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Lucifer pov
We went back to hell after the little battle we had with the virtues ,my brother and all those insects.

Toxzon:"so the battle is finally over"


Amon:"the hell you on about? you didn't do shit" amon said with anger in her voice.

Lucifer:"that is beacuse i told him to stay back. So what did you see?"

Barricade:"noting. But i noticed there were only 2 virtues i thought there were 7"

Lucifer:"there are. We just didn't see them"

Biowulf:"so what do we do now master?" Biowulf asked walking into the room.

Lucifer:"find them and kill them while they're outnumbered"

All:"yes lucifer-sama" they said bowing

Castiel pov

Homura:"so you are telling me that angels are real and that girl was the devil herself?"

Michael:"Yes that's about it"

Asuka:"and we wanted to ask you and your Team for help"

Castiel:"yes. You have no idea how big of a help that could be to us" castiel said walking in.

A/n sorry if it's bad but i'm not excatly the best at drawing

Katsuragi:"Oh good lord would you look at that" she said with a flirty tone making Michael and Uriel flinch

Ikaruga:"not the time"

Asuka:"Anyways so can you help us?"

Homura:"yeah sure"

Castiel:"I aprecciate it"

Homura:"okay i'll see you all later" she said leaving


Yagyu:"so what now? Wait for another attack?"

Castiel:"for now me Michael and Uriel will look for the rest of our team"

Ikaruga:"we'll help you"

Michael:"Thank you we aprecciate your help"
Then we started walking around the city

???:"yo is that cas?" A boy asked

???:"yeah its him let's go say hi"

???:"sup cas" two boys approached them

???:"long time no see huh?" The other boy asked

Castiel:"hey sup guys" he said shaking both of their hands

Yagyu:"castiel you know them?" She asked as she tilted her head

Castiel:"yup. They are old friends this is juan"


Castiel:and this is benny"

Benny:"i like turtles"

Hanzo girls:"nice to meet you"

Juan:"you lucky motherfucker still surronded by girls"

Castiel:*chuckle* yeah i guess"

Benny:"hey cas look at this video" he said showing castiel his phone

Castiel:"what is it about?"

Benny and juan:"just watch it its funny as hell" they said as they all walked together
A/n this what they were watching

castiel,juan,benny and the girls:"hahahahahaha!" They all laughed

Castiel:"man i haven't laughed so hard in a long time!"


Benny:" told ya it was funny" they said as they kept walking

???:"castiel-sama is that you?" A group of girls asked making everybody turn

Castiel:"Oh hey girls is nice to see you"

Uriel:"we have been looking for you"

???:"us too but atleast we finally found each other" a brown haired girl said

Ikaruga:"i'm guessing you guys know them too"

Castiel,Michael,Uriel,benny,juan:"yeah" they said together

Castiel:"anyways girls meet the rest of my-


Castiel:"shut it. As i was saying this is the rest of my team first is sariel"

Sariel:"nice to meet you"

Katsuragi:*drooling*god look at those boobs" she said making grabby hands

Ikaruga:"*hit* have some shame"

Castiel:"next is raphael"

Raphael:"hi" she said cheerfully

Castiel:"then metatron"


Castiel:"then sandalphon"


Castiel:"and last but not least Gabriel"


Juan:"and that's all of castiel's harem"

Katsuragi:"my my castiel aren't you lucky getting all those boobs for yourself especially the milf's boobs" she said pointing at sariel

Gabriel:"hey stop that that's immoral and all sexual and immoral acts are forbidden! No,no,no,no,no,no,no," she said shaking her arms like if she was trying to fly

Ikaruga:"*hit* i'm truly sorry" she said apoligizing

Gabriel:"as long as she doesn't do anything perverted it'll be fine"

Hanzo girls:"thank you"

Castiel:"so let me show you guys where we are going to stay"

Virtues:"yes castiel-sama"

Benny and juan:"kay"

A/n well that's it for now see you next time

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