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Michael pov

Enigma:"that's not him.....not anymore"


Hibari:"um...guys...what's wrong with castiel?"

Castiel:"tjoc hast nalve espacial loswas xwsds casquasl"


Then he turned towards us but he looked really different

Castiel:"oh hey girls"

Michael:"castiel-sama are you okay?"

Castiel:"why yes. I feel more alive than ever"

Enigma:"don't be fooled that's not him"


Enigma:"that's not him talking its the tetrax"

Castiel:"oh my one of the 13 original primes....enigma was it? I tought you were locked in the cage after amara's death"

He said smiling at her

Enigma:"what about you? I tought all the tetrax went extinct after the great war"

Castiel:"us? Hahaha we're almost indestructible we didn't die we just....switched hosts"

Enigma:"we? You mean more tetrax sirvived?"

Castiel:"exactly. We switched hosts so then we could survive. all these years we have just been hiding but no more. It was all part of a plan that played itself out perfectly"

Enigma:"then if there are more.....oh no!"

She said flying off

Asuka:"so. You're not Castiel?"

Castiel:"no. Defidently not"

Metatron:"please let us talk to castiel-sama"

Castiel:"sorry but he is my host now. He is mine"

Michael:"let us talk to him or else-

Castiel:"or else what? You wouldn't dare to hurt him would you?"


???:"stay back mechanical demon!"

Some potions came flying out of nowhere and landed on castiel-sama exlpoding. Then we turned to see who threw the potions and saw a woman.



Ikaruga:"who are you?"

???:"my name is touko hizuki and don't i can help you with this thing"

Castiel:"is that so?"

Touko:"yup. I know how to deal with your species. Walrider"


Walrider:"that's just the name the humans gave me. Do you really think you can defeat me?"


Michael:"if its to help castiel-sama i'll help too!"

I said as i took out my katana and flew at him

Walrider:"heh. Good luck with that"

Before i could reach him some kind of fog started emerging from him

Then the fog became so strong that it pushed me back causing me to hit my body against a wall and then i looked at him and he simply smiled.

Then everybody but touko ran at him however the result was the same and the fog was becoming stronger.

Touko:"don't get close to him. You're supposed to attack him from a certain distance"

Then he came closer to me and looked at me straight in the eyes

Walrider:"any last words little angel?"

Michael:"castiel-sama........i'm sorry.....I couldn't protect you"

Walrider:" am i"


Then a bunch of crows came out of nowhere and started attacking castiel-sama.




Then castiel-sama stared somehow killing all the crows by making them blow up and their blood was raining down on him and then he just stared at yuyaki with an annoyed face.

Walrider:"don't get in my way human"

Yuyaki:"no....I won't hurt...anyone"

She said as he got in position

???:"this looks fun. Can we join?"

A woman said standing next to naraku. Then the woman transformed

???:"i am kagura! She who will vanquish all the yoma!"

He then started to levitate

Walrider:"well let's begin then. And as for the rest of you you are no longer a part of this fight!"

Then he snapped his fingers and sent us and the hanzo girls back to the academy leaving himself only with kagura,naraku, and yuyaki.

Katsuragi:"this is so unfair he kicked us out!"

Touko:"well it could be worse"

She said as she sit down

Uriel:"oh no you have some explaining to do"

Sandalphon:"yeah like how you know what that thing was"

Katsuragi:"and will you let me grope you?"


Touko:"don't worry i'll explain everything"

Michael:"First start with how you know what that thing was"

Touko:"well. I know that because i used to be a worker of the murkoffmurkoff corporation and we captured that thing. We named it walrider because of old german lagend"

Sariel:"why did you call it mechanical demon?"

Touko:"because that thing doesn't have a physical form its all made out of nanites( nanomachines) we Found this thing last year and we started experimenting with it. Trying to learn how it worked and we Found out it needs a host to stay alive similar to the klyntar. Another species that we also studied. But back to the main question, it needed to bond with somebody to keep the android form that you probably saw before he took that boy as his host however the walrider escaped and i'm guessing that it found the place you people were on and in a desperate attempt to survive it bonded with the boy and made him its host"

Hibari:"but why demon?"

Touko:"because of its violent nature and of the legend its name came from that's why we called it walrider but also mechanical demon"
Asuka:"and do you know where it came from?"

Touko:"nope. We never managed to find out because of its violent conduct so it was very difficult for us to even get close to it"

Yagyu:"despite your looks you're actually smart"

Touko:"wut? What did you think i was?"

All:"a stripper"

Touko:"h-hey i'm right here!"

Michael:"well do you at least know its origin?"

Touko:"no. all we know is that it came from somewhere from space and that's it"

Jibril then walked in

Jibril:"if you want to know where it came from i can answer that question"

Raphael:"you know?"

Jibril:"yes but its a long story so i suggest you get confortable"

      Meanwhile in hell

Lucifer:"don't worry master you will get your revenge soon"

Fallen:"don't forget, only a prime can defeat me and there is only 1 left"

Lucifer:"don't worry i'll deal with my brother myself and then this world shall never see the light again"

Fallen:"yes my disciple, AVENGE ME!"

A/n:"that's it for now i'm sorry i didn't upload a new chapter for 2 days its just that i really didn't know how to continue after last chapter but don't worry because i am back with more ideas see you next chapter"

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