Episode 16

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At midnight

- Kouta's House -

Kouta was sleeping and someone try to wake him up

???:Psst...hey Kouta?

Kouta:Huh?*wake up and slowly open his eyes it was Murasaki*M-murasaki why are you here?

Murasaki:Well...i-i having a bad dream again,so could you sleep with you please...


Murasaki:Thanks...*lay down his bed besides him*

Kouta:*lay down*Good night...*sleep*

Murasaki sleeps and cuddles him

- the next morning -

Rias enter his room

Rias:Kouta it's time too...*saw Imu standing at them sleeping*

Imu:Ssh...keep it down.

Rias nod and left then Murasaki and Kouta are wake up

Murasaki:*awake and yawn*Morning...

Kouta:*yawn then open his eyes and saw Imu*Imu?

Imu:Hello Kouta,it's seems my sister wants you.

Kouta:Yes because having her bad dreams.

Imu:Anyway Kouta you should take care of my sister please don't make her sad understand? Promise?


Imu:*smile*Good.*kiss his forehead*And now Murasaki you should stay with him,i don't want cause trouble for you.

Murasaki:*nod*Ok onee-chan...and i will protect my lovely cute boy,he was my young prince to me of a fairytale.*lovely sigh*

Kouta blushes

Imu:Right Murasaki.

Kouta:Anyway girls i will go to school now.

Murasaki:Ok and take care...my prince~*wink at him*

- Intro -


- at school -

Chizuru:Morning Kouta~!

Asia:Hey Kouta.

Asahina:Good morning Kouta.

Kouta:Hey guys.

Asahina:So how was the training?

Kouta:It's fine,i got stronger now for the tournament.

Yuki:I can't wait for you competed at the tournament Kouta.

Kouta:I will Yuki.

Issei:*came in*Hey Kouta good luck on the tournament.

Kouta:Thanks Issei.

Issei:And you too sexy girl~*stare at Chizuru breasts*

Chizuru angry and groans then kick his balls then he scream painfully and fall down on the floor

Yuki:That's gonna leave a mark.

Chizuru:YOU STUPID PERVERTED BOY!!!!*stomp his face repeatedly*ONLY KOUTA CALLED ME THAT!!!!

Kouta blushes shyly and speechless


Kouta:Sorry...*cover his eyes*

- 3 hours -

Rossweisse:Alright class i have announcement so next week we gonna start the tournament for the Azazel Cup.


Chizuru:You're ready Kouta?

Kouta:I'm ready Chizuru.

Guy 1:You feel ok Issei?

Issei:*his face was bruises by Chizuru*No...i can't see anything...ouch...*put on the ice pack on his cheeks*

- At Recess -

Kouta walking the hallway

???:Hey Kouta!

Kouta:Huh?*turn around and saw Serafall and Kalawarner run at him*Oh hey Serafall and Kalawarner so what do you want?

Serafall:Well cause...we want to join your team!


Kalawarner:Yes Raynare told us,we will help you to win the tournament.

Serafall:Cause we love you Kouta,so much~!*cute scream*

Kouta:*blushes*O-o-ok sure,welcome to my team Serafall and Kalawarner.

Kalawarner:Mhmm...so we gonna go now Kouta.

Serafall:Yeah! Bye Kouta see you at the tournament soon my love~*wink at him*

Serafall and Kalawarner are left and Kouta continue walking then he bump someone

Kouta:Oops sorry i didn't see you here?

Sona turned around and look at him

Kouta:I should go now.


Kouta:Hmm? Is something wrong ma'am?

Sona:Are you Kouta Oyamada?

Kouta:Yes and how did you know my name?

Tsubaki:I saw this documents at the school library of you.

Kouta:Oh really?

Tsubaki:Yes,you must be the new student in Kuoh Academy.

Kouta:Well yes i am.

Sona was staring at him while blushes

Tsubaki:Anyway my name is Tsubaki Shinra and...*look at his cute eyes then she blushes*And-

Kouta:And what?

Tsubaki:And...*shyly speechless and her thoughts*Oh my god why he's so cute and small it's make my heart pounding forget Kiba this young boy is my type now~😍

Kouta:Umm...excuse me? Are you in there?

Tsubaki shake her head

Tsubaki:Umm...n-nothing! Nothing really! Ehehe...

Kouta:Ok then?

Tsubaki:And this is our leader of our team Sona Sitri.

Kouta:Well nice to meet you.

Sona:*speechless and her thoughts*What is this feeling? His head,his face,his eyes are cute...and his so small like a plushie,i think i'm in love now,he is my perfect type of man i like the most,and i love him so much~😍

Kouta:Umm...excuse me ma'am?

Sona shake her head

Kouta:Are you ok?

Sona:I'm fine now,anyway so you and your enter the tournament?


Sona:Great! I hope you fight me Kouta!

Kouta:Umm...i can't fight you Sona.

Sona:Huh? Why not?

Kouta:Cause i'm innocent and i don't want to hit a girl,cause i'm scared of hurting any girls by me.*shivers*

Sona:*hug him*Ssh...ssh...it's fine Kouta,don't worry we take care of you.

Tsubaki:Y-y-yes and Kouta we like to say...

Sona:We have feeling for you~

Kouta:*shocked and blushes*R-r-really?

Tsubaki:Yes,you made us in love to you,cause you're cute~


Tsubaki:And innocent boy ever~!

Sona:And we want to say is...

Tsubaki and Sona:We love you Kouta~

Kouta:*blush shyly*Well i don't what to say is...

Tsubaki and Sona kiss his cheeks and make his blush madly

Sona:Hmm...you don't want to hurt me,so find someone else to fight me at the tournament got it~?

Kouta nod slowly

Sona:Good boy~*pat his head and giggles*We should go now Kouta.

Tsubaki:Yes well nice to meeting you see you later.

Sona:And good luck at the tournament Kouta~!

Tsubaki and Sona are left leaving him

Kouta:Sona and Tsubaki huh...wait Tsubaki? That's the same name from...oh yeah!*pull out Tsubaki card*Like her of the ARC Angels Squad,should i call her? Well ok here i goes...calling my girlfriend Tsubaki,Shinobi Summoned now!*insert the card in the Summoner watch then starts glowing and summoned SK Tsubaki*

SK Tsubaki:Hello Kouta what can i do for you~?

Kouta:I wanna talk to you.

SK Tsubaki:Sure anything for you my love~

Kouta explained of Tsubaki Shinra that have same name of her

SK Tsubaki:Oh right...she have my name on it,i see maybe i should fight her of Tsubaki vs Tsubaki at the tournament!

Kouta:Well someday Tsubaki.

SK Tsubaki:You're right and thanks for the explaination of her Kouta.

Kouta:Ehehehe...no problem.

SK Tsubaki:*giggles and kiss him on the cheek*See you later my love~*she disappears*

- 6 hours later after school -

Chizur,Rias and Kouta are walking

Rias:So how was going Kouta?

Kouta:Well i met Sona and Tsubaki and they confessed me.

Rias:Oh i see my rivals in love you?


Rias:*smile*Good for you Sona and Tsubaki,we see you at the tournament.

Kouta:So what happened to Issei?

Chizuru:Well...i broke his body by throwing my desk during the break because HE CALLING ME SEXY!!!!!

- flashback -

Chizuru,Nozomu and Asia are chatting themselves while Issei smirking perverted at Chizuru

Issei:Look at her breasts so delicious~ Her ass so juicy~ And her face is beautiful i'm so horny right now of that sexy girl i want!

Chizuru:*heard it and triggered*YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!*lift the desk and throw at him*

Issei:AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!*got hurt badly*Help...me please....i think i broke my back...

- end flashback -

Chizuru:And that's my punishment,cause i only want you Kouta to called me sexy~

Kouta:O-o-ok Chizuru...

Chizuru:Good boy.

- meanwhile somewhere on top the roof far away -

???:I could smell my brother was here.

???:Oh really?

???:Yes,oh i want to see him again.


Minori:Oh brother your sister Minori is coming home! Right Nue?

Nue nod


- later at night -

At Kouta's House

Kouta:I'm home.

Tiamat:Welcome back Kouta,Murasaki preparing some dinner for you.

Murasaki:W-welcome back Kouta...i made your food.

Kouta:Wow thanks Murasaki.

Murasaki:*giggles*No problem...

Kouta sit down and eat it


- 3 hours later -

At Kouta's room

Murasaki:How was school Kouta?

Kouta:It's great and Issei got broken by Chizuru Murasaki.

Murasaki:Oh him...i hate him so much...even he doing naughty things me,i will destroyed him...*gets mad and glow her dark aura*

Kouta:Oh ok Murasaki.

Murasaki:Only you makes me happy be with you Kouta.

Kouta:Yeah...me too Murasaki.

Murasaki giggles and yawn

Murasaki:Time to sleep Kouta...

Kouta:Right...night Murasaki.*lay down and sleep*

Murasaki:Night my prince...~*lay down then sleeps and cuddles him*

- credits -


See you at the next episode bye

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