Chapter 9 - Rhys and Riley Valentine Bonus

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Love, CatMint5

I turned the key and the engine died out. My mate's soft breaths were the only sound coming from him, his shoulders going up and down in a steady rhythm with each inhale and exhale. All of the anxiety around Lisa and my new nephew - Ollie, had tired him to a point where sleep had claimed Riley almost as soon as Riley had claimed the passenger seat of our car. I was tempted to let him rest and watch his peaceful face just a little longer, but it was much better that I took him home and into our bed before his muscles stiffened and bones cracked due to the uncomfortable position he was in.

I placed my hand over his shoulder, half-covered by my leather jacket, and lightly squeezed.

"Riley," I whispered. The boy made no reply, his breathing pattern remained undisturbed.

"Riley." This time I lightly shook him. A crease formed over his smooth forehead, under his brown locks, but still his eyes remained closed.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned towards him, placing a soft kiss on his neck before murmuring in his ear.

"Wake up, my mate."

This time Riley stirred, my jacket sliding down to his lap as he straightened in the seat and rubbed at his eyes in an attempt to chase the sleep away.

"We are home," he noted in between two long yawns. He blinked slowly, his gaze eventually gaining more focus, although his lids kept lower than usual. "We should get Luna from Kelly's," he added as he removed his seatbelt and pushed the car door open. I swirled around and got out as well.

"It's late and Kelly and Steve might be asleep; we'll get Luna in the morning." I locked the vehicle and pushed the car key in my back pocked, my fingers gliding over something smooth and round.

Riley's ring.

I'd been in such a hurry after my brother's call that I'd simply shoved it in my pocket and darted towards my car. I had never forgotten about it though.

Throughout the long and stressful wait at the hospital, it had been in the back of my mind and I had checked to make sure it had not fallen out on several occasions. Whether I'd been discreet or whether everyone was too worried about Lisa to notice me, I wasn't sure, but no one had caught me doing so.

Another loud yawn rolled out of my beloved's mouth and pulling my hand out of my pocket, I walked around the car.

"Here." I pushed Riley's right arm in one of the sleeves of my jacket, then the left one in the other to protect him from the early February chill that had only intensified as night had fallen. I then pulled his slim body towards me and picked him up. His omitted a surprised yelp and thin legs wrapped around my much muscular thighs. I lifted him a bit higher, adjusting his legs around my waist so it would be easier for me to walk.

His hands rested at the back of my neck.

"Are you carrying me home?" His voice lacked some of its previous drowsiness.

"Mhh," I confirmed, pressing another peck to his neck as I walked towards our porch.

"That's nice." He nibbled on my earlobe and my grip around him tightened. One hand let go of my nape to rummage through his pocket and produce a set of keys as I climbed the steps of the porch.

I stopped in front of the door and he turned his upper body to the side to unlock it before pushing the handle down. I stepped inside, the familiar scents of wood, Riley and puppy welcoming me home.

"Are you going to carry me all the way upstairs?" He asked as I took the keys from him, locked the door and put them on the small table next to our coat hanger.

"That's the plan," I said as I took my own keys out and placed them next to Riley's, careful not to drop him.

"Then what?" He murmured, nuzzling my neck. A pleasant tingle spread down it, through my chest and ended up under my belt.

"It's been a long day." My voice came out slightly raspy. "We should get some rest," I told him and in part myself, as ideas of other, more pleasant activities took root in my mind.

"I don't want to rest," he whispered, then licked my earlobe.

I closed my eyes, a low growl escaping through my lips, the sound muffled when Riley clamed my mouth in a long sensual kiss.

My first instinct was to push the keys to the floor and perch Riley on top of the small table. I followed it.

My second instinct was to removing his clothes. The lower side of my body seemed especially enthusiastic and completely on board with that scenario, so I helped him out of my jacket.

My brain, however, considered this a good time to remind me of Riley's sleep-laden voice and half-closed eyes - a beautiful, inciting sight indeed, but one that was a result of exhaustion.

I growled again, this time in frustration and pulled away from his lips, instantly missing them on top of mine.

"We should really rest," I attempted to convince us both. He tried to manifest his displeasure through a pout, but the effect was ruined as another yawn took over his facial features, forcing him to close his eyes for a moment, then frown at his own body's betrayal.

"See?" I kissed the tip of his nose. "Rest now and we'll continue with this," I rolled my hips against him, "in the morning."

Half-closed brown eyes lit up and my words.


"I promise. And it's a promise I'm very..." I kissed his neck. "Very..." I kissed his lips and looked into his eyes. "Very eager to keep."

"I can tell." He bit his lower lip as he looked down at the bulge under my belt.

I groaned.

I wanted to pull that lip away from his teeth and in between mine.

"Come on, you devilish temptation in human form."

I lifted him from the table and he giggled as he once again wrapped his legs around my waist.

We were halfway up the stairs with me wondering why there was no puppy weaving between my feet, when I remembered she was at Kelly's place. The lack of Luna only made carrying Riley to our bedroom harder. I loved our puppy, but she would sometimes interrupt our intimate moments. No Luna, meant no distractions, and no distractions meant -oh, Great Spirits! - it mean I could have all the Riley I wanted all to myself.

In the morning, I recited in my head. Let him rest; you'll still be able to have him all to yourself then.

It was only when I entered the bedroom and closed the door behind us that I put Riley down. He stretched and began slowly unbuttoning his shirt, his eyes finding mine.

"Don't tease," I semi-reproached, semi-begged my mate and a small, guilty smile appeared on his face.

"Sorry." His shirt now unbuttoned, some skin peeking behind the fabric. He put his hands on my hips, gliding them back towards my buttocks. "But are you absolutely, absolutely sure that you don't want to..."

He halted his words and movements, then his left hand pressed down on me.

"Rhys... What's in your pocket?"

I gulped, the ring sandwiched between his fingers and my flesh.

My heart pounded and my own fingers twitched, but surprisingly no desire to make up a story came over me. This wouldn't be perfect, not by a long shot, but it felt kind of right as if Fate itself was telling me that this was the time to do it.

I took his hand in one of mine and reached within my pocket with the other.

"It's yours," I told him, my voice steady. "If you want it, that is."

I took out the ring and held it at the level of his eyes. They rounded, all signs of drowsiness gone as they zeroed in on the round object.

"Hell yeah!" He screamed and threw himself at me, almost knocking the ring out of my grasp.

"Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God," he kept repeating as he squeezed my torso even tighter. "Wait..." He pulled away to look at me, but his arm remained wrapped around me.

"This is what I think it is, right? A marriage proposal? You haven't just bought me a ring, right?"

I chuckled.

"No, Riley, it's not just a present; it's a proposal."

His shoulders slumped in relief and he leaned his head against my chest.

"Good." He sounded perfectly serene and made no indication he'd move any time soon.

"So..." I tried not to laugh again. "Do you want me to put it on your finger or...?"

"Oh, yeah..." He pushed away from me again, this time letting me go, and extended his hand towards me, his cheeks more than slightly flushed.

I slid the ring on his finger easily; it was a perfect fit.

"I practiced proposing to you, but didn't even end up asking the question," I said, not letting go of his hand.

"Then ask now."

I smiled.

"Riley Rivers, would you grace me with the honor of not only being my mate, but my husband as well?"

He grinned and embraced me again.

"Hell yeah!"

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this bonus Rhys and Riley chapter. I've been meaning to have Rhys propose in this book and thought that V Day would be a good time to post that.

This chapter is very different from the one in which Rhys told Riley about being a shapeshifter and that Riley was his mate, right?

So what do you think of this chapter?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Once again, thank you for being such a supportive audience! I love you all so, so much

PS: Kennedy fans, you'll get not one, but TWO DOSES of the little charmer this week. The Wattpad Block Party interview with him will be up on February 16th and the Sunday chapter will be from his POV.

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