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This chapter is dedicated to @KwanAbenLee for giving me tips and being enthusiastic about this story! Thank you!


Without her, he found out he would drown. She was his life vest, and her absence caused the waves to washed over him immediately. His heart stopped beating again, but emotions were everywhere. 

I woke up in a place that seemed to be a normal bedroom. One correction though, it was obviously not my bedroom. Where I would have chosen for light or maybe even pastel colours, this room was painted a dark red, making the space seem incredibly much smaller than it actually was. I must admit, the bed I was laying on, wasn't that bad. It was soft, with silk sheets that felt nice on my skin.
It didn't, however, take away the fear I felt inside me right after I woke up. I wasn't one of those girls who didn't realise they were kidnapped after they had inspected the room. I remembered everything, and it only took one glance around the bedroom to kindle the all-consuming fear I felt flowing through my veins.
I had been kidnapped by my best friend. Well, I guess he wasn't a friend if he wanted to get his way by taking me away from my mate.
It kind of hurt, actually, being betrayed. I'd never been betrayed before, but I guess now I was. This would count as being betrayed, right?
Trying to get up, I found that Francis had been as smart as I'd already expected. He had cuffed my hands to the bedpost with tie rips, so I wasn't able to stand. I could only lay down, or if I shifted into some weird positions, I managed to sit up straight. The tie rips were strapped on quite a bit too tight, resulting in painful restraint marks on my wrists, where the firm plastic dug into my skin. But no matter how much I pulled or tried to free myself of the restraints, I wasn't able to. In fact, I think I only increased the welts.
As I didn't have anything to do anyway, I took my time taking in my surroundings. Aside from the darkly coloured walls and the impressive silk covered bed, there wasn't much in the room. Yes, there was a desk, which was neatly organised and didn't have a single layer of dust on it. The chair was tucked under de desk in such a way no one would have to walk around it.
In short, this room was boring.
I sighed loudly, impatient for someone to walk in. Anyone would be fine, really, at least I would have something to do. I mean, I could just think about my mate...
My handsome, gorgeous mate.
The mate I was secretly falling in love with, even though we were nothing more than friends yet.
The one person I wanted to be close to.
But no, he could be hundreds of kilometres away from me. And that made me sad. We were finally bonding, and then I was kidnapped. Of course that would happen to me. Well, preferably to me than to him I must say. I wouldn't be able to bare not knowing where he was, or if I would ever see him alive.
If I thought rationally, it was logical that I would be in the Ratio quarters of the Sensus pack, the hometown of my kidnappers. If I were to take someone, I would take them there, where I knew my way around better than anyone. I wondered if I was right.
After a while, I think I had been awake for about an hour – I didn't know, there was no way of knowing what time it was – my prayers were heard. Someone walked into the room.
Francis. He looked remorseful, somewhat at least. "I'm sorry, Cara," he said, his voice soft. He was looking around frantically, almost as if he was afraid someone would hear him.
"It's Micara for you now," I said coldly, although I felt my heart constrict at my mean tone. I wasn't mean, not even to people who had wronged me. Why was I now? Was this a part of the new Micara? The new me? I wasn't sure yet if I liked it, but I couldn't take back my words now.
"I never wanted this for you, I swear!"
I stayed silent and defiantly closed my eyes.
"Micara please, talk to me," Francis almost sounded desperate for me to answer.
I didn't answer again.
"I might be able to make a deal for you with my leader. I would have to beg and probably give up my privileges, but maybe I would be able to help you!"
This caught my interest, so I opened my eyes and looked at him with curiosity on my face. "How?" I asked lowly.
"I'm sure my leader would be able to get you a phone so you could call the Alpha. If you then convince him to do as we asked, my leader will set you free."
No, I wouldn't be able to do that, would I? Maybe then someone at the Castle of Sensus would be able to track the phone call, and maybe they would even be able to come rescue me right after.
I hesitated. "How can I be sure your leader will set me free?" My voice cracked slightly, showing how nervous I actually was. Maybe this could work?
"My leader always keeps his promises." Francis started smiling when he saw I was contemplating the idea. There was just something about that smile that I didn't like. Something unsettling. In his eyes I could see the same coldness he had shown me before taking me here. This was all I needed.
"I won't take the deal." I closed my eyes again, dismissing Francis completely. Immediately he tried convincing me again, but no matter what he said, I didn't cave. Okay true, my perseverance crumbled quite a lot when he started talking about the torture his leader wanted me to go through if I didn't cooperate, but in the end I stood firmly with the decision I had made.
"I won't take the deal, Francis, no matter what you say, no matter how much you beg."
After my words, his face changed completely. "Fine," he said coolly, before smiling evilly. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
Behind him, a door opened. A short, fat man came walking in. "I told you this wouldn't work Francis." His voice was disturbingly high, almost ominous. It scared me to the core, way more than all of Francis' promises – or threats - had frightened me.
Francis looked at the man, his eyes full with adoration. "You were right, Leader, but I had hope."
"You gave her too little credit," this so called Leader said. "She is not that stupid. Definitely not smart, but not as stupid as you have told me. Since when do you underestimate your opponents, Francis? I thought I taught you better than that."
"I'm sorry, Leader," Francis said, his voice full with remorse. "But I did get her here now, did I not?"
"You did indeed. And without any problems. I'm proud of you, my son."
It took a while before I realised what he was saying. What that meant. But I didn't get the time to think about it, because right after this Leader dropped that bomb, he turned to me. "So you don't want to cooperate, do you? Stupid girl, you should know better than to mess with me. But it doesn't matter." His face contorted into a face I knew I would see in my nightmares for the rest of eternity. "I will teach you to obey me now."

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