Episode I: Kahn Killian

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Those that hold to light,
Those that cling to dark,
All are Kindred within the Force.
I do what I must to maintain the Balance;
And that Balance keeps me strong.
There is no Good without Evil,
yet Evil shall not flourish.
As my limbs balance my body,
So does my path balance my mind.
Through Passion, I gain Serenity;
Through Victory, I gain Harmony;
Through Knowledge, I gain Strength.
I am a soldier who marches the narrow path,
And as I guard the Force,
So too does the Force guard me.

I am a Gray Jedi

Somewhere in Imperial space...


"Will you just give up, you Imperial meatbags?!" T3 exclaims in frustration.

"Yeah, just go home. It's not like we stole a Sith Holocron from an Imperial vault to give to the Republic or anything." Said Denor Kale.

"How far are we from Republic space?" I asked.

"About 90 parsecs. But I would highly suggest jumping to light speed now." Denor said.

"No, we can't risk them following us. Get us to Republic space, that way they'll be forced to break off." I said.

"You do realize that the odds of us reaching Republic space without light speed is-" T3 starts.

"Never tell us the odds!" Denor and I exclaim.

"You want us to get to Republic space without Hyperspace? Alright... I got an idea." Denor said as he looked at something in front of us.

I follow his line of sight and see... something I kind of wish I didn't see.

"Please tell me your not gonna navigate that asteroid field." I groan.

"You got any better ideas?" Denor asked.

"No." I said.

"Thought not. Now you and T3 get on the guns. Get as many of them off us as you can!" Denor exclaims.

"Oh, yes! Finally, I get blow some Imps into oblivion!" T3 exclaims joyously.

He never was a fan of the Empire.

T3 and I run to the back of the ship, where he climbs down the ladder to the bottom gun, and I climb up to the top gun.

You may be wondering what on Tatooine (or wherever you're from) is going on.

Well, let me give you a quick rundown.

The name's Kahn Killian. And I'm a smuggler who works exclusively for the Galactic Republic. And of course, you already met my partners.

Recently, we may or may not have infiltrated Dromund Kaas, broke into an Imperial vault, and stole a rather valuable Sith Holocron. We managed to slip away long enough to get to the edge of Imperial space, but then the Empire caught on just as we were about to slip away. Now half the damn Imperial fleet is on our tail.

And... yeah, that's about it. There's not really much to it. Then again, you don't really need to do much to piss off the Empire.

So, now that you're all caught up, I can tell you about our escape from the Empire.

While Denor was expertly navigating the ship around the asteroids, the Imperial fighters weren't so adept. And the fighters that did manage to avoid the asteroids, T3 and I shot down easily.

I managed to shoot off the wing of one Imperial Starfighter, causing it to barrel into the other one.

There was one starfighter that managed to dodge both asteroids and T3 and I's fire. Neither of us could hit the squirrelly bastard. Which is why it surprised us that it was taken out when a Exogorth appeared out of nowhere and ate it.

All seemed clear for now.

"Uh, guys? Keep an eye out. Sonar just picked up something... not big, but not small either." Denor said over the comm link.

"And I'm guessing it's not an asteroid." I said.

"You guess correctly." T3 said.

I turn around and see a sight that puts fear in a lot of hearts in the galaxy.

It was a Sith Interceptor.

"Denor... get a move on!" I exclaim.

"What do you think I'm doin'?!" Denor snapped.

Denor continued to bob and weave the ship through the asteroid field with ease. Unfortunately, the Sith ship seemed to be just as agile. Every maneuver Denor made, the Sith Interceptor made.

It was gaining on us quick. T3 and I began to shoot at it, though being the ship of a Sith Lord, we didn't expect our barge to do much. Once we were in range of it's weapons, the Interceptor fired on us. We hit it a few times, it hit us a few times.

Suddenly, 10 more Imperial starfighters appeared.

"Killian! If you're gonna do something, do it now! I'm reading to many starfighters closing in on us!" Denor said.

Oh yeah, there's something I forgot to mention about myself.

"Oh, here we go! He's gonna do a thing, and it's probably gonna be awesome!" T3 exclaims excitedly.

I reach out my hand, close my eyes, and concentrate... focus...

Suddenly, two giant asteroids collide with each other, crushing the starfighters caught in between.

Yeah, I have the Force. No, I'm not a Jedi... not anymore. I left them a long time ago because I don't agree with some of their rules and restrictions. I want to be the defender of the innocent, yes. But I also want to feel love. Besides, isn't a Jedi supposed to find inner peace? I haven't fallen in love with anybody, but something tells me it can bring someone serenity. I also wish to learn some of the more tame Dark Side teachings. Not because I intend to use them, though I will if necessary. It's like a Mandolorian friend of mine says, 'to counter what your enemy throws at you, you must know what they teach'.

So, yeah... by now you've put together that I'm more of a Gray Jedi. I even adopted the philosophy.

"Yeah-hah! Suck it, Imps! We gots the Force, byatch!" T3 mocked.

Just then, the Sith Interceptor flew over the collided Asteroids and continued chasing us.

"... I hate my stupid Audio Output." T3 groans.

"I hate it too." I said.

"I think we all hate it." Denor said.

Denor continues to maneuver around the asteroids and dodge the Interceptor's fire. T3 and I continue shooting at the Sith ship, but as before, it has little to no effect.

When the Interceptor manages to disable our guns, that's when we run into a problem.

"Killian, follow me. I got an idea." T3 said.

I climbed down from the gunner seat and follow T3 through the ship. He eventually leads me into... the... escape pod.

I notice that he's plugging in the coordinates for Coruscant.

"We're riding an escape pod to Coruscant?" I ask.

"No." T3 said.

He then walks over to me. I notice that he has the Holocron we stole. He shoves it into my arms, then looks me in the eyes.

"You are." He said.

He then tosses me into the escape pod, takes out his blaster, then shoots the console.

"It's on a Hyperspace countdown with coordinates for Coruscant. Get the Holocron to the Republic. Finish the job." T3 said.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because you're still young. You got a long life ahead of you. So don't waste it, kid." Denor said.

Then the escape pod jettisoned from the ship. I watch as the Empire continues to chase the ship.

Then an Imperial fighter comes out of nowhere and starts shooting at the escape pod. One of the blasts manages to hit the pod, causing all sorts of alarms to go off. I turn around and see that the navigation has been damaged.

Just then, the hyperdrive activates, careening me to an unknown planet in space.

That is how I arrived on Earth... and I expected and prepared to arrive on a possibly unknown planet.

But nothing could have prepared me for when I met Asuka and her friends from Hanzō Academy.

Nor could anything prepare me for the power she possessed...

And I'm not talking about her Awakened Form...

(Yeah, I forgot to mention that this story takes place during the Old Republic)

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