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Yoongi stopped writing the lyrics that are running in his mind as he put his headphones down when he saw a figure in front of him which happened to be one of his teachers. 

"Aren't you supposed to be in your class at this moment, Mr. Min?" His teacher asked, raising her drawn brows at him with arm crossed. 

Yoongi tried his best not to roll his eyes at her as he stood up, "I'm sorry, I didn't heard the bell." 

"Go to your class or else I'll send you to detention again." 

He didn't answer instead he put his headphones back as he walk inside the school building but Yoongi is Yoongi, once he didn't like his current class, he'll definitely not attend it. That's why he walked pass his classroom and went to the rooftop. 

He was really going to the rooftop in the first place but decided to go the school park instead as a change which became a wrong choice since one of his teachers caught him. 

The weather was quite nice today despite the sun which is shining too bright at this time. It's a good thing that there's a shady part of the rooftop for him to stay and kill time. Settling himself down, he continued writing the lyrics he was supposed to finish. 

Yoongi has a thing for music and happened to become a good lyricist. He wants to be a music producer, he wants the world to hear his music, but he told himself maybe that wasn't the life for him and that made him keep his music to himself. 

Time went fast and the next thing he knew, it's already dismissal. 

He removed his headphones and puts it inside his backpack along with his notebook and pen before making his way down. After huddling in the crowd, he finally exited the school grounds and he could breathe a lot more lighter. 

It isn't that he hated school, Yoongi loves learning a lot. In fact, he is one of the students who is really smart and can easily catch up missed lessons. 

It is just that he hated the people in his school which made him skip class often. 

Yoongi was drowned again in his thoughts for him to notice that he already arrived at the shop he is working. The shop's name is Yeppeo Ice Cream Shop which is owned by one of the kindest people he ever knew who is Kim Seokjin. 

"You look grumpy today. Wait, did you skip classes again?" He was startled when he heard Hoseok spoke behind him while he is currently putting his apron. 

Hoseok is Yoongi's co-worker and at the same time, his bestfriend. He is the only friend he got that lasted for years despite of his moodiness. In fact, Hoseok already memorized him after being his friend for almost four years. 

"Yeah, but got caught. That's why I ended up staying at the hot rooftop which made me this grumpy." Yoongi explained which made the younger laugh at him.

"Stupid. Better luck next time." Yoongi just rolled his eyes at him and watch him walk away to do his job. 

Yoongi walked to the set of schedule which is attached to the wall to check where his duty is assigned for today. A sigh escaped his lips when he found out that he'll be working with cleaning tables today. He expected that he'll be on the counters today but sadly, not. 

After putting on the ice cream hat, he walked out of the staff's room to start working. 

There wasn't that much table to clean since people come and go with more take-outs than dine-ins. But he isn't complaining since he got more time to rest than to work. 

It was starting to get the boredom get the best of him when someone entered the shop which caught his attention. 

"Good day! Welcome to Yeppeo Ice Cream Shop. May I get your order?" Hoseok's chirpy voice welcomed and the guy smiled as he handed him a colorful sticky note indicating his order. 

Yoongi observed him wait for his order with hint of interest in his eyes. His eyes followed him until he finally go to his seat and consume his ice cream very slowly while reading the pocket book he brought with him. 

The older was startled when he heard Hoseok spoke behind him again.

"Ever thought why he isn't speaking?" Hoseok whispered, also looking at the guy. 

Yoongi shrugs, "I don't know. Maybe he's just shy?" 

"Shy? How come he always come here but just give out colorful sticky notes?" 

Yoongi finally looked to him and sighs, "Why are you asking me? Just go back to the counter, Hobi." 

Hoseok just pout as he walk back to the counter and Yoongi can't help but to chuckle at his act. The younger tends to get really childish most of the times but he's already used to it. 

"Well, why he isn't speaking? Should I approach him and ask why?"  Yoongi thought but slap himself afterwards. 

"Stupid Yoongi, why are you curious?" He whispered to himself and tried to divert his attention from him by cleaning the windows. 

But deep down, he is just resisting the urge to approach and talk to the strange guy.


aye why am i yoongi

some people in my school are douche too

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