Chapter 9

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I don't really remember anything after that point except waking up in the infirmary with a pounding head and aching bum and news that Juan had been taken to the mental ward of St Mungo's. I gazed around. I could see no one. Then two boys walked up to me. One blonde haired and the other, dark brown haired. "What happened to you?" Alder asked worriedly.

"I don't... know.... everything's black from before being here to the... the... last time I was in common room."

"Well, now they've taken Juan to a mental ward to see why he's so aggressive," said Oliver. He looked me up and down. "And why he did this to you." I attempted to turn my head.

"Where did they find me?"

"They found you just outside Defense Against the Dark Arts. Unconscious and bruised, with Juan standing over you." I looked away. "He may have hit me on the cheek, but he outright monstrous," Oliver said. "They say he was saying 'now you know better not to betray Slytherin!' Before walking into the teachers."

"Oh. But I didn't betray Slytherin, it's just his stupid views." Oliver looked at me.

"I know."

"Wait... what are Juan's views?"

"That a Slytherin can't have a relationship with their 'greatest enemies'," I said, using air quotes.

"That's ridiculous, this whole rivalry's ridiculous. I already get enough slack for being gay." I looked at Alder.

"I know right?" I said. "How did the rivalry even start?" Oliver watched us. He was smiling.

"I don't know."

"I don't know either. You guys are really cute together." I turned to face Oliver.

"Thanks, but Juan doesn't see it that way." He turned away.

"I know." He looked up. "Juan scares me. Especially after that episode," he admitted. I looked at him.

"I think our prefect scares all of us." I said. "I fear him in general now." I turned to Alder. "How long have I been out?"

"A few hours," he replied.

"Okay so it's not as bad as last time." Oliver turned back around.

"Yeah, I was still worried though," said Alder. I smiled.

"Of course you were, I'd be worried if it was you." I said and he smiled and blushed. Alder gazed at me.

"Time's up!" Pomfrey called. And both boys stood up. Alder gave me a kiss on my cheek before leaving. Then he and Oliver left. I felt a lot better after Alder came. I laid my head back on my bed and fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning and Pomfrey was standing over my bed. Surprised, I looked up. She gazed down at me. "Hello."

"You're dismissed," she said and I got out of the bed.

"Thank you," I said. And I walked out of the infirmary. I walked down the corridor and people gave me 'you're alive!'s, as I walked. I walked into the Slytherin common room and Oliver walked over to me.

"You're dismissed? Well, welcome back!" He said. "How do you feel?"

"I feel.... fine. Is.... Juan back?"

"No," he replied,"and he won't be for a long time." I sighed. "They're trying to find the source of his aggressiveness."

"Oh. I hope when he does come back, he isn't mad at me still..." I said, eyes darkening. Oliver looked at me.

"I hope so too. If he's hurt you once, he can hurt you more."

"That's not very comforting," I said, eyes narrowing.

"I know. I think we all fear him now. Especially after what he did to you." I looked around the common room.

"And he didn't have the highest impression of me to start with." Oliver looked at me. "I'm going to my bed." I walked to the dorm and lay on my bed.

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