Paper Air Planes

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Paper air planes and falling stars.

I Remember when we would hang out on my balcony.

Just watching the stars and talking.

Always laughing.

Your smile out shined any star.

You would tell me "someday we will take a airplane and get out of here just you and me."

See everything there is to see.

You would make a paper airplane and throw it, we would watch as it catched in the breeze.

Watching it float up and away.

We would stay out for hours under the stars.

You told me if we ever get separated look up at the sky and find a falling star and
That's where I'll be.

You were taken from me much to soon.

You said I'll be fine it's just a cold.

But the doctors said it was cancer.

I sat with you everyday holding your hand.

We talked of all the places we wanted to see.

I hung paper airplanes and stars from the ceiling in your room.

I would lay next to you and you would say pinky swear we will be together forever and a day.

We would lay there for hours no words needed.

They gave you treatment which we thought for a while had succeeded.

Then you got sick again.

I wished on every star i saw that you would keep fighting to stay with me.

You tried so hard.

I closed my eyes and held your hand one last time.

Hugged you close your tears mingled with mine.

We spoke of all the places we would visit all the falling stars we would see.

We both knew there wouldn't be enough time.

You told me you loved me.

I told you, i love you too.

I told you "your my shining star."

I watched you as you drifted off to sleep.

You took your last breath right next to me.

I cried for you and for me, i cried for everything that wasn't to be.

I softly kissed you and whispered where ever you are look for a falling star, That's where I'll be.

I hope wherever you are there's nothing but shimmering stars for you to gaze upon.

I miss you everyday you have been gone.

I still make paper airplanes and write a message thinking of you.

I send them floating in the breeze as they disappear with such ease.

I hope one will make it to you.

So you will remember me and maybe see just one falling star so you will know it's me thinking of you.

You will always be in my heart and be my shining star wherever you are.

Do not repost, edit, or copy my poetry. It belongs to me.

Feel free to post your opinion and thoughts on my poem.

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