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Bray, accompanied by Olo, let out a sigh then gestured with his head for someone to enter.

No one came.

"Get in there already," Bray demanded.

From Oni's spot in the corner, he could only make Olo out. Apparently, someone else was out there.

At the lack of cooperation, Bray, still standing outside Sen's door, said, "Two hours ago, this one was mucking about. Now, I don't need to repeat the rumors I've heard—"

"Then don't." Sen stared him down.

The tone had Bray adjusting his stance. "Well, you're in charge and...." He nodded back at Olo. "Poor Ol didn't know what to do. So, he told me. And I came here."

Sen's eye drifted from Bray to the less-than-confident Vagrant at his back. Olo.

"Was it worth it?" Sen asked him.

Olo staggered back. "Pardon?"

For a long while, Sen offered him nothing beyond the stare. Finally, he told Bray, "It won't happen again. Please remove all records of it."

Now it was Bray stunned. "I'm not supposed to do that." But as Sen didn't answer, he realized 'supposed' meant little to him. "But.... I guess I can make an exception. Seeing as we'll one day be family." He struck Olo in the left shoulder. "Let's go, Ol."

Bray walked away and Olo hurried behind him. "Did I make a mistake? I told you right away. Isn't that what the protocol says?"

"You did fine. Even got us a favor owed. But don't push it."


"And walk behind me."

"Yes, sir."

As their voices faded, Sen still didn't move. In time, he unhooked his matrix, lowered his baton and ordered, "Get in here."


Oni wondered about Sen's composure. Despite the tepid lilt of his voice, his body heaved, making him resemble someone about to charge.

He took something from a pocket in his belt then threw it onto the floor.

The pill container slid to a halt. It was far enough in the room that whoever wanted it would have to reach in to get it.

Sen had already shifted through a myriad of facial expressions, the worst being fury, before someone walked in, picked up the container, and turned to leave.

"That's it?" Sen said before the girl reached the door.

Head still bowed, Pleasant didn't move.

Oni worried for her. Sen looked fit to kill despite his gentle voice.

"What about my payment? Since that's what you're about?"

She didn't move but Oni did. He didn't stand a chance in hell against Sen, but he wouldn't allow this. This was the worst thing anyone could do back home, the worst anyone could allow.

"What is it you want?" Pleasant's voice barely reached them.

The pride in her posture wasn't something Oni could understand. By now, it was more than obvious to everyone what she'd done—what she was. How could anyone still hold their heads high after that?

"One hour for each tablet," Sen said.

Oni made his presence known. "Wait."

"The two of you?"

It was the same question as before. Sen glanced back at Oni then told her, "Yeah. I guess."

For a long while, she didn't move. When she did, it was to look down at the little canister in her left hand. There must have been over a hundred pills in there.

Sickened, Oni scrambled for some direction. Maybe he could contact Dev—someone.

"Fine," Pleasant answered.

The disgust from Sen's face permeated his voice. "Fine."

Oni took a step forward. "I want no part in this."

A hand grabbed him in the chest and yanked him toward the door. "Well, too bad."

After the glass segmented, Sen shoved Pleasant out. This was no longer his usual behavior. Granted, he hated Oni with a passion and never addressed him with anything but an air of loathing, but till now, Oni'd thought Sen gentle to girls. He was a bit creepy but he even stood up for the sisters against his cousin.

Those days were over. Oni barely caught his boots but had no time to put them on as Sen dragged him down the hall. Pleasant, he shoved. It was twenty minutes later before they came to a stop.

The rec hall was familiar enough. It was also empty as this was well after training hours.

Once they reached a touch panel, Sen instructed Pleasant, "Put your hand on it."

She hesitated. It was hard to make out the expression on her face when she complied.

Once they were inside, Sen tossed Oni down.

"One hour," Sen said. "Both of you. You'll practice Dev's routine from back to front for one hour. And then you'll do it in the morning before training, and again in the evening after dinner. And you two morons will keep going like that until the damn pill hours run out."

Pleasant, still with her back to him, shoulders drawn up, had nothing to say.

Sen's anger bordered rage when he told her, "And the next time I see you someplace I shouldn't, I'll personally drag you and your damn sisters out of here one by one and throw you back to whoever taught you to barter yourself like some cheap trinket. You want to do that igit. Then do it somewhere else!!"

The shout left the room humming.

With every breath he took, his rage came. And Oni recognized it. It was the same when he'd lost that bet to Olo.

Thoughts of what Dev said about Sen's temper came to Oni.

He guessed that was why he was dragged into it but he guessed wrong.

"And that goes for you, too," Sen bit out. "A formation to protect the weak? A plethora of information falling out of your skull so conveniently? What was it? Weak condition and probably didn't have an eye for shooting so they're forced to do the formation? Well, hell. That sounds familiar. So which condition do you have?"

His words paralyzed Oni with fear.

Sen added, "And how long before my cousin puts all her efforts into you just to see you take on a combat task and drop dead before her eyes and think it's her fault?"

Words failed Oni. He couldn't even muster up his usual lie. Everything in him warned he should say something—counteract those words—clear his name.

But one look into Sen's blue eye stole Oni's fight.

The boy was genuinely disgusted with the both of them.

"You know you have no chance. Both of you know it, and yet you bring this on us. How is that fair?" Sen waited then asked again, calmer, "How is that fair? And to hide it? And to trick us into trying to train you? How is that fair!"

Oni found himself matching Pleasant's posture, albeit facing the opposite direction. It wasn't about fair—it was just about survival. They were trying to survive. There was nowhere else to go, and his days were numbered.

"I just wanted to give my friends some gifts before I'm gone," Oni found himself saying. Because it was true. He had tried to get in, hoping to get healed. Upon hearing how impossible that was, he resolved to just help Lotsu as best he could with the time he had. He never thought about the aftereffects to others...because usually nobody really cared.

Sen stared Oni down. "Do you see now why I don't want you on my crew? Why I don't want a crew?"

Until now, no, Oni hadn't understood. But in this moment, he felt sorry.

"I'll make it to the end."

The voice came so quietly they hardly heard it over the palpable awkwardness of their situation.

"You act like I came here to die." Pleasant turned to face him finally. The scowl she wore wasn't her usual one. "I came here to live. And I dare you to say otherwise." Fist gripping the container of pills, she vowed, "I'll give you two hours for each of these. And then I'll make you eat your words once I graduate."

Sen cocked his head. His scowl mirrored hers. He didn't believe her.

He unhooked his matrix, however, and said, "Then you can start your two hours now. Both of you."

Oni learned several things that night.

For one, he learned that Sen was certainly a strange person. Like Dev, he valued efficiency, but they were different in how they trained. Whenever Oni made a mistake with Dev, she'd step closer and guide him physically.

Perhaps that was a typical Volunteer method, but it wasn't one Sen employed. Instead, he observed them and gave detailed instructions on where they faltered. He also kept the task incredibly easy.

"Since you can't get worked up," Sen said, now walking between them barefoot, "you have to maximize all your strikes."

As the two hours came to a close, Oni, unfamiliar with such a knowledgeable teacher, tried to take in what he could. But he was the only one appreciative.

"This is taking too long," Pleasant complained. "Are you making fun of us?"

Without looking at her, Sen said, "Complain after your two hours is up."

Sen zipped around and struck. Oni reacted without thinking. It was by luck alone that he used the stance Sen had wasted two hours teaching them. Oni's hands cried out from the strike but that didn't concern him as much as Sen's speed. When the boy had answered Pleasant, his hands were bare. Now, Oni held his baton back for dear life.

Oni's body trembled from the fatigue, but Sen studied his face.

"Not bad. Your reflexes are decent."

Decent? Oni felt like he'd just caught a bullet. But before he could process what was happening, Sen yanked the baton back and turned to send it hurtling at Pleasant.

Unlike Oni, when she reached to catch it, she turned and sent it propelling back to them.

"Igit!" Oni swore.

Sen snatched the baton from the air. After that, he simply stared at Pleasant with nothing to say. Oni puzzled over Sen's intent.

Was he trying to hurt her? Oni might have believed that if Sen didn't say, "Are you taking that pill or not?"

Pleasant's hand reached for her pocket, but she let go again.

Out of everything, she looked the most ashamed now. Her lack of movement was his answer. He studied her face for some time then said, "You may go. And if I don't see you in the morning for the next two hours, then fine. You're on your own."

She returned his stare for a moment before making her way to the door. When she was gone, Sen stared after it.

The walk back to Sen's room occurred in silence. They were both quiet when Sen sat down at his desk and picked up with what he was doing before Bray, Ole and Pleasant's arrival. His movements were much slower.

Oni, eager to stay out of the way, found his spot by the door where he was designated to sleep.

Sento's voice came in time. "Brother, you've returned. Did you catch the perpetrators? Do we get a reward?"

For a long while, Sen simply stared at the wall with nothing to say. Finally, he muttered, "Isolate that recruit. Show me all the potential offenses she's committed."

The list to scroll had Oni's lips parting. It was quite a rap sheet.

"Delete them all."

An eerie silence filled the room. "Why? Has this recruit perished?"


Little by little, each line of the list faded until there was nothing left.

Then Sen said, "Isolate that recruit number. Ignore all surveillance of her going forward."

"Explain your reasons."

From this angle, Oni could see Sen open and close his mouth; he didn't seem to have an answer.

He found one in time. "I don't have a reason. If she's around other women, ignore her. If she's around a male, document his name and send it to me and ignore her."

"But this could potentially leave someone unguarded, vulnerable, killable. Is this wise?"

Sen let out a low sigh. "It is not wise, big brother, but this is all I can do. She's not coming tomorrow."

He muttered the last part to himself but Sento asked, "Pardon?"

"Can you comply with my request?"

For a long minute, Sento said nothing but then answered, "Will it make you happy?"

Sen shook his head, angry, but replied, "Yes."

"Very well. Then I am happy also."

The other video logs for the night barely held Sen's interest. Oni hoped Sen was wrong and that Pleasant would seek out his help. But he was right, she didn't come the next day, or the day after that. The only person who completed the hundred hours was Oni. But every night, like clockwork, Sen'd check the surveillance log with one dormant profile always open, Pleasant's dull expression staring back at him.

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