Journey Through Agony (Collab)

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(My part)

They call it a out of body experience, when your soul drifts away momentarily.

But is it a out of mind experience, when your mind is lost in pain.

When existing becomes such a hard thing to bare, that you shut down.

Drowning in pain, that's locked away in your mind.

Where your the prisoner, and your past is the crime.

Your moving forward. but your minds back in time.

Each day fighting to set the pain free.

Longing for the past, to just let your mind be.

Yet it clings to me.

Desperately struggling, like im running out of air.

I stare at my reflection. and i see the old me.

Screaming to be free.

Walking away, eyes cast down.

The sound of agony whispering my name.

Memories rushing back in time.

Blame sits with agony.

Mocking me blatantly.

Drowning in pain. that's locked away in your mind.

Where your the prisoner, and your past is the crime.

( Star_Smoke_XXIV s part)

Smiles in the morning, tear soaked pillow at night,

I'm on my knees now, too tired to fight.

Trapped somewhere between wanting to forget,

And wanting to hold on tight.

My pain has wings yet it resists to fly,

Weighing my own wings down.

Killing my wish to soar the skies,

Making me sink in my past that I'm trying to drown...

My past is an armor, I can't take down

Even after you tell me the battle is over

I may have won the throne and adorned with the crown

But my past stills holds more power...

I'm trying, I'm battling to set myself free

I'm trying to break these chains that are captivating me

This war might be internal but the damage can be seen

And now all the clouds in me are rainin'

(My part)

Drowning in pain that's locked away in your mind.

Where your the prisoner and your past is the crime.

Your moving forward but your minds back in time.

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