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Castiel:"come on, its time to go"


When they crossed the portal they showed up in an unknown place. Yasaka had no idea where they where but Castiel did

Yasaka:"where are we?"


???:"hello son, hello yasaka, its nice to see you both"


Castiel:"father? Predaking?"

Yasaka:"what's going on?"

Chuck:"well you see, i wanted to talk to the 3 of you and someone else who still hasn't arrived"


???:"that would be me!"

Castiel and yasaka:"cupid?"


Predaking:"looks like the gang is all here"

Yasaka:"well this is nice....a reunion!"

Cupid:"yup! cassy you sure got quite handsome since the last time i saw you~"

Castiel:"oh uhhh.....thank you i guess

Cupid:"fufufufu you're so cute!"

Chuck:"well, now that we're all here we can start talking about what's going on and why i called you all here"

Yasaka:"did something happen?"

Chuck:"no.....nothing has happened YET"

Cupid:"whatever do you mean?"

Chuck:"during the past few days....the cage where amara is locked has started to crack"


Chuck:"yes, and as you may already know this is a really bad thing because amara can use even the smallest of those cracks to come out and you already know what will happen then"

Predaking:"is that why the 4 horsemen are on earth?"

Chuck:"i guess so, i wasn't informed of this until yesterday"

Castiel:"so the apocalypse is coming sooner than we tought..."

Cupid:"does anyone else know about this?"

Chuck:"heaven is on high alert right now, so yes but i wanted to let you all know so you can warn your kingdoms....after all, amara is not a laughing matter"

Everyone just stayed silent

Yasaka:"so what should we do now?"

Chuck:"for now just warn your realms, if you see anything suspicsious don't hesitate to warn me okay?"

Castiel,yasaka,cupid,predaking:"yes sir"

Location:shera's mind
Shera was walking through nothing but darkness
Shera:"guys? anyone there?"

Then suddenly everything turned into an unknown place

She then looked around and noticed the virtues,rem, and a group of unknown girls unconscious on the floor


Then everything started shaking

Shera:"w-what's going on?!"

Then a huge amount of darkness started flowing from the ground and was heading somewhere and when shera looked to where it was heading she noticed a bunch of symbiotes

Shera:"what's happening?"

Then the darkness landed in the place where the symbiotes were standing and all you could hear was their screams. after a while the symbiotes walked out of the darkness and looked at her

Shera:"n-no please stay away!"

Then shera looked into the darkness and noticed a pair of eyes staring at her

Then a female voice said

???:"kill her"

Then the symbiotes started running at her like a pack of hungry lions. Shera was going to attack them too but she noticed she didn't have her crossbow, immediately fear started flowing through her and she knew that she didn't know how to fight and she had no chance of running because they would eventually catch up to her so she just stood there waiting for her death but before the symbiotes could reach her, a bunch strong lighting bolts started hitting the symbiotes killing them instantly

Shera was slightly filled with hope but that hope quickly banished when the voice in the darkness spoke again

???:"fine, i'll just kill you myself"

Then a bunch of darkness started heading towards her

and once again she was terrified and simply was standing waiting there waiting for her death but some kind of tall creature covered in bright light got in front of her as if it was trying to protect her from the darkness.
The creature didn't say a thing to her it simply spreaded its large wings in an attempt to cover shera. Once the darkness was close enough, shera simply closed her eyes waiting for the worse to happen, but nothing but air got to her since the creature was standing there covering her from the darkness, and then the voice spoke again

???:"you're just like your father.......DISGUSTING!!!"

Then, an even bigger amount of darkness came towards them however the creature turned towards shera and covered her with its wings, it felt warm and calm inside there shera felt like she could easily fall asleep in there but suddenly the creature grabbed her and started flying away but the darkness got closer to them

Shera:"please fly faster its coming"

The darkness got even closer and it covered them leaving them in the dark but suddenly shera woke up as she felt like she was being groped, she woke up and noticed katsuragi groping her. Immediately shera moved away from katsuragi and covered herself

Shera:"u-um w-what are you doing?"

Katsuragi:"oh come on shera its just a little game"


Ikaruga:"can you not be a pervert for atleast 1 day?"


Michael and ikaruga:"*sight*"

Raphael:"well this is going to be a fun day................i guess"

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