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Zachariah:"what's wrong?"

Metatron:"i have to call the others before-

Michael:"there is no need for that"

Aki:"well thankfully they're back safely"

Katsuragi:"damn right! That was dangerous as fuck"

Ikaruga:"so who are you 2?"

Zachariah:"my name is zachariah, the angel of light"

Celes:"and my name is celestine baudelaire i'm the head of the mage Association"

Hanzo girls:"nice to meet you!"

Raphael:"i'm rather interested in knowing why you're here and not watching heaven zachariah"

Zachariah:"well, we came here because we needed to speak with castiel and ms. greenwood"

Shera:"huh? Why me?"

Celes:"does the name 'nol l greenwood' sound familiar to you?"

Shera:"yup, she was realated to me and she was also the queen of oxlack 6000 years ago"

Zachariah:"and do you know what happened with oxlack?"

Shera:"if i remember correctly they were having a battle against the dark elves until a strange creature showed up,turned into Ice and froze the entire land including the elves that were in it, then the land disappeared and was never heard from again"

Michael:(turned into Ice?.......i don't really remember if elementor was fighting with us during the final days of life Eternal....could it have been him?)

Celes:"well, what if we told you that oxlack didn't really disappear?"


Zachariah:"during the last few weeks we have found a door that lead to a land similar to how some elves described oxlack to be, not to mention it was frozen and there are bodies of elves who seemed to be fighting before they were frozen"

Gabriel:"hold on, if the entire land of oxlack disappeared along with the elf population, why are there still elves around?"

Shera:"not all elves were on oxlack the day the land disappeared, some of them were out hunting in alexandria and when they found out that the entire land disappeared, they moved somewhere else and started a new life, that's how arkastel was formed"


Rem:"that's the current territory and land the elves have"

Zachariah:"not to mention that's were princess shera came from"

All except virtues and celes:SHE IS A PRINCESS?!"

Celes:"yes, she is related to nol l greenwood who as mentioned before was the queen of the elves 6000 years ago during the great war known as life Eternal"

Asuka:"um, how exactly does that work?"

Zachariah:"its a bloodline, everyone in the greenwood family will take the throne"

Uriel:"so why exactly are you here?"

Celes:"2 things, the elves want her back and also that the elves found frozen in oxlack are alive"

Rem:"how is that possible?"

Celes:"the ice kept them alive"

Katsuragi:"for that long?!!!!"

Zachariah:"yup, hard to believe isn't it?"


Zachariah:"but they said they are worried about you"

Shera:"what nii-san needs isn't me, its an heir! He just wants me to bear his child!"


Then Benny and Juan came out of nowhere

Juan:"first Castiel and Lucifer and now this? What's with all the incest?"

Benny:"yeah, next thing you know sandalphon and metatron are lesbians and are going to do incest too"

Metatron & sandalphon:"HELL NO!"

Hibari:"how long have you been standing there?"

Benny:"long enough to know what's happening so keep going"

Shera:"i don't even love him, its not right to force me to marry someone when i don't even want to! I refuse to return to arkastel! I'll live on my own from now on "

The room was quiet until rem spoke

Rem:"well said"


She turned towards rem

Rem:"it takes determination to abandon your country and live on your own.....as much as it pains me to say this....that's brave"

Zachariah:"well lucky for her, as i said before since the elves are still alive including nol herself....she technically is still the queen so she can take the throne back from shera's brother"


She asked with an excited tone as she got closer to Zachariah

Zachariah:"y-yes, however your brother won't be happy"

Michael:"then we'll protect her"


Asuka:"yeah, you're our friend"

Katsuragi:"yup, so if he wants those puppies he will have to go through me first!"

She said as she pointed at shera's chest

Shera:"u-um thank you"

Celes:"fufufufu youth"

Zachariah:"i think me and the angels should be the ones saying that considering how old we are"



Ikaruga:"is something wrong yomi?"

Yomi:"we were walking on the street until a bunch of men walked up to us, at first we tought they were perverts but then they attacked us and now they're overpowering us so we need your help!"

Asuka:"alright, we're going!"

Michael:"us too!"


Metatron:"yes, you helped us once and now is time to return the favor"

Yomi:"thank you!"

Raphael:"somebody has to stay and watch castiel-sama though"

Rem:"we can watch him"


Michael:"Are you sure....."

Shera:"what's wrong?"

Ikaruga:"no offense but you 2 always end up fighting for stupid stuff"

Yagyu:"yeah, so we're not sure if we can leave you alone with him"

Shera and rem:"HEY WE'RE TRUST WORTHY!"

Katsuragi:"okay, just make sure you don't kill the hottie"

Ikaruga:"not now katsuragi"

Michael:"Come on let's go!"

Then they left




Rem:"the Sun is a planet"

Shera:"no, its a star!"







Location:"ganton, los santos

Man:"hehehehe you girs are so cute. ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAR!"

Homura:(Come on yomi, where are you with the help?)

Location:somewhere inside castiel's mind

???:"face it, you can't defeat me!!!!"

???:"you're just a disease and i'm the cure"




Shera:"bullshit, its a star!"



They turned towards castiel's body which was shining blue for some reason

Rem:"what's wrong with him?"

Shera:"i don't know but it looks dangerous"

Then suddendly Castiel opened his eyes

A/n:"that's it for now see you in the next chapter. goodbye!"

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