4: Eric [EDITED]

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Selene had become quite an amusing spectacle, rising just when I had started deeming her unfit for Royalty and was considering disposing of her. Her soft heart and unending kindness had not been meant for the crown-bearer – and it was contradicting my predictions upon her birth to be the epitome of perfectly cruel.

But she didn't disappoint me after all.

Today, deep within her lusterless eyes, I find her sharp and murderous aura completely fished out – she had not the slightest doubt or fear in her decision of a murder.

"Do you think what you did is right?" I asked in Imperial language.

"Yes," she replied without any hesitation.

"You killed your uncle," I went on, signaling at my wailing wife, Reine Hikari, busy putting up a show and only making my work easier with her baseless greed. "Look at your Mother's condition."

"I have no uncle," she replied fiercely. "Reine Hikari is the only child of my Grandfather's First Consort."

Reine suddenly hiccupped, as if confirming thus was true and was afraid of being caught. Her absolutely idiotic and unreasonable behaviors were quite distasteful – honestly, how nicer it'd be without her around.

In fact, my orders were absolute to begin with, and Reine wasn't the type of wife I would have liked to continue with – so if I wanted, I could have disposed of her.

That happened to be my original agenda, yes.

But looking at Selene seething with rage, eyes flaring with distrust and hatred, words calm yet trembling due to the feeling of being wronged – it was all so perfect to instill her with the best and rigorous conditions and make her worthy and merciless.

In addition, with Reine around, the other twin would receive quite a leveraged treatment, weakening her survival side and awakening the most fatal wound – pride.

Hence, I let Reine Hikari escape from my clutches that day, playing along with this act just for a little bit.

"Your maternal Grandfather had several Empresses. Surely you know that?"

"I did say First Consort. Certainly, Father wouldn't forget that admission to the Royal grounds, either the Hikari Palace or the Yami Palace, either requires a certified seal from the Emperor or the Empress if the one is question is not a direct sibling, right? Hikari – that Kingdom, I dare say, is so immoral that half-siblings can go to any lengths for power. I'm aware of how knowledgeable my Mother is, so I wouldn't ever even imagine that she'd bring her half-siblings into the Palace."

A direct jab at both her parents. How foolish – and daring. If I were to hone her a bit more, this treasured heir of mine could achieve anything under the sun.

"Hence, you imply your Mother might have used her authority to get someone dangerous inside?"

"Yes. But more than that, I imply the Emperor's incompetence."

I loved her boldness. Conversing me with Imperial language and calling her Father incompetent whilst keeping facts about her Ancestors' straight – something that even I didn't bother to memorize – it was terrifyingly satisfying.

"Selene!" Reine's voice rang out filled with surprise, happiness, and fake caution. "You can be executed for treason!"

Ah... Reine was reminding me that Selene was an offender and was crossing her lines. Why, my dear Empress seemed to be quite alarmed.

Helen was quite a piece of work too. A lying, cunning, and prideful child. Reine had quite a talent for Motherhood – the despicable type, of course.

Unfortunately, Selene was yet to learn Law and Order of the Empire. If she had been aware of it, she would have been able to make her Mother beg for forgiveness with just one statement.

"That is indeed correct," I said simply. "I had seen Reine's application to invite a close relative. And I granted it, seeing no harm. But now it has turned out to be quite a big matter, Selene... but who cares, right? I could just say the guard had unjustly lashed out on Reine's brother out of loyalty for Yami, and has been properly disposed of. What do you think?"

Selene's face glittered with newfound respect with me. I was, in truth, slightly taken aback – I do not know how to describe it, but that was the first time the onlooker's face held such high regards for me.

This, obviously, posed a problem for Reine.

"My lord!" Reine cried out. "My brother has been killed and you are deciding to turn a blind eye! I understand Selene is your heir, but Helen is just as capable! This is unfairness from your side, your Majesty!"

That pestering nonsense again.

The Empress displayed such imprudence, such immorality. Just for her own daughter to rise to power, she went as far as hiring an assassin.

Certainly, she was aware of Selene being a little short on temper – and tried to twist it in her favor. I am a moral person, and she tried to make unjust use of it. I couldn't turned a blind eye any further.

"Where is this Helen you speak so proudly of?" I asked in annoyance.

Helen, the one and only weakness yet strength of Selene. I was growing keen on investigating that sly child.

"She fainted, my lord!" she replied, looking pitifully at me, only to be met from a cold glare. "O-Out of shock, I believe... she was unable to take in the gruesome murder the Princess committed."

I saw Selene flinch slightly. The poor child had no idea what abomination her Mother and Sister were, always after sabotaging peace for personal gain. She slightly resembled my childhood.

And, to be honest, I was losing interest in this nonsensical drama dragging on in one direction.

I did want Selene strong. But beating her too much would break her.

Dismissing all the guards and maids present, I brought to Selene's attention that I was the powerholder of the Empire.

"My Empress," I said softly, audible enough both attendees in my court to hear. "Why did your brother have a sword? In the Hikari Palace?"

I could hear Selene's heart thumping with expectation and suspense – she did inherit my liking towards seeing people crushed even though she wasn't aware of the circumstance, huh?

Reine remained silent; she was, of course, aware of the Laws all Royals had to strictly stick to. She, in the first place, did not expect her plan to fail.

And when it did, by claiming the dead assassin as a brother, she risked her title as a capable Empress of Yami and Hikari.

Royals, when in their siblings' or in-law's place, cannot have, by any means, any type of weapon. A guard is allowed, but swords are out of question.

"Of course, I am a person of justice. I do not commit atrocious acts. Certainly, I do not believe that a crime is passed on from a dead, guilty person to their relative."

"T-Thank you, My Lord." Reine lowered her head in extreme shame.

"—But, my dear Empress, there is the matter of your seal of approval to an unauthorized person, doubled with the crime of impersonating of identities. What do you have to say of that?"

"I-I— My Lord!" she stuttered.

Leaning towards her, out of Selene's earshot, I whispered: "I can't lose such a valuable heir. Remember your place, dear Empress."

Killing her was, unfortunately, against my calculations – the amount of backlash from half the Empire could end up in a Civil War. Gently kissing her cheek, I carefully asked her to return to her chambers while I took my decisions and looked into Selene's wrongdoings.

I wouldn't allow a pest such as Reine get in the way of Selene's rise in power, the only child who was capable of taking on my title.

However, I do not know how I let it slip by, but I should have seen Reine's silent promise of vengeance then.

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