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I finally calmed down once we reached the restaurant. There were giant goldfish in a tank by the entrance and the hostess showed us to our table which looked more like a counter with an enormous griddle. We sat in barstools paging through menus. Abby was on my left and Dylan on my right.

"What can I get you to drink?" The young hostess asked with an Asian accent. She was perky and young. Hopefully naïve.

I cleared my throat and stared at the menu. "A long island iced tea." I tried to sound nonchalant like I ordered alcohol all the time.

"Jack and coke," Dylan chimed in, acting equally as cool about it.

"I want scotch on the rocks," Mike said, "and bring us the tiger eyes as an appetizer. Two, please." He put his arm around Amy. She smiled back at him which made her cockroach shaped mole look like it might run into her mouth.

"I'll have what he's having." Abby looked at me. She put her hand on my knee and started moving it up my thigh. I sat up straight and grabbed her hand, holding it in mine before it moved to second base. I chuckled while scolding her silently with my eyes.

She gave me a devilish grin.

Dylan didn't seem to notice even though he sat right next to me. He was too consumed with Sarah who was running her fingers through his hair with one hand and holding a menu in the other.

The rest of the group continued with their drink orders.

Just when I thought we were in the clear she looked at us point blank and with a hint of suspicion in her tone she said, "I need to see ID's."

We pulled out our wallets and set them in front of us. She barely looked at the pictures, except for when she came to mine. She stopped and picked it up. Her brows came together. She looked at me then back to the ID. My stomach began to tighten. I examined the ingredients on the soy sauce label as if they were fascinating to hide my anxiety. I flicked my eyes back to her to see her staring at me with a frown.

Crap! I knew nobody would think it was me. Mike tapped his hands on the counter nervously while Ty's eyes darted between the hostess and me.

The hostess smiled. "You loose a lot of weight."

I relaxed and laughed, "Yes." She handed me my ID and I put it back in my wallet.

My friends chuckled as if it was funny, but they looked relieved like they just came out of haunted house on Halloween night alive and didn't want to admit they had been scarred shitless.

"I be right back with order."

Sarah put her hands on Dylan's chest and while his back was turned to me she kissed up his neck seductively while casting glances my way. I rubbed my hand over my face and looked turned to Abby. "So... what have you been up to?"

"Well, I've been researching which branch of the military I want to join after high school."

"Really? Dylan never mentioned it. That's cool. Which one are you leaning towards?"

"I can't decide between the marines or the navy. I want to go in for a couple of years and then become a police officer."

Abby was a lot more complex than I thought. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life after high school and she had it figured out.

Before we knew it, the hostess had brought us our drinks, and passed them around along with Mike and Amy's appetizers.

"What is this?" Mike raised his voice and looked at the tiger eyes.

The hostess pointed to the dish. "That tiger eye."

He raised one eyebrow and poked at it. "This looks suspiciously like sushi." He frowned.

"Uh huh. Tiger eye is sushi." She gave a nod like it was a mini bow.

He gaped. "That's false advertising!"

Amy reached for his hand. "Mikey, it's ok. I like sushi."

"Mike," I said, "You didn't think they would serve real tiger eyes, did you?"

"Well, yea." The yea came out like a surfer dude.

"You know tigers are an endangered species, don't you?" Amy rubbed his shoulder like she was trying to explain something difficult to understand.

"Yea, thanks to poachers." He rolled his eyes.

I swear, somewhere out there a village is missing their idiot. I would have asked him why he would buy what he thought were real tiger eyes if he knew somebody would have to kill a tiger, or there would be some blind tiger out there, but that would spoil everyone's dinner.

The chef came out wearing a chef hat and apron.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" He smiled and took down each of our orders. Before long he was pushing out a cart full of serving platters with dome shaped lids.

He grabbed our attention when he juggled the utensils and we leaned in to watch like we were five-year-old's at a clown themed birthday party. There was something exceptional about watching your dinner being made in front of you; like it, instead of the food, was a main attraction. Abby's lips turned up at the corners. Seeing her amusement made me feel like this was magical in a way, just enjoying the evening beside her, and she was my date.

He poured oil on the griddle and lit it afire. The blaze surprised us. We sat back as the heat washed over us, and then it fizzled out, back to room temperature in a matter of seconds. Abby chuckled. Her crystal blue eyes had an angelic hue. I studied her lips and thought about what it would be like to kiss them. Then I reminded myself that she was Dylan's sister. I looked back at the chef.

"You want egg roll?" The chef asked.

"Yes," we replied in unison.

He took an egg and started balancing it on a spatula, tossing it back and forth between another spatula, and then tossed it in the air, pulled his hat off of his head, and caught the egg in it. He tossed it back out of the hat onto the spatula until it rolled off, hit the griddle, and splattered open.

He added rice to the egg and mixed it together. Next, he chopped up an onion and stacked the pieces on top of each other into a volcano shape, and poured what looked like soy sauce in the center. It made a hissing sound and splattered down the outside of the onion, then he set it on fire. It was an awesome display.

Next he fried up the meat. He put a cooked piece on the spatula, looked at Abby. "Ready?"

She nodded her head and opened her mouth. He tossed it, aiming for her mouth, but it missed and went into her cleavage instead, dribbling sauce down her chest as it went.

The first thing I could think to do was grab my napkin and wipe it up so I did. Her breasts jiggled as I wiped at them. They were hypnotic the way they rippled with each brush of my hand. She sat there staring at me, then I met her gaze to see that she was gaping at me.

I pulled the napkin away. "Sorry."

"That's ok." Her eyes sensually traveled up my chest, neck, mouth, until they rested on my eyes.

Dylan cleared his throat loudly and I turned to see him scowling. Crap. He must have thought I was fondling her breasts.

He whispered in my ear. "I said no touching!"

I nodded putting my head down and watched the waiter while feeling Dylan's medusa eyes turning me to stone.

The chef tossed Dylan a piece and he caught it in his mouth. Next, the chef flung a piece at me and it landed on my shirt. I picked the piece off, and before I knew it Abby had grabbed my wrist and eaten the piece, followed by sucking my forefinger. She sucked it like a lollipop, up and down. With each suckle of her mouth I felt a wave of electrifying lust spread through me as her tongue lapped over my skin. She pulled away with a poker face, as if she hadn't just given my finger an oral massage. It had lasted five seconds and I couldn't believe what had just transpired. Dylan was telling Sarah something and hadn't seen it. I was thankful luck was on my side this time, but it was also unfair how sexy she was.

Before long the chef had set out all of our meals. We were drinking and getting refills. Mike was being a ditz and getting really shit faced. Ty was cracking jokes, and before long we were laughing and getting loud. I felt relaxed and put my arm around Abby as she gave me that sexy look.

All of a sudden, I had to pee like a race horse. "I'll be right back." I downed the rest of my drink and stood up. The floor was moving, like I was on a boat. I was only a little buzzed.

I went down the hallway to the restroom and turned the handle. It was locked. I had to pee bad but I was going to have to wait. I leaned against the wall for support, then Abby slid her hands around my waist from behind and pressed her body against mine making me shiver at her touch. She had followed me to the restroom.

She walked in front of me resting her hands on my chest. "The girl's bathroom is empty." She proceeded to run her fingers through my hair.

I think she was prepositioning me to go into the girl's restroom with her. She was making this very hard. I would have no problem ripping off her dress and banging my rocks off right now. She was so fucking hot I could go over and over again for the rest of the night. "No, that's ok. I'll wait for the men's to open up."

She whispered in my ear. "C'mon, I'll hold it for you."

I opened my eyes wide at her. If the truth be told, that sounded amazing but I made no moves. She yanked me into the girls room and locked the door behind us. The next thing I knew she was unbuttoning my pants. I grabbed her hands, "Abby, no!" Wait... did I just say no? Because I really wanted to tap that pussy more than I wanted to breathe air. I could pull that prom dress off like it was Velcro.

"What?" she looked up at me looking hurt that I would turn her down.

"This is like our second date," I said. Where were these words coming from? This was not like me at all, but at least my subconscious was still on auto pilot considering all the drinks I had just downed.

She lunged at my mouth, thrusting her tongue in. I felt my hormones kicking in, my eyes closed. I followed my instincts, kissing her back. Her body pushed against mine and I knew she could feel my masterpiece as Nick Jonas calls it. What was I doing? I turned my head to the side and put my chin down feeling guilty.

"Don't fight it, Jayden." The first word sounded almost like a growl. "I know you want it." She stared into my eyes, the corners of her lips turning up as if she could see through my transparent head and into my thoughts.

I swallowed.


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