleasure," Taehyung grinned, "Anyway, do you want to take a look around the university? It is my free time as of now and I can give you a quick tour around the campus."

Jimin thinks for a moment but he remembered that he have his phone with him and he can send a text to his mom, informing her that he will take a look around the campus with someone he just met. It's a good thing that he and his mom discussed recently about using the phone again – making it more convenient for them both.

"Sure, that would be nice."

And so, the touring starts – starting off from the school enormous park where Jimin noticed that there's a pack of students who are either chatting with each other, playing around, or just plainly taking a rest then to the places inside the university building.

There are actually three different buildings in the campus – one for high school students, then for college students, and a separate one for the teachers and administrative. But the both of them went inside the building for high school students since Taehyung just knew that they are both in the same year which is in the senior high.

"This is the lockers for us and I think that you'll have the empty one beside mine. The lockers are fine though and they are really conve– ouch!" The said tourist guide was interrupted when someone threw a paper ball to him.

"Jungkook, what do you want?" Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes.

Jimin looked at the guy that he called Jungkook and noticed his bunny smile as the said guy laughs at Taehyung's reaction. Jimin immediately knew that this guy is someone who is younger than the both of them.

"Nothing, hyung!" Jungkook chuckled and showed a big smile to Taehyung.

"Whatever," Taehyung snapped before faking a cough, "Anyway, Jimin this is Jungkook. He is two years younger than us, a sophomore. Jungkook, this is Jimin. He is new in here."

"Oh! Another hyung! Hi, Jimin hyung." Jungkook beamed before hugging Jimin.

Jimin took a mental note that this Jungkook can be clingy but it is fine since he understood that he is still young. But to be honest, Jungkook is tall enough to be considered as a senior though. 

Taehyung pulled Jungkook away from Jimin which makes the youngest pout at what Taehyung did. 

"Enough, kid. I am touring him." Taehyung said and glared at Jungkook but the younger just chuckle which is really adorable but Taehyung won't admit that. 

"Can I join the both of you?" Jungkook asked, looking at them with hopeful eyes. 

Taehyung looked at Jimin as if he is asking permission to him and at the same time telling him that this will not be a good idea. Jimin, being confused, just nods his head making Taehyung groan in annoyance and Jungkook jumped in happiness. 

"Yay! C'mon!" Jungkook exclaimed and took the lead in walking. 

The two older were left behind the excited bunny in front of them. Taehyung slapped his forehead and sighed, making Jimin look at him as if he's weird. He is slowly feeling guilty about saying yes to the offer. He thinks what he did is wrong. 

"What's the problem?" Jimin asked. 

Taehyung shook his head, "This kid is something, just a warning."

The touring continues as well as the bickering of Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin, then again, took a mental note that these two are like dog and cat. He cannot help but to laugh everytime they bicker in front of him. Taehyung will either roll his eyes or glare at him and Jungkook will always pout at his hyung's act. 

Jungkook is already used to Taehyung. The way Taehyung reacts makes him more eager to annoy him. 

"And finally, this is the school's cafeteria. How about we eat first?" Taehyung said as he took a look at his watch.

"Mhm, okay then. I'm hungry." Jimin said as he looks around the big cafeteria. 

The three of them ordered their own desired foods and found a good seat for them to settled as they take their rest. It is quite tiring but fun at the same time because of the great tourist guides that Jimin had (even if the two of them almost kill each other because of bickering too much). 

"Jimin-ah," Taehyung called out which made Jimin look at him, "I am just wondering how did you find out this university." 

"Yes, me too! I am also wondering how. Since it's already the second month of school year around and it is really seldom that someone enrolls around this time." Jungkook added before taking another spoonful of his mushroom soup. 

Jimin became flustered because of the reason why. Yoongi made his mom feel convinced to send him in here. Yoongi made a promise. Yoongi is actually the reason why he is inside the university. 

"Uhm... it's because of Yoongi hyung." Jimin simply said but that simple statement made the two of the choked on their own foods. 

Taehyung choked on his pizza while Jungkook got choked when he took another spoonful of his soup. Jimin hurriedly handed water to the two of them, making the glasses of water emptied in just seconds. 

"You mean, Min Yoongi?" Taehyung asked and looked at Jimin as if he grew two heads. 

"You mean the grumpy hyung who looks like he always had a dark cloud above him with thunders and lightnings?" Jungkook gasped. 

Jimin creased his brows because of confusion. He never thought that Yoongi is known especially for a reason like that. He never saw that side that Yoongi. Well, he may saw Yoongi frowning because of work but not grumpy everyday. 

"Uh.. yes, Min Yoongi hyung. He is not scary." Jimin protested but the two of them shook their heads immediately. 

"What do you mean 'not scary'? He is scary! It's a good thing that he's in the college building, not in here." Jungkook exclaimed, making Jimin more confused. 

Jimin frowned a bit as he repeated, "College building? Not in here?" 

"Wait up," Taehyung interrupted, "Just for you to know, he's a college sophomore. You seem close to him because you look kinda sad when Jungkook mentioned that he's in the college building and not here. What's the deal between you and him? 

Jimin, then again, became flustered at what Taehyung said. 

"I... well... we just know each other and that's it." Jimin simply said as he can feel his throat becoming dry, making him reach out for a glass of water which is infront of him. 

Jimin cannot tell people about it easily, especially if he just met the person. If he talks about it, he might spill everything and that is not his plan. He do not want anyone to know about his life outside the university. Maybe soon if this two will still stick to him all throughout the year, just not now. 

When Taehyung is about to complain about not having enough information, Jimin's phone rang making the three of them startled. The latter fished out his phone from his pocket and saw that his mom is calling. 

"Hello? Yes, mom. I will come back there, wait for me! Alright alright, see you." 

Jimin looked at the two apologetically, "I'm sorry. I need to go back to where my mom at and that is infront of the principal office. She is finished fixing my documents."

"Ah! It's okay! We will come with you, wait up." 

The three of them finished their meals in a hurry before making their way to where Taehyung and Jimin met. Or should I say, accidentally met. But that accident leads into a whole lot of things, making Jimin met two new friends which is Taehyung and Jungkook. And because he enjoyed his time with them, he felt guilty admitting that he nearly forgot about the fact that he is with his mom. 

"Mom, sorry for making you wait. This is Taehyung and Jungkook. They toured me around the campus." Jimin introduced and the two younger ones bowed at his mom. 

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Park. Sorry for kidnapping your child without your permission but here he is now. All safe and secured and still in one piece!" Taehyung said and smiled widely. 

"We gave him a really high quality tour around the campus, ma'am!" Jungkook added, showing his bunny smile again as he held up two thumbs up. 

Jimin and his mom can't help but to laugh at the act of these two. 

"It's fine! Thank you for being nice to my son. He'll start his first day in here tomorrow. I hope that the two of you will stick with him while he is in the university. The both of you look nice." Mrs. Park said, smiling softly. 

"Sure! We enjoyed his company too, so that would be no problem for us." Taehyung said again, still smiling since he really did enjoyed Jimin's presence. 

Jimin bid his goodbye before making his way out of the campus with his mom, he still needs to get his things ready for his first day tomorrow. But nevertheless, he can say that he is ready and he is more than grateful enough since he found friends that he can stick around while he is in the uni. 

"I'm sure that you'll go to the ice cream shop later, am I right?" Mrs. Park asked as he looked at Jimin.

Jimin raised his eyebrows in shock, "How did you know?" 

"You always go there. For sure, you'll tell a lot to Yoongi." 

He nods his head, admitting that he'll surely tell a lot to Yoongi. He also needs to confirm if he's really the "grumpy one" that the two talked about recently. 

Because if he is, he is ready to prove them wrong. 


Hello everybody! I'm sorry for always updating late but I swear, there are still more to unleash in this story. More twists, more informations, and the likes. Just wait and enjoy each moments because you'll never know what will happen next. Hehe. :-) ily all, stay happy my beautiful  angels!  

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