Episode 5

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The next day

Kouta open his eyes but then saw this

Katsuragi:Morning my love~

Kouta:Gah! What are you doing here!?

Katsuragi:Well i want visited you and...or we gonna have fun each other~

Kouta:*blush madly and back away farther from her*N-n-no i'll pass.

Tiamat:You ok Kouta?

Katsuragi:Oh is this your familiar Kouta?

Kouta:Yes her name Tiamat.

Tiamat:Oh you're name Katsuragi,i heard Rias and the others are talking about you and the SK girls.

Katsuragi:Right that's me and also me and others in love that cute boy and i want lick his that bottom private part~*lick her lips*

Kouta:Eek!*pull out Ikaruga card*Calling my girlfriend calling Ikaruga,shinobi summon now.*slide it in the summoner watch and start glowing and summoned Ikaruga*

Ikaruga:Katsuragi what the hell are you doing!?

Katsuragi:Oh Ikaruga i was making fun of him~*giggles*

Ikaruga:Oh no you don't he's too innocent ok,so stop doing that.

Katsuragi:Aww...fine.*puff her cheeks*

Ikaruga:And Kouta thanks for summoned me.




Later Kouta and others are walking away to the school

Rias:So Kouta how are you doing~?

Kouta:Well Katsuragi show up in the morning and doing teasing me.*blushes*And i summoned Ikaruga to stop her.

Rias:Oh that's nice of you~

Chizuru is jealous

Rias:Hey Kouta wanna make out with me~


Yuki:Hahaha he's a king of eros!

Kouta:S-shut up Yuki! It's embarrassing me.*red blush face*

Asahina:Oyamada! What did i tell you,you suppose not close any girls understand!?


Rias:I don't care of your stupid rules Asahina,i want him to become my future husband and make babies together~

Asahina shocked and Chizuru triggered herself

Kouta:That's not gonna-




Chizuru:*gasp*YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!

Chizuru and Rias glare each other and Kouta try to stop them

Kouta:Both of you stop it ok,no fighting.

Chizuru:Indeed we are not gonna fighting each other like me vs Asuka.

Rias:Well instead...

Chizuru and Rias:We have a contest!


Chizuru:Yep you gonna decide who is the best whether it's me or that stupid slut Rias.

Rias:Shut up hag!

Chizuru:I hate you slut!

Rias:You too!

Chizuru and Rias glare each other again

Tayura:*sigh*Here they go again.

Kouta:Oh boy.

Later at the classroom

Kouta was lay down his head to his desk and sighed

Asia:You ok Kouta?

Kouta:No because Rias and Chizuru are having a contest and it's so hard choose those two and i can't decide myself,what should i do...

Asia:It's ok Kouta,i will tell the others ok.


Chizuru:*offscreen*Oh Kouta~

Kouta*let go his desk*Yes Chizuru?

Chizuru:Ok here are the contest is bikini contest,cooking contest,and wedding outfit contest so ready for your decision~?

Kouta slowly nod

Chizuru:Good,*kiss his cheek*i see you Kouta~*blow kiss then wink at him and she left*

Kouta lay down his desk again

Kouta:This is not good.

Later at recess

Kouta was outside the school and walking left and right repeatedly

Kouta:Hmm...what should i do,what should i do...*he stop*i know i gonna call Asuka.*pull out Asuka card*Calling my girlfriend Asuka,shinobi summoned now.*slide it the summoner watch and summoned Asuka*

Asuka:Hey Kouta is something wrong?

Kouta:Yes i have a problem Asuka.

Asuka:Oh really? Tell me.

Kouta:Well Rias and Chizuru are having a contest and i have to choose one girl of the 3 challenge contests and it's so hard make a decision what should i do Asuka.

Asuka:Now,now Kouta calm down ok,let me,Homura,Yumi and Miyabi talk to Rias and Chizuru.

Kouta:Ok Asuka.

Asuka:Mhmm...you can do this ok,trust me~

Kouta nod

Asuka:Good,i will bring Homura,Yumi and Miyabi here,i see you later~*she disappears*

Kouta:Right...i can do myself.

Kouta went inside the school and go to the ORC club

Akeno:Welcome back Kouta~

Kouta:Hey Akeno.*sit down on the couch and Koneko was sit on his lap*Umm...what are you doing?

Koneko:This is my private seat ok.


Nozomu:*pat his head*Don't be sad Kouta,i know you gonna one girl for married you.

Kouta:I know.

Xenovia:Yea cheer up Kouta because we're in love with you~

Kouta:You will?

Akeno:Yes because we are lovers to you Kouta,unlike Issei that you are cutest,smallest and innocent boy ever that we like~

Casper:Yea just smile ok.

Kouta smile and nod

Kouta:Thank you girls.

All the girls:No problem Kouta~

Kouta:Anyway where are they?

Akeno:At the classroom they want to see you.

Kouta:Ok thanks,Koneko can you excuse me please?

Koneko:That's more like it,unlike Issei.*let go off him*

Kouta:Thank you.*stand up and went to the classroom and he enters*

Chizuru:Kouta you here just in time~

Rias:Ready for the contest Kouta~?


Chizuru:Good,now you sit down watch me...

Rias:Or me,so you're to be a judge ok.


Chizuru:Good anyway pick a contest you like,2 out 3 wins.

Kouta:Hmm...i pick the wedding outfit contest.

Chizuru and Rias:Ok~

Chizuru and went their corner respectively then close the curtain and change their clothes and wearing wedding outfit and Chizuru transform into her yo-kai fox form

Chizuru and Rias:Done~

Kouta pull out the paper and pencil out of his bag

Chizuru:Ready Kouta~?

Kouta:I'm ready.

Chizuru:Ok me first~

Chizuru remove the curtains and then walk to him and saw this

Kouta:Wow you're beautiful Chizuru.

Chizuru:*giggles*Why thank you Kouta~

Rias:I'm next~

Rias remove the curtains then walk to him and saw this

Kouta:Wow you look beautiful Rias.

Rias:Why thank you Kouta~

Kouta:Hmm...my pick for this contest will be...Chizuru.

Chizuru:Yes! Only one more to go and he's mine forever~!

Rias:You got lucky this time next one you gonna lose this one.*smirk*

Chizuru:Will see about that.

Kouta:Next one is best cooking contest.

Chizuru and Rias:Right~!*change their clothes and went to the kitchen and start cooking some food*

Kouta:*gulp*I hope it is bad...

???:Psst...Kouta over here.

Kouta:Huh?*loom at the entrance door window and saw Asuka and she brought Homura,Yumi and Miyabi with her

Kouta:Asuka,Homura,Yumi and Miyabi.

Yumi:Just do it Kouta,after the last contest.


Chizuru and Rias came back and brought some food to him

Chizuru:Here i made you,this is a seafood sushi with rice enjoy~*give the food to him*

Kouta:Ok i'll try...ok here i go.*eat it*Mmm...it's good.

Chizuru:Thank you Kouta,and thanks to Asuka for teaching me to cook some good foods~

Rias:Yea blah,blah,blah now it's my turn now.


Rias:Here i made you,a special curry be careful it's hot~

Kouta:Wow thanks.*eat it*Wow this is delicious.

Rias:*giggles*Why thank you Kouta~

After finished eating both Chizuru and Rias foods

Kouta:Hmm...my pick for this contest is...Rias.

Rias:Ha! Yes one more to go.

Chizuru:Now we're tied,time for the contest.

Kouta:Oh god...bikini contest.*blushes*

Chizuru and Rias:Oh yes~*went to their respectively corners then close the curtains and take off their clothes leaving their bikinis*

Chizuru:I go first~

Chizuru remove the curtains then walk to him and saw this

Kouta:*blush madly*You look....beautiful and sexy Chizuru.

Chizuru:Why thank you~

Rias:Now it's my turn~

Rias remove the curtains then walk to him and saw this

Kouta nosebleed and blush madly

Rias:Do you like it~?

Kouta:W-w-well i-i-i-i...*blushes*

Chizuru:Ok which one of us the winner this contest~


Chizuru and Rias close to him and clinging his arms by their breasts

Rias:Come on say it Kouta~

Kouta:*blush madly more and swirly eyes*M-m-my....*fainted*

Rias and Chizuru:*gasp*Kouta!

Rias:See this is all your fault!

Chizuru:My fault!? You're the one responsible for this!

Rias and Chizuru glare each other then Asuka,Homura,Yumi and Miyabi enters

Asuka:That's enough girls!

Homura:Just tell us ok.

Chizuru:Fine i was jealous of her for stealing my future husband and gonna make babies!? Hell no!

Asuka:Ok Chizuru calm down remember we battle each other since you here at Shinobi Academy.


Yumi:Because we shared in love with him ok.

Asuka:Yea that's why we are friends ok Chizuru,you allowed me and the others in love with him.


Miyabi:No more fighting now,just be friends with her and make love with him.

Chizuru nod turn to Rias

Chizuru:I'm sorry Rias.

Rias:Aww...it's ok Chizuru we sharing with him ok.

Chizuru:Oh it's a truce?

Rias:Yep Truce.

Chizuru and Rias shake hands each other

Homura:There you go.

Kouta wake up

Kouta:Ugh...what just happened?

Rias and Chizuru:Kouta~*hug him*

Kouta:W-w-what is going on!?*blushes*

Chizuru and Rias:We love you Kouta~

Rias:Now let's have some fun shall we~*smirk*

Chizuru:Oh yes~

Kouta:*eye wided*AH! SOMEONE HELP ME!


Issei:Did you heard that?

Kiba:Nope just the wind.


Later at night

Kouta went back home with Rias

Kouta:I'm home.

Tiamat:Oh Kouta and Rias how was you're day.

Kouta:It was...

Rias:Great and me and Chizuru are friends now and we love him.

Taimat:Wow that's good for you Rias.

Rias giggles

Kouta:*yawn*I'm so tired now.

Rias:Ok night Kouta~

Tiamat and Kouta went to his room,Kouta lay down the bed and sleep then Tiamat put the blanket on him and kiss his forehead

Tiamat:Sleep dreams Kouta.*close the light and sleep on the floor besides the bed*



See you at the next episode bye

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