Chapter 3

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Happy (belated) New Year! The winners of the giveaway are:




CONGRATULATIONS! Please comment in this chapter to tell me which prizes you want.
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Don't worry! A new GIVEAWAY is coming up in February as part of the Wattpad Block Party hosted by  KellyAnneBlount and then another one in April to celebrate my birthday.

By the way, what do you want me to write for my Block Party post: writing tips or an interview with Kennedy? Tell me in the comments!

"... And then the guy just flipped Keri off; can you believe that?"

"Mhm..." I answered distractedly as I walked on autopilot to my best friend's house.

"What do you mean 'mhm'?"

I felt someone tug at the sleeve of my leather jacket so I stopped and turned towards the person.

"Is there something on your mind?" Riley asked. I reached out and smoothed the lines that had appeared on his forehead.

"Nothing to worry about, my mate," I assured him, leaning down to kiss each of his cheeks, the skin reddened by the cold.

"You promise?" He asked once I straightened up.

"I promise," I said, dusting off the few snowflakes that hadn't yet melted at the contact with his hair.

"Okay." He conceded only for a moment and then: "Is it Beta stuff or can you tell me about it?"

"I'll tell you some other time," I replied, watching a couple of new snowflakes settle on the spot I'd just removed their comrades from.

"I promise," I added, repeating my words from before. His answer was the same - 'okay' - but just like last time, he didn't leave it at that.

"But why not now?"

I chuckled; I'd expected the question.

"Because..." I took him by the hand and led him up Keri's porch. "I have to do something else first and we shouldn't keep our host waiting. Not to mention Luna might get cold if we stay outside for long."

We both looked at the Golden retriever puppy who was calmly sniffing a nearby tree.

"Come on, girl!" Riley summoned and the pup swirled around and ran towards us. Halfway over, she skidded over a frozen puddle and slid the rest of the way until she bumped into the stairs, omitting a low whine.

Riley let go of me to pick her up and snuggle her warm little body to his.

"Be more careful, will you, Luna?" He asked while I rubbed our pup's head.

The door behind us opened.

"What was that thud?" Keri asked as she stood under the frame surrounded by the glow of the light that came from the hallway.

"Luna slipped," I explained and our friend took a step outside.

"Did you, poor girl?" She cooed, scratching the pup behind the ear. "But you won't cry, would you? No. Because you are a strong girl. Yes, you are! Yes, you..."

"Can we get inside before Riley and Luna freeze?" I asked and Keri rolled her eyes.

"It's not that cold," she noted, but she led the way inside her home, followed by Riley and Luna, and me at the end of the short column we formed.

There really is nothing for you to worry about, Riley, I thought as I stared at my mate's nape. It's nothing bad; I'm just anxious because I have to pick. But maybe Keri will help me chose...

I held Luna until Riley took off the four baby shoes he and Rhys had put on her so she wouldn't get her paws wet in the shallow snow that had fallen, and then the four of us headed to my kitchen to have dinner. It was nothing fancy: just a potato salad and steaks to eat and tart cherry juice for Rhys and Riley to drink. I myself had gone for a beer; I needed something stronger than juice, but not too strong and this particular beverage fitted that description. Luna had two bowls on the floor next to the table - one with steak and one with water - and after she was done eating, she quietly chewed on the rubber ball I kept around the house for her while the rest of us talked.

We started with casual topics - "How was your day", "Did you watch that action movie on Sunday" - but eventually, as was our habit, Rhys and I ended up discussing about pack matters.

"Do you think we should bring up the issue of raising the Silver Bullets' tax during the next Council meeting?" My childhood friend asked before taking a sip from his juice; we were all done with our food by then.

"I don't think that's necessary, at least not as a long-term solution. The tax is usually enough to cover the pack's expenses so I suggest that instead of raising it for good, we only do so for the next month or two, then go back to the one we have now," I commented. "A couple of months will really be enough to get money for the equipment. Anthony talked to his boss at the gym: they are ordering new installations for the place and they wouldn't mind adding what we need to their order so we can get a discount from their suppliers. It will be a lot cheaper for us that way."

"We are lucky Anthony is a trainer." Riley smiled. "Not only does it make him more qualified to help the Silver Bullets children with their work outs, but we can now get a discount on gym equipment too."

"We are lucky my brother loves his job so much that he forgets to be his usual restless self around humans when he's at the gym." I laughed. "Otherwise, he wouldn't have a good relationship with his boss and we wouldn't be getting a discount."

"Otherwise Anthony wouldn't have a job in the first place," Rhys corrected and I sighed.

"Yeah, I used to worry a lot that he wouldn't be able to socialize outside of the pack, but now..." I glanced at Riley. "He has his job at the gym and he loves it, and gets on with his colleagues; we have Riley in the pack and Anthony likes him..."

He might even get used to Callum one day.

I chased the thought away as soon as it entered my mind.

Not only didn't Callum like shape shifters, but he once almost shot my brother; Anthony still hadn't forgiven him for that.

Just one more reason to stay away from that man, I told myself as my heart clenched and my wolf whimpered. He is no good for me or my pack. If not for myself, then I should fight my feelings for him for their sake. I am their Alpha; it's my duty to sacrifice myself for their benefit. To sacrifice everything I've always wanted to have...

I shook my head.

No! I couldn't have it with Callum anyway; the mate bond is one-sided in this case...

"What's wrong?"

It was Riley who had spoken, but both he and Rhys were looking at me with confused and concerned faces. Even Luna had stopped chewing on her squeaky ball to gaze up at me.

"Nothing." I aimed for a reassuring smile, a task at which I probably failed. "I'm tired."

"I see," Rhys said quietly. "Riley, why don't you take Luna out to relieve herself after the dinner? I'll help Keri clean up here."

"Sure." Riley was on his feet before I'd said 'No need'.

"I insist," Rhys replied.

"Yeah, let him help," Riley chimed in from where he'd squatted at the floor to put the four tiny white shoes on Luna's feet. Familiar with the routine, the pup stood still.

"I'm not that tired..." I began to protest, but my childhood friend cut me off:

"Really, I insist." He glanced at his mate to make sure the boy was occupied, then winked at me - a motion I wasn't accustomed to seeing him perform.

So Rhys wanted to talk in private, huh?

My heart sped up: had he somehow found out about me and Callum?

No; there was no me and Callum. There was just me, and then there was just Callum.

"Okay," I agreed. Whatever had brought on the serious expression on my Beta's face, I'd had to deal with it sooner or later. Might as well do it right now.

"We are off then." Riley pecked Rhys on the lips before heading for the hallway. "We'll wait for you outside."

Rhys and I tarried until Riley closed the front door and then I spoke, my tone managing to come out even:

"So what did you want to talk about?"


"Riley?" I repeated, surprise coming over me before relief.

Nothing to do with Callum.

"I want to get him something," my best friend answered.

"What? For Valentine's Day?"

Wouldn't it be funny if they both got sexy underwear to wear in front of the other? I thought, suppressing the smile that threatened to bloom on my lips and prompt an inquiry as to why it was there.

"No. Well, maybe. I don't know yet..."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's important and I have to plan it. I was hoping that you'd help me pick it since you and Riley got close and so you might be able to give me some advice..."

I help up a hand to shush him.

"Rhys, what are you babbling about?"

He took a deep breath.

"Keri, I want to buy him a..."

A loud thud from outside cut him off.

Any ideas what Rhys wants to buy for Riley?

What could possibly make him so anxious?

Okay, raise your hands: how many of you guessed Callum was Keri's mate?

Wait, that won't do... I can't see your hands... Just write it in the comments, okay?

And speaking of the comments: don't forget to write what YOU want me to prepare for the Wattpad Block Party - a tips post or a Kennedy interview.

Once again, congrats to the giveaway winners! Tell me which two prizes - a chapter dedication, a Wattpad or Twitter shout-out, feedback on the 1st chapter of your story, a comment on your blog - you want in the comments.


PS: Alec's POV coming up next week in Chapter 4.

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