Shot - 2

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Anika opened the door of her apartment only to come across a distraught Shivaay.

“Anika I didn't——It wasn't me” He told as his voice cracked.

“Come” she spread her arms in front of him with a faint smile and it didn't take a second long for him to hug her tightly and break down telling incoherent words. She closed the door with her hand and stood there rubbing his back and hair as she let him cry. Though he appeared strong and tough in front of everyone, only she knew the sensitive person behind all the pretences.

“I didn't do anything Anika. I swear on our love” He whispered as he held on to her like a kid.

“I know” She whispered running fingers through his hair.

After a good five minutes, he parted from the hug to look at her and she caressed his cheek.

“What happened? Tell me” She asked and he barely managed to say whatever happened without stuttering.

“Di called and told me everything. I was shocked but then I thought, My Shivaay is not like that. I'm seeing you from last six years right” She told kissing his forehead and he pressed his forehead on hers.

“I thought you'll not——”

“How can I not Shivaay? Isn't our love based on trust?” She asked with a smile and he nodded as he hugged her.

“If you too didn't trust me, I don't know——I would have died” He told and she parted him from her before slowly wiping his tears.

“Aise kaise? I won't allow you to die so easily” She told kissing his nose.

“Sit. Let me get you a glass of water” She told and walked to kitchen.

Sitting beside him on the couch, she passed the glass to him which he gulped down in a go.

“How did di come to know about our relation?” She asked.

“I don't know. I didn't tell her anything” He told confused.

“She told me not to involve in relation with such a man. That's exactly what she told. According to her, we should be friends but she talked as if she knew we were dating” She told and he nodded.

“So today she saw us in bookstore. It was after that her face changed. I told you to keep your hands off me in public right” She told pinching his arm and he sighed.

“Why would bhabhi's face change if she sees us together?” He asked and she shrugged.

“It's confusing”

“I'm as confused as you Anika. Ever since we both first met, I never saw her anything more or less than my sister” He told and she nodded. She knew it as well.

“What situation is this God! I'm stuck in the middle” She told sighing and he looked at her.

She turned to look at him and frowned.

“Don't think any nonsense ok. I trust you” She told and he kept her head on his shoulder.

“It's your blood on the other side. Don't you trust her?”

“I do! Until the truth comes out, I trust both of you. One of you are at fault and I know that. I don't want it to be either of you because both of you're important for me” She told with tears and he nodded.

“I can understand. Finally if I'm proven wrong at the end, then?”

“I don't think I'll have a life ahead if that's the case” She told gripping his palm in hers tightly.

“And what if she's proven wrong?”

“She's my sister. I can't cut relation with her but I don't think I'll be able to see her the same way ever again” She told as a drop of tear fell on top of this palm.

“Why would you punish yourself in my case”

“If you're wrong, then that's the punishment I'm giving myself for loving you. I gave everything I have to a man and finally if he turns out to be so cheap, then there's no meaning to my life Shivaay” She told and he raised his head to look at her.

“What if your di manages to make you believe that she's right?”

“You care only about my trust?” She asked and he nodded.

“At this moment, all I can think is to not break your trust on me. You've known me just for the past six years but they knew me since my birth yet they didn't trust me. Only you did and I want to keep upto that trust anyhow” He told and she kept her head on his chest.

“If my dad was here, he would have trusted me like you” He whispered as tears brimmed up in his eyes.

“Dad is always there with you Shivaay. Here” She told pointing his chest and he nodded.

They stayed silent for a moment and she raised her head to look at him.

“Shivaay anyway now you're here. I'm hungry. Make something na” She told and he smiled.

“What do you want?” He asked and she shrugged.

“Anything” She told and he nodded as he walked to the kitchen.

She looked at him going with a faint smile. With one look in his eyes, she knew he wasn't the wrong one here yet she couldn't distrust her sister. She knew him too very well to guess his actions after she says anything, especially the word hungry. Being the one who use every single opportunity he gets to tease her, everytime she said that, he teased her asking which hunger was she talking about. If he didn't tease her, then it meant he was disturbed inside and was too tired for anything. That observed she was in his case and that never went wrong till this date.

She slowly walked to the kitchen to see him standing there looking at nothing particular. Walking to him, she hugged him from behind with a smile.

“What are you making?”

“I don't know”

“I'll give you options”


“White sauce pasta, Paneer butter masala with butter naan, Vegetable curry with parathas. Which do you choose?” She asked but he didn't answer anything.

“Shivaay” She called and he took her arm off his chest before turning to her.

“I'm sorry. I zoned out” He told apologetically.

“It's ok. I'm not hungry anyway. Thought cooking would help you take your mind off everything but since it's not helping, you sleep for a while” She told and he nodded.

“Why would bhabhi do that Anika? What did I even do to her?” He asked suddenly and she looked away as she chose not to answer that question.

“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked the question that too to you” He told and she looked at him.

“You can tell me anything. By anything, I mean anything and everything. Aren't we like that?” She asked caressing his beard and he nodded as he kissed her palm.

“Now do one thing, go and sleep. I'll make something by the time you wake up alright”

“You come with me. If I'm alone, I'll get lost between all the thoughts going on in my mind”

“Fine!” She told and he walked to the bedroom followed by her.


“Don't go” He muttered sleepily when she tried to take his hand off her waist.

“My phone is ringing”

“Who's calling?”

“How do I know? Let me check”

“Five minutes” He told and left her waist. She chuckled and gave a peck on his forehead before rushing to the hall to take her phone.

“Haan di” She answered.

“Did Shivaay come there?”

“No. Why?” She lied.

“Good! Even if he comes, don't let him inside. He'll say everything to make you against me. Don't believe him”

“Of course di. We don't have any relation with him. Whoever misbehaved with my di is my enemy too” She told.

“I know. Love you” Srishti told before hanging the call.

She frowned and kept the phone back on the table before thinking on what to do next.

She quickly got fresh and changed her clothes before writing a note for Shivaay saying she's going out.


“Where were you?” He asked with a frown and she smiled before giving him a hug.

“Did you cry?” He asked worried looking at her swollen eyes.

“I went home” She told and he waited for her continue.

“I have a good news as well as a bad news. Which do you want to know first” She told and he looked confused at her.

“Good news?”

“I have the proof to prove that you're not wrong”

“And bad news?” He asked with thumping heart.

“Di had been crushing on you ever since we were friends. She never loved or can love jiju. It's all there in the journal show had hidden in her room” She told as she tried not to cry.

He looked shocked at her as he felt his whole being turning stone.

“Let's go and say this to mom and jiju——”

“No Anika. Let it be. They didn't trust me when they should have. Now I don't want to prove anything to them. Bhaiyya will break down if he comes to know all these about her. He loves her a lot” He told as he tried to hold back his tears.

“But Shivaay, they should know that you're not at fault. Di can't put blame on you like that”

“You trust me isn't it?” She nodded.

“That's all I want. May be in that anger towards me loving you, bhabhi will start loving Bhaiyya” He told and she smiled although tears rolled down her eyes.

“And ha, from today I'm staying here with you” He told and she twisted her mouth making him chuckle.

“I'm so glad that I don't work at Oberoi Industries. Thanks to you again. If you didn't motivate me that day, I wouldn't have owned this fashion house” He told and she rolled her eyes.

“It's your hardwork and has nothing to do with me. Don't make me angry now” She told and he chuckled.

“Legends say, behind every man's success, there's a woman and you're mine” He told pulling her closer to him and she smiled.

“And I'm proud to be yours” She told as she pecked his cheek.

“Di called mom and dad too. Even they're mad at you” She told softly and he chuckled.

“My own mom and brother went against me. How can I expect yours to stay by my side rather than their daughter's” He told and she kissed him, taking him for surprise.

“I love you” She whispered as they broke apart.

“I love you more” He whispered back as he pressed his forehead on hers.

“There's another problem”


“Mom and dad won't ever agree for our relationship or marriage unless they come to know the truth”

“Are you ready for a runaway marriage?” He asked and she chuckled.

“I'm always ready!” She told.

“Live-in is cool by the way” He told and she raised her eyebrows.

“I can hug you whenever I want, kiss you wherever I wish, look at you without any pretences and last but not the least, cuddle to you and sleep every night” He told and she chuckled.

“You forgot your favourite part” She told snaking her arms around his neck.

“I didn't forget. I was about to show you instead of saying” He told sweeping her off her feet making her gasp.

“Carry you like this and——”

“Throw me on bed right” She told frowning and he chuckled.

“I never threw you on bed”

“You did! That too many times. Once I even got a sprain on my waist” She told frowning as he placed her on the bed delicately.

“Shivaay will you able to forget everything?”

“We should learn to forget and move on. I don't know how I will do that but I know I would” He told and she kissed his forehead.

“I haven't ever seen someone as selfless as you”

“I'm not selfless. In your case, I'm selfish, very selfish” He told and she smiled as he kissed her.

~The End~

A/N: This is an open end where anything can happen after this. It all depends on the readers' perspective. I showed what I intended to show and so this ends here :-) I hope you all got the message of this story.

Inspiration behind this two shot: Have read an article where a woman charged rape cases against a man who was later proven innocent when the woman admitted that she had falsely accused him for not accepting her proposal. Strange! But this actually happened. Don't remember where exactly but since then, I was thinking of giving a shot on it.

It is not always that men are wrong everywhere. There are sincere men in this world too. Men who live and love just one woman in his life. Such men do exist.

And it is not always that women are wrong too. There are equally sincere women who gives everything of her to the man she truly loves. Such women do exist.

*So, cheating is not always a man's thing or a woman's thing as said by certain men and women. It depends on the character of the person*

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