Chapter 1:Summoned

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Long ago , a time before humans had learned how to even light the fire, a being existed high up in plane . Perhaps the highest of the planes that will even come to exist. Humanity knew it as God. Slowly and slowly with his help, humans advanced until a point reached that humans decided to be idle. They would neither go to farm or for hunting but rather worship in the shrine they had set up for him.

Frustrated by the idleness of humans, God or Creator as he preferred to be called all of sudden disappeared. 100 years passed. People began to think that the being had ceased to exist. Slowly and slowly society was divided as they created their own gods . Before long , the trace of such a being to even exist was gone from the world. Or it would have if not for few tribes who remained as loyal as ever to same god believing that other gods were not real and his disappearance was just a trial of their faith. So over thousands of years , they continued to discuss , preserve the facts on such a being and try to discover ways to establish contact with him .

In Year 1890s, archaeologists found records of such a being and distributed them over the world . To this day , historians can't confirm such a fact as of course all was based on their writings. So the society continued as it was.. except for descendants of members of the tribe who still existed. It was not like all believed it but yet they kept those facts preserved as a momento.

Eight years ago

"Listen! Selena,after years of research , we have finally found a way to summon our creator back to us . But it requires amount of energy that I can't possibly provide. So it is up to you when you come of age , you must touch this seal under the full moon and do as it says." Her grandfather, an old man in his late seventies who was about to die told her.

Selena regarded these words as spouting nonsense of dying man but even so , if that was his wish , she would do it , not that it would actually do anything.

Selena was last of her bloodline . Her parents were already killed in accident. After her grandfather's death , she moved in with friend of her father's leading a perfect normal school life.


"Wait ! So Selena, you really are going to do it ?" Her friend Sasha questionned . (Sasha is the friend she is living with in her parents friend's house.)

"Well! It is not like one trouble for one night would cause much harm ." She sighed.

"I guess not . Hey! Can I be with you when you do it ? Please, come on ." Sasha looked pleadingly.

"Fine! But is not like anything is going to happen except me babbling some nonsense and pressing my hands on some seal." Selena chuckled.

At night

"Alright! Let's do it ." Selena began as her friend came in her room and locked the door . There was a strong chill in the air today. Almost like something was coming. A premonition that no one realised. With each minute passing, both girls heart pounded more heavily.

And all of sudden, a bright light flashed as both backed away to wall.

"Hey ! Didn't you say that it was nothing?" Sasha questionned.

"Well! ..I guess I was wrong." Selena managed to utter as shocked as she was . The light disappears to reveal a young teen boy in his late sixteen with silver hair and clothed like belonging to some knight class and yet not armoured.

Selena and Sasha looked at each other gulping as they advanced slowly towards him. All of sudden, he groaned and both quickly backed away .

"Alright! Selena, I wanna know how did you manage to summon a hot boy from out of nowhere and what do we do now ?" Sasha asked her .

"First of all, I don't know how . Secondly, I don't know. Not really.i mean I know it is bad .. but hey look ! It is not that bad ..if I get to be with such a ..." She looked at him .

"Hey ! You are not having him . This is my house so if anything comes here , it is mine first." Sasha began.

"What ? That doesn't even make sense. If someone throws a bomb in here , would that belong to you or that person. So if I summoned him , it is quite logical and fair for me..." Both began arguing soon afterwards.

Creator slowly opened his eyes at disturbance and all of sudden found himself in completely strange world. Wait ! No ! It is not strange. He thought. For him , nothing can be strange.

"Stop your bickering at once, mortals. Now what is this place?" He quickly rose up with his eyes piercing them .

"Oh! Sorry about that . Well it is USA . Or more precisely a nation on earth ." Selena quickly explained.

"Hey ! Wait ! Why did you call us mortals?" Selena asked all of sudden.

"Because that is what you are , are you not ?" He looked at them with wonder.

"Well yeah ! But is quite rude to address people like that ." Selena pouted.

"Hello ! I am Sasha . It is nice to meet you . So what is your name ? Don't mind Selena. She is always a fussover." Sasha smiled.

"Oh! I am Creator of worlds and you know pretty much every stuff ..." He answered.

"Yeah ! is quite hard to believe that ." Selena replied.

"Well anyway. I don't really care what you mortals choose to believe or not . Now how did I end up here?" He asked.

"First tell me your name ?" She asked.

"Don't answer my question with question. But anyway, I don't have a name." He replied.

"What ? But why not ?" Selena and Sasha both peered .

"Because I don't need one . Everyone knows me already. I am the God , Creator . So why would I have a name ?" He explained.

"Well ! I don't think it will seem okay to just call you God so how about I call you Jack .." Sasha suggested.

"What ? You ran out of good names already. It is quite clear that I must be the one to name such a being. So how about Spencer or Daniel ?" Selena suggested.

"I am choosing my own name if I have to. Let's see. Alphus. That is my name since it embodies my skills and supremacy." He told them as both sighed.

"Now then , would you tell me or not about how I got here ?" Alphus asked.

"Oh well! You see, this seal . Basically Selena pressed her hand on it and then recited some verses under full moonlight and then you appeared out of nowhere." Sasha explained.

"So basically you are the reason that I was interrupted here in my sleep." Alphus sighed.

"Wait! Don't put it like that . I didn't really know that it would summon the God ." Selena said feebly.

"Oh well! Just send me back . I will be on my way then ." He told her.

"But I don't know how to..." Selena said embarrassed.

"Great! So a mortal called me back to a world that I left and now I can't go back because she doesn't know how to." Alphus chuckled.

"But why can't you go back ? Aren't you supposed to be all powerful creator or something?" Sasha asked.

"Yes! But there are certain ethics that a god has to follow. Well! It is more lke self principles. I can't go back if I come to any world until I do something to affect that world in a way that the user wanted. It is more like I gotta complete wish if I accept prayer from some random person in some random world to return. But since there was no wish here , I was like thinking I can go back if the user sent me back . Yeats ago , I abandoned because I came of my own accord and could left of my own accord. But now I came of unwilling accord with no available access to my void where nothing can disturb my peace." Alphus sat down sighing.

"I am sorry." Selena apologized.

"Oh well! Never mind. I am just gonna go and scout out the world." He told them as he jumped out of the window as both gasped but then remembered he will be fine.

"Hey wait! You can't go like that . I mean you can't just go around flying in the air . That is not normal." Selena told him as he came back inside the room.

"I know that . But so what! I mean shouldn't I announce to the world that I am back or hey guys! I am god . I created you all so well looking forward to how far you have come." Alphus said.

"You know I don't even understand how you are speaking English when you were present in era English didn't exist but! You can't. That would throw this world into chaos knowing that God actually exist and demolition of thousands churches , mosques and all and orders will be just too much for humanity to handle ." Selena explained.

"I gotta go. So I will leave you two to it ." Sasha told them as she went out of the room.

After that , Selena explained about world as much as she could to Alphus who listened intently.

"Oh well! Then should I stay with you or go somewhere else? I can get by easily on information you have given me and find out my escape eventually." Alphus asked.

Selena wasn't sure how to answer that . She wanted him , especially as cute as he looked to stay as much as he liked here but then she would put her friend in trouble and he would go away gladly but she would..well not want to part so soon . Oh ! This was a tough spot she was in.

"You know what . Don't worry about it . I am just gonna go . I mean it is not like I need you or anything so it would be like irrational for you to keep thinking about this clear choice. See ya , mortal ." Before Selena could even finish her thoughts , he disappeared like lightning. Superspeed ?

"Well! She would have liked him so lot to stay but guess gods don't play around." She sighed sadly as she went to bed.

Alphus stared down as the city from the peak of tallest building he could find as the wind brushed against him.

"I look forward to mess with you , mortals." He laughed as it died down in the noise of traffic.
Keep posted for the next chapter.

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