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Why? Because he loved her.

I found out I wasn't the best driver in the world when I was fleeing from someone. Where the car was a shining black without any bumps, holes or scratches when I got in, after getting out of the garage it wasn't as beautiful anymore. I had actually opened the door before driving away, Leader had this beautiful device in his car that did it automatically. I just managed to hit something on my way outside anyway.
So now I drove full speed on a road where I was probably only allowed to drive 50 kilometres an hour. The road hadn't been asphalted, so dust flew all around the car, making the sand particles almost seem like a never ending fog.
It felt as if I had left houses and all signs of life behind me a long time ago, but when I looked at the clock on the dashboard, it had only been half an hour.
I was exhausted. All I wanted was to go home and be with my mate in peace. I wanted to drop on a bed and sleep for weeks on one end.
And all that was between me and my well deserved sleep, was this endless sand and dusty fog, and 500 kilometres towards the Castle of Sensus. Now that I had left the Ratio quarters, I prepared myself for a long sit, hoping with my whole heart that Leader had recently filled up his tank.
Imagine my surprise when at once I was stopped by a road blockade. A road blockade, in the middle of nowhere.
Had they found me? Did Leader know I stole his car, and was he now here, waiting for me to show up, so he could take me back and make his phone call? I contemplated getting out of the car and running for the hills before they managed to catch me, but my thinking took way too long. Before I knew it, the car was surrounded by big wolves in all kinds of natural colours, and I let the car come to a stop. I could've driven on, but I knew it was of no use. Further ahead, they had put huge concrete blocks that would ruin the car completely, me included.
So as I didn't want to die just yet, most of all not by my own fault – I wasn't suicidal – I stopped.
Right away several guns were pointed at me from behind the concrete blocks, while the wolves started growling lowly, snapping their teeth at me. From behind the road block I could hear a loud voice yelling "Get out of the car slowly, with your hands on your head!"
Trembling all over, I slowly and quietly stepped out of the now dusty SUV, shivering slightly when I felt the cold air nip at my skin. The Ratio Quarter of the pack was located slightly south of the Castle of Sensus, but that didn't mean it was still cold as hell.
As soon as I had completely opened the door and stepped on the ground, my hands above my head, palms open and towards the road block, one of the wolves shifted into a man. A very naked man, if I may add.
"Get on your knees, now!" He screamed.
I did as he said, shaking from the cold and fear. The clothing I had been wearing when I met with Francis in the Castle of Sensus hadn't been warm, and since Leader – thank god – never made me change, I was now freezing.
"Hands on the ground!"
Apparently I didn't act fast enough, because I got a knee in my back, which wasn't that painful, but it made me fall on the ground with a thud anyway. "Ow," I muttered.
"Who are you!" Now a large naked foot was pressed to my back, keeping me firmly in my place.
"Mi-micara," I whispered.
"I can't hear you. Speak up!"
"Mica-cara," I stuttered again, a little harder this time. I tried lifting up my head to look around, but I was thrown on the ground as soon as my face came free from the icy cold, dusty ground.
"Wait, wait!" I heard a girl voice in the distance yell. "Wait, I know her! Let go, now!" The foot was reluctantly taken off of my back. "That's the Luna," I heard the same girl scream. I knew that voice... I knew that girl.
As I lifted up my head without restrictions this time, I saw Livia come running at me. A loud sigh of relief left my lungs as I tried to get up on my feet. Livia took my hand and pulled me up before giving me a tight hug. "You are okay, you're okay darling," she whispered in my ear. "Did they hurt you somewhere?"
She put her hands on my shoulders while frantically checking my body for injuries that needed immediate care. She hugged me another time when she found none. Then she pulled me with her to the concrete blocks while screaming orders. "Someone get a winter coat and a warm blanket for your Luna! Someone call the Alpha and tell him his mate has been found! Get me to a warm tent and send a doctor."
Then she managed to lead me to something that looked like a party tent, but was in fact a lot warmer than a normal party tent. Maybe due to the portable heat induce-thingy that was placed in the centre of the tent. I was given a warm winter coat and then a thick blanket that I was rolled in like a sushi.
As Livia kept reassuring me that Aericon was on his way, I slowly warmed up. Soon I could remove the blanket from my shoulders, and I could really look around. Livia had dyed her hair a navy blue colour again, which fitted her way better than her black with stripes hair.
Alpha Vir, the Alpha of the Sapientiae pack, came inside too after what couldn't have been more than an hour. After a quick kiss to his mate, Livia, he explained that Aericon was on his way and he could be here any minute now.
I thanked him, and took another sip from the huge cup of tea I was given as well.
"Can I wait outside for him?" I asked Livia with a soft voice.
She looked at me in surprise, but happiness twinkled in her eyes. "Of course," she said as she put on her leather jacket. "Do you want me to wait with you?"
I shook my head. "No, you can stay inside if you want."
So there I was, waiting outside in a grey woollen coat, hands tucked deeply inside the pockets. I looked out on the road, waiting for a sign that my mate was there, that he was coming for me.
As it turned out, there were other roads that led towards this camp, because after only five minutes without me seeing a car or a cloud of sand and dust, I heard his voice behind me. "Cara?"
I turned around so quickly I thought I would get a whiplash. There he was. Aericon. His blue eyes were pointed at me, I could feel him roam his eyes over my body to check if I was alright. Which I was. Now I was alright.
Not hesitating for a second I ran towards him, launching myself in his muscular arms that wrapped around me, trapping me in his safe hold. I was okay now, I was alive, I was safe.
"God I was so worried," he whispered in my ear. "I thought I'd lost you."
"I'm okay," I breathed loudly. "I'm alright now."
He smiled softly at me, as our heads came closer to each other. "I thought I would drown without you," he mumbled against my lips. "I need you like I need air, Cara." He pushed his forehead to mine softly as we breathed together.
And out.
In- "I love you." Then he pressed his lips to mine in a mind-blowing kiss.
And out. 


This was already the last chapter of this story! I hope you enjoyed reading Sensus. I definitely liked writing it!

Right now I am working on a sequel for Sensus, Sapientiae. It is the love-story of Livia and Vir, the Alpha of Intelligence. Once I start updating that story on wattpad, I will let you know through self-promoting in this book! However, this can take a while, as Sapientiae has a plot that is way more advanced than this one. In the meantime, I'm also editing Sensus, studying, playing korfball and seeing my friends, so don't expect Sapientiae to be online anytime soon (sorry). I do hope that I can start posting in December 2018/January 2019, so I hope you'll wait patiently. 

I hope I will see you next time!



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