two. the fucking bonfire

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002. the fucking bonfire

Weed was all it took for Azalea to feel happy and relaxed at some point. To her luck, Conrad had returned to his old habits. Both Fisher siblings snuck around the beach, the dock, the summer house pool on late nights, anywhere they could find to drift away from their conscious minds.

Jeremiah was too much of a sweetheart for hard drugs. He stuck to alcohol. The younger Fisher sibling never cared that his older siblings were doing marijuana. He actually thought it was funny seeing them high sometimes. When they did pot more than usual on certain nights, Jeremiah could hear them stumble into the kitchen for snacks and whatever they could find. When he was feeling kind, Jeremiah would calm them down with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, toasted, and a glass of mango juice for Azalea. Water with ice for Conrad.

He would never admit it out loud, but Jeremiah Fisher loved his older siblings more than anything.

present time. 10:00 pm.

Azalea and Conrad rest side by side by the pool. Feet dipped in the warm water with a joint between Azalea's soft rose lips. She inhales the puff she took, doing a quick ghost ( smoke trick ) and exhaling the rest of the smoke. Passing the joint to her brother.

She leans on her palms staring at her feet circling around in the pool liquid. Azalea plays with the water back and forth until it's her turn with the joint. As Conrad gives the white stick wrapped with greens to his sister, he stops mid air when he hears the patio door click shut.

Azalea follows his gaze, her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach. Fuck, she so beautiful. The thought clouds her mind. She looks away quickly before her stare could stick like syrup on her fingers.

Belly Conklin has walked out the door in a black backless one piece. She slides a strand of hair behind her ear. Before walking to the pool and stopping abrupt as she sees both Fisher siblings smoking pot.

"I thought you said smoking pot changes the way your brain processes information." She assumes towards Conrad. Azalea smirks as she looks at her legs in the blue water glowing with pool lights.

"So does your cell phone." This makes Azalea laugh quietly to herself. Belly rolls her eyes at the girl when she sees her shoulders jump from a recent chuckle.

The younger Conklin drops her towel on a patio chair near her before diving into the empty pool. The older Fishers watch soothingly as she swims around. Azalea taking the joint from her brothers hand, inhaling a long hit.

She exhales longly when Belly rises from the water. " You said marijuana messes with white matter. " Azalea leans her head all the way back exhaling more smoke as she rolls her eyes looking to the side.

"Do you even know what white matter is?" Conrad questions with a smile.

Belly dodges the question and continues. "You said o-our brains are still developing and that..."

"God, do you memorize every single thing that I've ever said?" Azalea turns her head at this. Raising an eyebrow at the girl. Belly just scoffs.

"Get over yourself." The Conklin girl swims under. Leaving Both Fishers in silence. Conrad takes a puff from the joint and passes it to Azalea.

Belly rises to the surface again. Azalea takes her turn with the joint. Focusing on Isabel intently. Joint between her fingers inhaling smoothly. Exhaling moments after.

"I mean, Conrad, you're the one who said that-that smoking's dumb and that real athletes don't put shit in their bodies. " Azalea makes a here we go again face at her.

"I said a lot of stuff, and I'm not an athlete anymore, so..." He points the joint at her then brings it to his lips.

She swims closer to them. "Well, I still think you should quit. " He exhales, smoke drifting in the air. "What'll you give me if I do?" He smirks.

Azalea rolls her eyes another time, none of it visible as she gazes at her own thighs. Snatching the drug stick from her brothers hand laying beside her. Bringing it to her own lips and taking a hit.

Belly stares at the eldest Fisher brother for a moment, her eyes flickering from both siblings. The two maintain their flirty eye contact making Azalea want to hurl on the spot to stop them. It felt like years before Belly spoke up.

"Nothing. I think you should quit for yourself." She breathes out a small chuckle before lowering herself underneath the water. They sit for awhile passing the weed back and forth until she swims up again.

"Hey, why are you considering this debutante thing?"

"I don't know. I mean, it's not like I have anything else going on."

"But it's not you." Azalea rolls her eyes at him.

"Don't let my mom make you her little doll just because Azalea won't play dress up for her."

"Dresses are uncomfortable, and I'd rather watch the pretty girls dance in front of me instead of being in it thank you very much." Azalea states. Taking a gulp of the cold beer that was resting in between Conrad and her.

Blurting that out was normal for the three of them. Everyone in the family knew of Azalea's sexuality. They could already tell anyway. When the middle Fisher child came out, nobody was actually really surprised to say the least. It's kind of like they already knew. Azalea was more surprised than them and it made everyone laugh. Both families, her own and the Conklins, hugged the girl in the biggest group hug she could receive. Pouring every ounce of support they had into her. At the end of the night they popped a bottle of champagne and "celebrated" Azalea in a way. That memory had always been her favorite.

Belly only rolled her eyes. "I don't mind it. I mean, sometimes I wish my own mom would do that."

Azalea hums in response. Conrad takes a hit from his joint. "Why are you acting so different?"

Both Fishers turn to her at the same time. Azalea looks at her brother with a knowing look. The two knew a secret, both the same ones, figuring it out in different ways. One didn't know the other knew. It went both ways.

"I'm not." He looks down.

"I know you. I mean, something's going on. Just.. just tell me." Her voice gets softer. Azalea watches them as she takes the joint from his hand.

Conrad only stares at Belly. A sudden sadness washing over him. "Belly..."

The door opens a second time. Azalea's head spins towards the noise. Jeremiah and Steven step out all dressed up. "First bonfire of the summer!" Jeremiah announces.

"All right, we're totally taking my car. You're not driving." Steven laughs.

"I'm gonna get drunk tonight!" Azalea gets up from her spot with a big grin. Running towards Steven and attacking him with a bear hug. He grasp her waist tightly as she jumps on him, making sure they don't fall.

"Come on, man, we're leaving. You ready?"

"Can I come too?" Belly ask curiously. Azalea relaxes her arms around Stevens neck, turning around to look at Belly.

"Uh, no." Steven tells her.

"The moms are getting everything set up for your movie night."

Belly looks away with a defeated look. "See you." Conrad lifts his feet up from the water leaving Belly alone. "Let's go, slowpoke."

Azalea had already ran inside with Steven to dry her feet and throw on her favorite dirty sneakers. Leaving on her outfit from before. Dark blue shorts, a white halter top paired with a thin beige and black flannel.

"Have fun with the moms!" Jeremiah sings loudly to the younger Conklin.

Booze, drugs, and girls on late nights were a nice combination Azalea liked to taste. She sipped on a cup of random alcohol she poured before and continued kissing the hot girl she spotted flirting with her through eye contact. They were at an empty spot a few feet away from the bonfire near the water.

The brunette girl with softer lips than hers sat right on Azalea's lap, straddling it. She gripped her waist tightly as the girl she was kissing ran her fingers through her hair. Azalea lied on the the sand with her flannel underneath her hair. An ever so soft moan slipped from Azalea's lips as the girl slid her tongue smoothly in hers.

Music was played in the background from a speaker someone brought to the bonfire. All three Fishers scattered across the beach with different people.

Jeremiah was flirting with a group of girls, Conrad made out with his last summer fling, and Azalea . . . you know where's she at.

Everything was perfect until she came. Loud bickering was heard from the bonfire, you could tell it was sibling bicker.

"will you let go of me, please?"

"what are you doing? No..."

"You're embarrassing me."

"I'm embarrassing? You're embarrassing!"

"Why am I embarrassing?!"

"Stop it Steven!"

"Quit embarrassing yourself."

The sound of a body dropping on the sand made everyone look at the girl. "Oohs" echoing from every person at the bonfire. Azalea pulls away slowly, both girls out of breath. She smiles up at the brunette before swiftly turning to look at the scene. The girl still sits on her lap playing with her hair and peppering kisses to her neck.

Belly? Azalea thinks to herself with furrowed eyebrows. She watches as Belly stands in front of Conrad with a scowl. She fixes her dress and starts speaking to him and his little fling. Azalea couldn't understand a word they were saying to each other, she couldn't care less anyway.

Azalea turns back towards Estella. The name of the girl she was kissing, when they first started talking at the beginning of the bonfire. She lifted herself up still grasping onto Estella's waist, placing her swollen lips to where they were before.

It was just them and the salty air surrounding the beach. Waves of ocean blue water crashing against one another in the abyss. Azalea loved this. The silence, no talking, just kisses and sweet lipgloss mixing with her alcohol soaked lips.

They were like this until moments later, she could hear her voice a few feet away talking to some boy calling himself "sextus." Some shit about Latin conventions and costumes. She was smiling and giggling so happily. What could he be saying to make her smile. How could she sit there and look so beautiful laughing with someone else.

Azalea had to stop herself from side eyeing Isabel and the random boy she had never seen before. Her focus was brought back to Estella. They both pulled away catching their breaths, heavily breathing with flirty grins.

"Let's get a drink, yeah?"

Estella nods with a sweet smile. Connecting their lips one last time, before sliding off Azalea's lap. She holds her hand out for Azalea to take, which she gladly accepts.

They walk side by side to the drink table. Azalea's left arm around the shorter girls waist, Estella holding Lea's red drinking cup.

What she missed from a mile away were dark brown eyes that glared into the back of her head flaring with jealousy.

Estella had pulled Azalea by her belt loop, leading her closer to the white plastic table toppled with bottles of booze. She grabbed the first bottle nearest to her — pouring it into a cup for Azalea and herself. She hands it to the taller girl next to her with a smile.

The two of them walk away to a different spot closer by the bonfire hand in hand. Estella is back to sitting on top of Azalea's legs with one arm around her neck looking down at her. Azalea snakes her right arm around her waist and sips on her drink as she admires the girl on her lap talk.

Azalea and Estella drown in one another's company as the colors in the sky get darker. Each star paints a different spot on the canvas above. Warmth of fire hugging their skin.

Until that fire came crashing down with another immature fight over a bottle of beer.

"What's the problem, man? It's one beer. It's a party. Relax."

"No, give me my beer back." That second voice had seeped out through the mouth of Conrad Fisher. Azalea looked away from Estella slowly to gape at what was going on.

"I paid for this."

"Stop, stop. You're drunk." She heard his summer fling Nicole try to calm him down. "Just give him the beer."

"Maybe you should listen to your lady."

"Stop. You're drunk."

"No. I'm fine. I'm fine. Give me my beer back."

"He's fine. He's a real big man."

"Fuck you, bro."

Azalea rotates her head back to Estella that was also watching the guys fight. "Hey, I think I'm gonna go... m-my brother— he's—" Estella only smiles at her.

"I understand. Go, I'll see you around okay? Text me." She reassures the girl with a hand on her cheek. Azalea kisses her a final time. Estella gets up, grabbing her hand and lifting Azalea up with her. Azalea smiles before speed walking towards her drunk older sibling.

"You're not taking my fucking beer, dude." Both boys starting pushing each other back and forth. Belly is seen also running up to them.

"Relax, it's one beer!"

"Yeah, and it's my fucking beer." Azalea stops walking when she spots Belly attempting to separate them.

"You guys, you guys, you guys." Only resulting in Isabel getting bitch slapped by the other guy. Making her fall from the impact. Shit. Azalea whispers to herself. Hurrying her footsteps to Belly. "Belly! Shit. Are you alright?" Isabel groans in pain.

Conrad gets punched in the stomach. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" The question was answered with another punch to the face.

"Are you okay?" The boy with curly hair Belly was talking to before had appeared. Azalea furrowing her eyebrows. "Who are you?"

"Oh- I-I'm Cam." He holds his hand out for a handshake. Azalea only looks down at Belly stroking her hair behind her ears.

"Come on, big man!"

"Hey, guys, guys, come on. Hey." Jeremiah walks up to the angry duo trying to stop them as well.

Belly stands up when Cameron takes her hand. Azalea still on her knees — eyes moving up at them. She rolls her eyes and stands by them to look at Conrad still going at it with the guy.

"Guys, hey, hey, hey. Break it up. Come on." Jeremiah pleads. The sound of cop cars appear right after. "Cops!"

Every teen running for their lives — bad habits chasing behind them.

'spongebob voice'
a few moments later . . .

Jeremiah had Conrad in his hold gently pushing him into his red Jeep. "Come on. Get in the car. Watch your head. Legs, legs."

"Yes. I know how to get into a car."

Azalea stands there watching them as she rubs her eyes. Her high faded away long ago, a tipsy Azalea only remained. "Hey, you too. Get in."

Her younger brother points at her like a parent. Her eyes rolling in defeat. "Yeah, yeah whatever dad." She grunts like a child and slides into the car next to Conrad.

Right outside the window were Cameron and Isabel. "Belly. Let's go. Get in."

Azalea sits there paying no attention to them. She turns to her left and raises her right index finger. Poking her older sibling on the cheek over and over. Conrad drunkly try's to swat her hand away from him. Azalea stops poking him and slouches in her seat.

"Cam can give me a ride home. Right Cam?"

"Yes. That's no problem."

"No, you're not gonna get in a car with a guy you just met."

"I'm Cam. Cameron." He holds his hand out to Jeremiah.

"Your name is Cam Cameron?" He looks at him with a 'really' look.

"No, it's ju-just Cam."

Conrad rolls his eyes turning to his left. Azalea leans her chin on the open window edge — watching all three of them lazily.

"But we actually, we know each other. Seventh grade. Latin convention. So, like, we're not total strangers."

"Fucking Latin convention." Azalea whispers to herself. Not that anyone could hear her. But from the corner of her eye, Isabel had shot a glare at her.

"Okay. No offense, but no. Belly, get in the car."

"Just get in the car." Conrad tells her.

"Get your ass in the car Isabel." Azalea spits at her.

Belly only stands there with a scowl at all three Fisher siblings. "Uh, you should probably go. But, um, the whaling boat that I intern on, it leaves at dawn every morning from the piers. I was wondering if you would, uh, want to come." Cameron ask her feeling extremely intimidated by each Fisher. Jeremiah sat there watching them, Conrad looked at the road in front of him, Azalea sat there with a glare on her face.

"Uh, yeah, yes, sure. I mean, how else will you get your hoodie back, right?"

"That's true." Both of them laugh nervously.

It was a few moments of them standing there, until Isabel went in for a kiss. Making Azalea want to vomit everything she drank all over Jeremiah's red Jeep.

"Bye." Cameron says to her before he walks away.

Belly hopped in the car fastening her seatbelt. Jeremiah starting the car up, while Conrad turned his head slightly to look at her. Azalea could see as her brother stared at her with jealousy. His gaze breaking as he looks at the window Azalea sat by.

Jeremiah drives away for about five seconds until he pulls the car into a stop. "Fuck! Steven!"

"Ughhh. Fucking Steven." Azalea groans. Remembering that her best friend was also hooking up with someone and that they had forgot him.

"Watch Conrad. I'll be right back." Jeremiah tells Belly.

In the front rear view mirror, both Conrad and Azalea could see Isabel smiling like a fucking idiot with her cheeks turning a rose blush.

Conrad reaches his hand up to touch Belly's hair that hangs in the seat she's in. Azalea frowns and looks away. "Your hair's like a little kid's, the way it's always so messy."

Belly's breath gets caught in her throat making her shudder. She gazes at Conrad through the small mirror as he looks at her too. "Belly..."

A knock on the window stops him from continuing further. Azalea sighing in relief.

"Have you kids been drinking?" A cop questions.



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HIIIIII i'm so sorry if this is too long i just wanted to get the first episode over with. NEW GORGEOUS OPENING GIF BY — mellichors <333!! and then a new closing one by me 😁

woo!! bonfire chapter, some glares and shit and jealousy between belly and azalea. Azaleas little gay ass making out with every girl she spots first at every summer bonfire LOL. I for real thought i made her lesbian but i put pansexual well forget that bc azalea is an actual mfin lesbian, she hates men and leans towards women way more. tell me if there's any writing mistakes! i hope you guys liked the new chapter, bc i forced myself to actually start writing it HENDJFN, but anywho i love u, enjoy <3

this is also who i imaged estella to be 🤭🤭 ↴

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