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Then why did he feel electricity course through his body every time she smiled at him?

Directly after happily exiting the room of Yha'aera, I walked into a hall that was crowded with people. I can tell you, that was extremely weird, as I saw girls that were way behind me in the queue to the seer, but also people that entered that same room a long time ago. Besides that, all the boys we had parted from earlier were here too. How could they be seen at the same time as I was? There was only one seer in the Sensus pack... How could Yha'aera be at hundreds of places at the same time?

I must have stared ahead of me quite dumbly, because a tall boy with curly hair came to me and snickered. "I have two theories," he said. "Or you just found out your whole life is turned upside down, or you have no clue how all these people got here at the same time." I just looked at him, and said nothing. 

"Never mind, a have a new theory. You are just weird," he smiled broadly when he said that, and grabbed my hand from my side just to shake it. "My name is Francis, nice to meet you!" 

"Yhea, same," I muttered, still not understanding what he was trying to do. My hand was still in his, as he didn't let go at all. As I looked at his face, a bit annoyed, I saw that he was looking at my face questionably. A bit as if I had something on it, such as a bread crumb. Or even worse, spinach between my teeth, or something like that.

"You know, most of the time when someone introduces himself, he expects the other person to say something back." 

"Oh," I felt my face go warm, I must look like a tomato right now! "Sorry, my mistake. I'm Micara, but you can call me Cara if you want to. Most people call me that." 

He finally let go of my hand. "Great! Cara it is. So what was it?" 

"Sorry what?" This boy was unbelievable, what the hell was he even talking about. 

"My theories. Which one was it?" He smiled cheekily, his eyes twinkling with joy. 

"Oh, right. The second one I guess? How did all these people meet Yha'aera at the same time? I mean I was there just three minutes ago!" I exclaimed, moving my hands all over the place. I always did that when talking, I moved my hands everywhere. I looked like an Italian person moving so much all the time. 

Francis just chuckled. "I knew it! It is actually quite easy you see. A seer is capable of slowing down or even stopping time for a while, as long as he or she sees fit. Then the seer modifies the time around him, so he can still talk and move, but other people can't. Yha'aera is a very powerful seer, she can stop the time in the whole castle, so she 'saw' all these people here in a matter of seconds," he explained carefully, looking into my eyes the whole time. "Besides that, this castle was built to stop the time in for the ceremony, it has a special compound in the walls that makes it easier for seers to see through peoples souls." 

Looking at him in awe, I started talking – with my hands – again. "Jeez, you know a lot. I take it you are from the Ratio quarters?" 

He shook his head. "I'm from the Gratus quarters actually. The seer told me I belong in Ratio though, so I guess you are partially right. However, she was not sure I belonged there either. I'm one of those difficult persons I think. I might go to the Sapientiae pack to see if I belong there." 

The intelligence pack, of course. He had a vibe around him that was different from the others, I must say. I didn't think he was a Sensus person, so maybe he would be one of the interpack wolves, people who changed packs once or even twice, to find their own happiness. 

"Time will take you there yourself, I think," I told him, looking around, trying to see my brother. 

"Where are you from? I can't read you really, so I'm not sure." He said it with a sigh, as if he was extremely frustrated that he couldn't figure out from which pack quarter I came. 

"Amor," I replied shortly, still trying to find my brothers blond, wavy hair in the sea of people. "Came from there, will go there," I explained when I could just feel him questioning what I just said. 

"Okay that was one of my guesses. The other one was Caelum, as you seemed so happy. Who are you looking for?" I guess he could see me looking over his shoulder instead of directly looking at him. 

"My brother, James. I want to know if he belongs in Peccatum, as he wished." 

"Well then, go find him! I will just stand here, on my own, looking lonely," he said dramatically, faking to wipe away a stray tear on his cheeks. 

I shook my head, laughing. Francis was a kind person, I liked him. However, when we shook hands, I didn't feel any sparks, and when I looked into his eyes, there was no electricity. No feelings that bloomed up in my chest, no pull to get as close to him as I possibly could. He was not my mate. That would have been awkward though, as he had to go to Ratio at least for a few years to find himself. Only after that we could have been together. Not that that is the case, so it doesn't really matter. 

"You can come with me, I think, then we both won't look lonely?" I asked him, inviting him to meet my brother. 

"No I'm fine. I do want a dance with you this evening though, at the party. Will I see you there?" 

Nodding my head, I blushed slightly. "Yes, of course. I'll see you then!" I waved shortly before I walked past him, searching for James. 

Surprisingly, it didn't take long to find him. I found him in a group of people that all had something about them that seemed, mischievous. Probably new friends with who he would go to Peccatum. 

"Hey, James!" I called out to him. As he turned, and I could see the huge smile on his face, I knew I was right. "You made it into Peccatum?" Even though I already thought he was, I just had to ask. 

"Yes! I will finally go to the pack quarter where I belong, so I'm ecstatic! How about you?" He asked, hugging me tightly to his chest. "Same," I mumbled against his chest, relishing in the fact that he hugged me. "Since when did you become so huggy?" I asked, after he finally let go of me. 

"I have no clue! Maybe as this is the last day I'll see you? Tonight is the party, and tomorrow morning all pack quarters will return home at a different time." James just seemed so happy, and I felt glad he was. He deserved to be happy, after all. He belonged in Peccatum, and he would be happy there. Just as I would be happy in the Amor quarters. Still, I had a feeling that not too long from that moment, everything would change.

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