Broken Heart, Bruised Soul

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The one that's not meant to be.

I saw with enchanted eyes.

Destroyed by callous lies.

Tear stained cheeks.

Not capable of refraining from loving him.

Each throb of my battered heart.

longs for it to be as it was before.

His love is no more.

My heart barely able to withstand the pain.

Depression rains upon my soul.

Happiness shattered with mere words.

Ripped away like it never mattered.

It plays over and over in my mind.

Each time stealing  another piece of my quivering heart.

Sorrow embraces me.

Tears cascade from memories.

Words of love quoted so lavishly.

All mere lies to ravage my bruised soul.

Now tarnished from empty words and fabricated lies.

Each time the heart breaks a small part of it dies.

It mourns who you and I once were.

You stole my heart and trust.

Discarded what made us.

You so easily took so much from me.

I now see so clearly how love should be.

The word love so tragically tainted for me.

Broken heart.

Bruised soul.

Left unwhole.

They say time mends a broken heart.

Perhaps mine will too.

But i shall always remember you.

Remember briefly when you were mine.

If there ever shall come a time again when i find love.

It will never be the same as when i loved you.

The man who said, "it just wasn't meant to be."

The one that shattered love for me.


Do not repost, edit, or copy my poetry. It belongs to me.

Feel free to post your opinion and thoughts on my poem.

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