Without A Trace

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The play ground sits just at the edge of the woods.

On this day no children came to play.

The rain was coming down hard and clouds in the sky were grey.

Having been a rather horrid day at school.

One girl decided to return home this way.

She took a moment to sit on a swing.

Eyes downcast, thinking of her day, gone terribly wrong.

What the girl didn't know, was very near by, was a monster in mans disguise.

No one was around to hear her urgent cries.

Desperately trying to pry his filthy fingers from her mouth to scream.

Kicking, with her eyes wide with fear.

He angrily whispers shut up or die in her ear.

She silently cries, drenched from rain, shaking with fear.

His arm wrapped tightly around her ribs the other still locked over her mouth.

Preventing her from shouting for help.

He roughly drags her into the woods.

His fingers leaving bruises on her skin.

He locks her within a old broken down shed.

Hidden with branches, tucked away deep in the woods.

He chains her so she has no choice but to stay.

He backs away looking at her licking his lips, like a wolf does his prey.

She begs to be let go.

Tells him she will tell no one that no one needs to know.

He laughs maliciously,. Sneering in a cruel way.

His dirt crusted finger tracing her dampened skin.

She scoots away, trembling with fear.

He moves in closer and speaks softly in her ear.

"Want to play a game?"

Picking up a blow torch, the flame flares to life.

The stench of burned flesh and agonizing screams fill the air.

She lays unconscious.

He circles her, still wanting to play his sick game.

He throws a bucket of rain water at her face.

She shoots awake her heart racing with fear and pain.

She once again tries to scream.

He burns away her mouth leaving nothing but shriveled blackened skin.

She passed out, sinking into the comfort of black bliss.

He slaps her violently, violating her with a kiss.

His rancid spit mingling with the taste of blood.

She shakes her head, eyes open wide, whimpering.

He says in a sing song way clapping his hands "this is fun."

She closes her eyes, tears seep down her face.

He demands "look at me."

Taunting her with the blow torch hovering above her eyes.

He begins to rip away her dress.

Frozen in fear and pain she focuses on the trees through a small hole in the roof of the shed.

Revolted by the feel of him against her skin.

She can only wish that death will come soon.

He looms over her his rasping breath against her skin.

Something snaps within and she lays limp and dazed.

She silently preys he will let her go.

Deep down, she knows today she shall die.

His torture goes on for many hours.

He devours her agony with glee.

His hands squeezing her throat as the last bit of her life slips away.

Her spirit now stays forever in the park.

You can see her each night just before dark.

She sits on the swings.

Her mournful screams carry in the night.

The ghost girl with half a face.

Stolen from life without a trace.


Do not repost, edit, or copy my poetry. It belongs to me.

Feel free to post your opinion and thoughts on my poem.

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