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Everyone at work finds out Marie is dead. No one knows her body was dumped at my house and I'm keeping it that way. I get loaded with a few doubles this week so that we aren't short-staffed. I don't mind. It keeps me busy. I'm on my feet, refusing to ever sit down.

I don't stop pestering Jacob, Embry, and Quil about the beach. It's way too cold to go swimming, but I want to wash away my tears beneath the water.

Eventually, since none of them are being particularly helpful, I order a cab. I tell Embry that I'm leaving, since I'm not an absolute dick, but I don't ask them to come with me this time. He doesn't offer to come. It must be apparent from the bags under my eyes and the few words I've said to him all week that I want my space.

The cab is more expensive than I had imagined it would be, costing like, thirty dollars, but I don't mind. It's the first thing that I've spent on myself and it's a bit of a treat. The driver says that he rarely gets calls all the way out to La Push. Man, I need to learn how to drive. Not that Embry would let me borrow the car. I'm pretty sure it's something Jacob refurbished anyway. For now, I'm stuck with a taxi.

When I get to the beach, I walk along the shore until I find a more secluded spot. Not that there is really anyone here except for a few older couples walking along the shoreline. From there, I strip down, carefully hiding my cellphone and my hearing aids in a towel.

Finally, I walk into the water. It is freezing. Colder than a Cullen. So cold that I can barely think. I dip down into the water, letting it soak all into my hair. I don't know how long I can stand to be here, but I know that if I call the cab back the same man is going to show up and he's going to be very frustrated with me.

I want to throw myself off the cliffs again. That was a fun experience. Instead, I'm stuck wallowing. As I go, I think about Marie's death. Did she go painfully? Was she scared? Would I be?

Maybe it's cocky, but I don't think I would run from the woman. It's insane, given how petrified she makes me feel. Everything is stuck in place except my racing heart when I see the woman. Over the weeks, however, my fate seems to be inevitable. I'm more acclimated to it.

There is a hand on my shoulder and I yank on it, only for the figure to not move. I turn around, frozen, to see Embry standing above me.

His lips move, rapidly, and he gestures behind him. I do the sign for deaf but it makes no difference. He lifts me out of the water and throws me over his shoulder, sprinting onto the shore.

Put me down. I say, calmly, so as not to attract attention. I can't hear myself speaking though. I can barely hear the sound of the water raging.

We reach my pile of clothing and Embry puts me down. As quickly as I can, I put the hearing aids in, careful to squeeze out my hair first so they don't get too wet.

"When are you going to learn that I cannot hear you without my hearing aids?" I ask.

Embry sighs, "sorry, but I didn't have time to explain. We need to get to the Cullen's house and fast."

"Why?" I ask.

"The woman walked up to their front door," he says. "Her name is Kamiko."


We run over to the car, with me still in my bathing suit. From there, I throw the towel over the backseat and sit down on it. I didn't really think through changing back into my clothes before we had arrived.

We race through the backroads until we get to the Cullens' house. It feels bigger. It towers over me. With my clothes in the small bag I brought to the beach, we run up to the front door.

Alice opens it before we can even knock, "well, you're wet. You can use my room to change."

She leads me through the house and into her room. I catch a glimpse of the living room and see the woman, Kamiko, sitting in the chair I had sat in when I last came here. The day I discovered the truth about vampires. It makes my stomach sick.

After changing, which I do as soon as the door is shut. I take a moment to relax. She's here, and she wants to talk. That should be good news, right? I brush my fingers through my wet hair, hoping I don't look as nervous as I feel.

I realize there is no bed in the room. I feel nauseous all over again.

Eventually, I walk down the stairs. They don't creek like they do at Jacob's house. It feels too pristine here, too perfect. At the bottom step, I turn and enter the living room. I pick at the skin near the edge of my nail beds. I can't help it.

Kamiko is there. She tilts her head to the side. Her eyes are bright red, from feeding on Marie.

"It would have made me more upset if you had killed Henry," I say in the doorway, swallowing. "I'm closer to him. He sneaks me food."

"Have a seat," Carlisle says, gesturing to an empty spot on the love seat next to Jacob.

It's too close to Kamiko though.

"I'm sure she can smell me well enough from over here," I exhale through my nose.

My heart is slowing, and my hands go limp at my side. I can feel myself calming down. I'm in total control of this situation.

"I only want to be your friend," Kamiko says, blinking. "You interest me greatly, Fawn Dubois."

"It's not very friendly behaviour to kill someone else," I counter.

Carlisle puts his hands up. "Kamiko is here to talk. We don't need to be on the offence."

Kamiko looks over at me. She grins.

"This is ridiculous," Jacob says, and I am inclined to agree with him.

"You smell like the forbidden fruit," she says, turning her head to face him, "because you are completely rotten."

"If you don't tell me why you are hunting me, then I am leaving," I tell her.

She giggles. "I have always enjoyed turning the children of those who hunt us. Isn't that right, Carlisle?"

Carlisle stands up abruptly. One of the boys puts a hand on Carlisle's shoulder, which Carlisle yanks out of his grip.

I'm only getting more confused as time passes.

"You're just so easy to access," Kamiko points out. Then, she sighs, "but I'm beginning to see that you are more trouble than you are worth."

Alice gasps. She looks over at me, her eyes widen. She nods her head at me.

"So," Kamiko continues, eyeing up Alice, "I promise to abandon my hunt if you can produce me another."

"No," I tell her.

She chuckles, "you say that so quickly."

One of the Cullen boys steps shifts in his seat. "I think you should see yourself out now, Kamiko."

Kamiko stands up, and rolls her eyes. She walks forward through the doorway, hitting her arm against mine. My shoulder knocks backwards, and I try to bite through the moan that pushes at the inside of my mouth. The front door shuts behind her, slowly and delicately, unlike her rough movements against me. She's all over the place. She's unpredictable. At least, to anyone but Alice.

Carlisle rushes me, grabbing my arm. "Did she dislocate it?"

I shake my head. I doubt it. This pain is nothing compared to that. I shouldn't be grateful.

"Carlisle," the Cullen who last spoke says. "Alice saw something."

Alice looks over at us, and shakes her head.

"She saw Kamiko and a boy," the Cullen boy continues. "She was biting him, in the same spot that she was going to turn Fawn."

"Who?" I ask, stepping closer. It's got to be one of my convent's members. There are only a few boys. Only one my age.

Alice grinds her teeth, "he didn't have a name tag."

"What did he look like?" I press on.

Alice looks over at me. She huffs out a sigh and puts her head in her hands, "blond. Broad-shouldered, I guess. He looks stuffy."


"Who's Cedar?" the Cullen asks. He looks over between Jacob and me. "Oh, interesting. That's not good."

"Can you read my mind?" I ask.

The Cullen boy nods, "Edward, by the way. You thought it was too late to ask me."

I don't like how he's doing that. He reads them just as they come into my mind, maybe even sooner.

Jacob gets up from the couch. With the help of Embry, who stands behind him, he guides me to the door. "Thanks for the help everyone, but we're leaving."

"Do come back soon!" Alice says. "You'll get used to us eventually. I've seen it."

Jacob walks out of the room without me. I head behind him, not sparing the Cullens a second glance.

When we get to the car, and we are loaded in. Jacob doesn't ask me any more questions about Cedar, which is good news.

I don't particularly feel like talking about my fiancé.


I feel like every chapter ends with a bit of a game-changer, you know? Like, it's always something. I kind of like it, though it makes the flow of writing weird. Anyway, Cedar. He's- something. Also, expect lots of updates because I think I'm done the book! Maybe I'm not, but we will see!

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