Chapter 3: Catching up

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"Hey Erina! You got a minute because I have really lot of questions like ...a lot . I mean I could just use my omniscient powers but that kinda ruins the fun you know and all and I certainly don't want to know all about billions of these creatures's fantasies and all."  Alphus said to which Erina beamed.

"I am always at your service,my.."She began as Alphus quickly shut her up by closing her mouth.

"I told you just treat me like one of your equals. You know you could learn a thing or two in that from Rihana." Alphus sighed.

"Are you saying that my sister doesn't treats you in same way as we all should? I would most definitely go and ..." Erina fumed.

"Umm... Erina! No need to get mad . I actually like it . That is why she is on my top ten goddess and gods list." Alphus told her as they both sat down in a cafe .

"Really? Well! I can most certainly try then . So am I in your top ten list or not?" She facepalmed herself.

"Of course you are . You are at top in fact." Alphus chuckled at which she smiled.

"So anyway! Are you really sure that since my presence has been known , there has been no faction formation of gods who are looking to defeat me and strip me of powers. I mean I did go away without telling them so I did expect quite a lot of resentment." Alphus breathes heavily looking down .

"No! I am pretty sure there is none . I mean some gods may but even they don't resent as much as to even dare such a horrendous act and you are far more powerful than any of them could handle..." Erina said in awe .

"Well! Umm..thank you . But if you can keep a secret, I don't think I really am that powerful know bit drowsy after sleep still so getting my powers level back to normal will take good amount of time. That is why I was if I was literally in danger." Alphus laid back relieved.

"You don't need to worry about your safety. I will always be there to protect you from any harm if such is your state ." Erina quickly told him .

"You do know that is pretty picky line that gods say before proposals right?" Alphus smirked as Erina quickly looked away to hide her flushed face .

"But thanks anyway. So now how do you travel to human world anyways?" Alphus asked.

"Oh! We just use our aura to disappiate and then come here . It just takes few seconds at least for main branch line." She explained.

"Alright!  I think I am gonna hit a bars in here . They seem to be where mortals collect and have fun but are you sure that Utopia is safe like with you here ?" Alphus asked standing up .

"Of course! I have given it currently to Agnes " She told him.

"Agnes! Hmm..who was that again? Oh yeah ! Goddess of Fire. She had really great blonde hair from the start . Just like personification of flame. Right! She would be a good fit for a while." Alphus commented.

It was getting quite late around the dark by the time Alphus finished up with Erina following him around .

"You do know that I am not really staying anywhere so you should rather go back and return once it is day ,Erina " He advised her .

"Do you truly think of me that I would abandon you and myself go to comfort of our world?" Erina replied.

"Huh! What? No! Stop making it sound like I am thinking you of as something you aren't. What I am saying is I am probably just going to stand in the night at top of some tower, just watching the sky and you really don't wanna get bored just there with me ." Alphus explained.

"I am only going to say it one more time or so I want but I am not leaving you no matter where you go ." Erina leaned closer.

"Kinda creepy but fine ! " Alphus smirked as she pouted.

"So tell me ! Anything interesting happened while I was gone . I am really curious about Rihana . How did she proceed after my absence and all?" He asked her with gleaming eyes.

"Curious huh! Alright! Well let's see after you went away all of sudden, first of all there was like chaos all over. I mean we all knew I was appointed but it just didn't occur to them that such an occassion would actually occur. So anyway when I sat on throne , sister Rihana came and was like quite furious. She said she is nor going to follow me and all and went away before anyone could stop her through time using her powers . Slowly all of us started settling down and began dividing work. We didn't see Rihana for like 300 years . And when she finally came back , she was so cold and seemed distant that it almost seemed like she had completely become different goddess. I mean that is pretty much I think that can cover about important details in your absence. Other than that , hysterics did continue to happen. " Erina said smiling at the thought.

"It doesn't seem good" Alphus facepalmed himself brushing his hair .

"Alphus! What is.. the matter?" Erina asked gently.

"Oh no ! This is bad . Totally .." Alphus buried himself in his hands .

"Alphus! Alphus!" Erina shook him.

"I think Rihana met my other half." Alphus told her.

"What do you mean exactly?" She asked confused.

"Before I created all of you , I tried first by seperating my frustration on humanity and converted them into my aura. It was essentially the negative inside me and it formed a being. It was not as powerful as me but still quite powerful. More than you and equal to Rihana. But full of malicious intent and all so I tried to destroy it but I couldn't since I had made him really really durable . I mean that is what my intent was when I was creating my first being so it was immortal. Like you goddess are too but it was just something else . So I did the next best thing and sent it into some warped fabric of space and time that would be inaccessible to all beings.

Now if Rihana spent 300 years just moving through drifts of time and all , it is really quite possible that she managed to break that fabric a bit and caught a glimpse of a being looking like me, powerful as her and yet so malicious. That probably made her so horrified that she just returned and tried to maintain her pride." Alphus said.

"Oh my Utopia! I never knew that she was going through such a thing all alone ." Erina sighed.

"But why are you so worried now ?" Erina asked placing her hands on his shoulder.

"Well it probably happened so long time ago and that drift would have almost cracked up quite large enough for that being to escape.  I mean by this time , that being should have already escaped so if it has , what is it doing all this time ?" Alphus asked rhetorically as Erina sighed not knowing what to say .

"It is gonna be fine . We are all there with you and we will seal it back together." Erina hugged him wondering about how that creature would operate.

A figure in dark overcoat smiles smugly seeing Erina and Alphus in hug.

"Found you ,other me ."

Keep posted for the next chapter.

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