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Castiel pov
We were walking on the streets after the battle against asmodeus

Uriel:"so where are we going to stay castiel-sama?" Uriel asked

Castiel:"I don't know maybe we will get a hotel"

???:"we can help you with that" a voice said making castiel, Uriel, and Michael turn around looking at a group of girls

Castiel, Michael,Uriel:"who are you?"

???:"my name is asuka"

???:"my name is katsuragi hot stuff" she said as she smiled

???:"now is not the time for that anyways nice to meet you my name is Ikaruga"

???:"my name is yagyu"

???:"hi my name is hibari" she said while having a childish smile

Castiel:"pleasure to meet you my name is castiel"

Michael:"nice to meet you My name is Michael"

Uriel:"my name is uriel"

Castiel:"so how exactly are you going to help us?" He asked

Asuka:"Well you need a place to stay right we can let you stay at my grandfather's acdemy"

Katsuragi:"and if you want i can show you a lot of good stuff" she said while having a perverted smile

Michael pulled out her katana

Michael:"i won't let you defile castiel-sama's pure body"

Uriel:"yeah" she said as she pulled out two pairs of swords

Ikaruga:"please excuse our perverted friend she just doesn't know how to control herself" she said as she hit the perverted blonde

Katsuragi:"oww okay fine i'll stop"

Ikaruga:"good beca-

Katsuragi:"for now" she said while smiling

Asuka,Ikaruga,yagyu:"*sight* we're sorry" they said

Castie:"don't worry about it"

Asuka:"So what do you say will you stay at our academy?" She asked

Castiel:"Well as long as you can keep your friend in control i don't see a problem"

Asuka:"Good i'lli'll show the academy" she said as she smiled and grabed castiel's hand making Michael flinch

???:"you will be long dead before that happens"


Hanzo girls:"huh?"

Uriel:"those voices could they be?"


Castiel:"biowulf and elementor"

Biowulf:"its been such a long time hasn't it angels?"

Ikaruga:"you know them?" She asked

Castiel:"yeah they're part of our huge list of enemies" he said

Michael:"What do you want and who sent you"

Elementor:"lucifer did. she wants her big brother alive however"

Biowulf:"she said we could do whatever we want with you and the rest of angels so"

Elementor:"its killing time bitches" he said

Castiel,Michael,uriel:"SO BE IT" they shouted as they got in fighting positions

Asuka:"We will help you"


biowulf:"this should be interesting"

Elementor:"KILL" he yelled as he turned into his metal form

They all ran twoard each other and started fighting

Katsuragi:"Kill this you weirdo" she said as she kicked elemntor multiple times pushing him back put he started to dig his metal claws into the garound to stop himself

Biowulf then kicked katsuragi and punched the ground causing a wave that pushed everyone back

All:"damn it"

Elementor:"its getting cold why don't you let me make it hotter" he said turning into fire form

Castiel:"i hate puns" he said

Katsuragi:"time for revenge puppy" she said as she tried to kick biowulf but he just grabed her leg and made her look him in the eyes

Biowulf:"don't ever call me that you perverted brat" he then threw katsuragi to yagyu who was fighting elementor


Meanwhile elementor was throwing fire balls at everyone who attempted to attack him.

Elemntor:"c'mon is that all you can do *chuckles* how sad"

Castiel:"so you want us to get serious well here" castiel then stomped the ground with his causing a massive shockwave pushing elementor and biowulf back panting

Biowulf:"well it was fun seeing you again but we will be back"

Elementor:"what? Fuck you i ani't leaving"

Biowulf:"yes you are"

Elementor:"hell nah i don't get how you're a wolf to me you are a PUSSYcat" he said mocking biowulf

Biowulf:"a what?"

Elementor:"I said you are a pus- he couldn'couldn't finish because biowulf kicked him in the stomach and gave him an uppercut knocking him out then a portal opened.

Biowulf:"i'll see you soon angels and this is not over you damn brat" he said pointing at katsuragi

Katsuragi:"Oh yeah we shall see about that"

Then biowulf pulled elemntor and went through the portal.

Castiel:"2 fights in a day i sure am tired"


Katsuragi:"well i can help you relieve some stress big boy" she smirked

Michael,Uriel:"i'll kill you right now" they said pointing their weapons to katsuragi

Castiel:"girls calm down"

Michael,Uriel:"y-yes castiel-sama" they answered

Ikaruga:"well let us show you the academy"

A/n:"till next chapter"

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