Beach Party Disaster

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So... i drew this especially for this chapter. ENJOY

A few weeks went by and your arm was free of the wretched cast!

As you stretched you saw Senku, he was deep in thought not noticing you ran up to him and jumped. Fortunately for you his brain was like a multitasking machine he caught you, but set you back down like it was nothing, and continued walking.

You frowned and started fallowing him, trying to figure out what in the hell was wrong.

"Oh Great Science Lord what is troubling you so, just give me a sign! ANY SIGN WILL DO!" You shouted trying not to laugh, as you fell on your knees like you were praying.

"Y/N... What do you think of Tsukasa?" Senku finally asked in a serious tone.

"Hmmm... well he's really strong... almost like a weapon..."you furrowed your brow, that was kinda scary to think about. "But he seems really nice though... I mean why else would he help us?"

"I know he's been an attribute to our team, but I'm still suspicious of his loyalties..."

"Well I guess you have a point, with no other weapons in this stone world... he could do or take whatever he wanted." You concluded.

"Ten billion points to you Bun." Senku gave a small smile, but he still was worried. If Tsukasa wanted to he could take you away from him, and their was only one thing Senku could do.

~Time Skip~

"THE BEACH! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BEACH PARTY TONIGHT!" You yelled excitedly as you skipped in front of the boys.

"HECK YEAH, I WISH WE COULD BARBECUE THOUGH, THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!" Taiju shared your excitement as both sprinted off to set up.

Tsukasa caught some fish, Senku made the fire, Taiju got big logs to sit on, and you set up to prepare the food.

"Hey lets smoke some of this fish! Won't that help preserve some of it right?"

"Wow you actually are smart Short stuff! I'm rubbing off on you a little." Senku snickered, you death glared at his remark.

"HAHA you dork! Laugh it up, I'll come up with something to get back at you. YOU'LL REGRET THE DAY YOU CROSSED ME!" You threatened as you threw a stick at him.

"Ok. Pop Quiz; for technological civilization what's the most important component to have? Ten billion points to the correct answer." Senku was in questionnaire mode.

Taiju looked like he was going to pop a brain muscle if he thought any harder!

"SMARTPHONES!" Taiju exclaimed.

Senku gave a dorky smile with a sarcastic remark," Sure, Yeah, Smartphones would totally be the correct answer."


"Hmmm... maybe...iron."

"Iron is important, but not at this stage..." Senku looked at you next waiting for your response.

"Hmmmmmmm... is it glass."

"Not even close. It's calcium carbonate."

"What are you saying?!?!" Both you and Taiju questioned.

"Let me put it simply, it's the stuff used on athletic fields."

"Cooool! All we gotta do is find a gym storage locker and grab some of Carba-whatever you said!"

"Oh yeah lets just head to a gym!!! YOU IDIOT! DO YOU THINK WE WILL BE ABLE TO FIND THAT AFTER 3,700 YEARS!?!?"

"Come on you big oaf, those shells," Senku picked up one,"if we pulverize them into a powder we will have some in no time."

"YEAHHHH!!! MY TIME HAS COME! BRAWN DUTY ALL THE WAY!" Taiju went running off to collect shells.

"Wait what uses can we use with the carbonate?" You asked looking up pondering.

"Check it out Short Stuff! There are four super useful things you can do with it: One- Agriculture, blow away the hydrogen ions in the soil. A major upgrade for farming. Two- Construction, heat it up and mix with sand, you get mortar. It's like a less sophisticated cement. Three- Hygiene, mix it together with calcium carbonate from seaweed and blend with oil, the reaction makes soap. Getting sick in this world means game over, but with a chunk that gets rid of harmful germs it's a lifesaver in a world without doctors. You can call it Dr.Stone."

"Well after all that. What do you guys say we listen to some music..." you giggled, you knew this plan of yours was gunna be fun.

"MUSIC!!! HOW ARE YOU GUNNA PLAY MUSIC Y/N!?!?!" Taiju beamed.

You winked at Senku and grabbed Taiju's hand pulling him up.

You started singing "Cheap Thrills-Sia" and started dancing crazily with Taiju.

"Come on, Come on, Turn the radio on

It's Friday night and I wont be long

Gotta do My hair, I put my makeup on

It's Friday night and I won't be long,"

Taiju finally realized what the song was an joined in with singing, he twirled you around.

"Til I hit the dance floor! Hit the dance floor! I got all I need! No I ain't got cash, I ain't got cash but I got you baby!" When you sang that part you shot a wink at Senku and stood on one of the logs, as Taiju twirled around by himself still helping you sing.

"Baby I don't need no dollar bills to have fun tonight," you sang and Taiju did the (I love cheap thrills!) in between both of those parts.

"But I don't need no money! As long as I can feel the beat! I don't need no Money!" When you sang that part you twirled on the log and lost balance. "As long as I keee-ep Daaa-ahhhh!" Senku was about to catch you, but instead you landed in Tsukasa's arms.

You looked up at Tsukasa face and blushed a bit. 'Don't be embarrassed idiot! Senku was supposed to catch you!' You scolded yourself.

"Taiju can I steal the next dance."

Your eyes widened "What."

"'Til I hit the... yeah sure Tsukasa... DANCE FLOOR HIT THE DANCE FLOOR!" Taiju kept on singing and dancing by himself.

'You Dumbass!!!' You screamed mentally.

As smooth as butter Tsukasa guided you into the full back flip, then wrapped his arms around your waist. He was much taller than you, by at least two or three feet, but he was so gentle, like you were made of porcelain. He twirled you around a few times lifting you high in the air. He never took his eyes off you, as he set you on the sand and twirled you around more.

Even though Tsukasa was kinda handsome, gentle, strong, and charming, he could never compare to Senku.

Senku was your best friend and lover, he might seem cold at times you knew he still cared and loved you.

You looked to the spot were Senku was sitting, and it was empty.

Your heart sank, until you heard an "Ahem." From behind Tsukasa.

There Senku stood, kinda pissed, embarrassed, and scared.

"May I cut in?" He said a little sternly, puffing his chest up slightly.

He was not gunna loose you to this tyrant.

"But of course, you are her boyfriend, my apologies Senku." He took your hand and placed it into Senku's, you smiled wide as you came closer to him.

Senku was a bit taller than you, by a few inches, but it was a perfect fit.

You began taking small steps, Senku began to get dancing after a few tries of stepping on your toes. You just giggled.

"Wasn't really thinking wasn't looking for an answer..." you started singing again, a slower song ("Fly Love"- Jamie Fox)

"In the moonlight

When I saw your face

Saw you lookin' at me, saw you peeking out from under moon beams

Through the palm trees

Swayin' in the breeze." He would twirl and spin you around. He was mesmerized with this song, of course you were singing for him.

"I know, I'm feelin' so much more than ever before

And so I'm giving more to you than I though I could do

Don't know how it happened, don't know why, but you don't

really need a reason

When the stars shine

Just to fall in love

Made to love each other, made to be together, for a life time

In the sunshine

Flying in the sky

I know I'm feelin' so much more than ever before

And so I'm giving more to you than I thought I could do


Now I know love is real

So when the sky high, as the angels try

Letting you and I

Fly love."

You were about to kiss, but got cut off by Taiju clapping like crazy.


Both of you blushed so hard and you chased Taiju all the way back to camp for ruining the sweet moment.

Senku sits back down by the fire, he didn't want to leave Tsukasa alone.

"Senku you truly are amazing, your intellect could probably best some of the greats. You have my respect." Tsukasa broke the silence between them.

"Ha, a man who flatters another man is either flirting or plotting." Senku glared up at Tsukasa at that moment.

"I'm doing neither. I'm just saying if anyone could bring back civilization it would be you..."

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