sentinel intelligence

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Crystal Maiden

Rylai Crestfall

    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.55 / 0

    * Damage: 38 - 44

    * Casting Animation: 0.3 / 2.4

    * Armor: 1.3

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 280

    * Missile Speed: 900

    * Attack Range: 600

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

The Crystal Maiden is a powerful disabler and support spellcaster. Each of her offensive spells impairs the target in some way, making her a valuable addition to any lineup. Crystal Nova allows her to blast multiple enemies with chilling damage, and Frostbite completely stops a single target enemy from moving for several seconds. Freezing Field causes immense damage and slows everything in a large area around Rylai, but her natural fragility makes it a difficult spell to use to its full effect. Despite the usefulness of all of her spells to her allies, perhaps her greatest asset to her team is Brilliance Aura. This aura gives all allies across the map a significant boost to their mana regeneration, giving them plenty of energy to use their own spells no matter where they are. Although she tends to take on a supportive role, the Crystal Maiden is still one of the most valuable heroes for any team.

Adept in the manipulation of frost and ice, Rylai is the very image of elegeance and grace. Trained by a renegade wizard deep in the heart of Winterspring, Rylai brings to the Sentinel her prowess in the arts of magic. With a vast arsenal of spells, she wreaks havoc upon her foes - be it with powerful blasts of frost to send them fleeing in panic, or be it by rendering them immobile in ice. Her foes tremble in fear as the ground beneath implodes in mighty novas of frost in a dazzling array, obliterating all who dare oppose her.

Crystal Nova

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Area

    * Ability Hotkey: V

Blasts enemy units around a target point with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement speed and attack rate for 4 seconds.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100

    * 15 seconds

    * 700

    * 400

    * 3.5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 100 damage and chill

    * 2

    * 120

    * 15 seconds

    * 700

    * 400

    * 4 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 150 damage and chill

    * 3

    * 140

    * 15 seconds

    * 700

    * 400

    * 4.5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 200 damage and chill

    * 4

    * 160

    * 15 seconds

    * 700

    * 400

    * 5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 250 damage and chill


• Damage type: magical

• Will slow the affected units' movespeed by 30% and attack speed by 20%.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: E

Freezes the target in a case of ice, prohibiting movement and attacking. Deals 70 damage per second.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 115

    * 10 seconds

    * 500

    * N/A

    * 1.5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * Disables the target and deals 70 damage per second

    * 2

    * 125

    * 10 seconds

    * 500

    * N/A

    * 2 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * Disables the target and deals 70 damage per second

    * 3

    * 140

    * 10 seconds

    * 500

    * N/A

    * 2.5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * Disables the target and deals 70 damage per second

    * 4

    * 150

    * 10 seconds

    * 500

    * N/A

    * 3 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * Disables the target and deals 70 damage per second


• Damage type: magical

• Blink- and Metarmophosis-based skills cannot be used while under the effect of Frostbite.

• Lasts 10 seconds on creeps level 5 or lower.

Brilliance Aura

    * Ability Type: Passive

    * Targeting Type: N/A

    * Ability Hotkey: R

Gives additional mana regeneration to all friendly units on the entire map.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Allied units with mana pool

    * Adds 0.5 mana regeneration

    * 2

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Allied units with mana pool

    * Adds 1.0 mana regeneration

    * 3

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Allied units with mana pool

    * Adds 1.5 mana regeneration

    * 4

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Allied units with mana pool

    * Adds 2.0 mana regeneration


• Stacks with the Brilliance Aura given by Ring of Basillus.

• The bonus mana regeneration is not considered for percentage mana regeneration increases.

Freezing Field

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Instant

    * Ability Hotkey: Z

Causes many random icy explosions in an area surrounding Rylai. Enemy units in the Freezing Field are slowed. Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 300

    * 150 seconds

    * N/A

    * 630** / 190***

    * 4 seconds

    * N/A

    * Each explosion deals 105 (170*) damage

    * 2

    * 400

    * 120 seconds

    * N/A

    * 630** / 190***

    * 4 seconds

    * N/A

    * Each explosion deals 170 (250*) damage

    * 3

    * 600

    * 90 seconds

    * N/A

    * 630** / 190***

    * 4 seconds

    * N/A

    * Each explosion deals 250 (310*) damage


• (**) Total area of effect of the spell.

• (***) Area of effect of each explosion.

• Damage type: magical

• Slows the affected units' movespeed by 30% and attack speed by 20%.

• The slow is applied on all enemy units within an AoE of 630, even if they aren't hit by any explosion (lasts 1 second).

• Every 0.1 seconds one explosion is made, for a total of 40 explosions.

• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).




    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.3 / 0.7

    * Damage: 47 - 57

    * Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.51

    * Armor: 1.7

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 305

    * Missile Speed: 900

    * Attack Range: 550

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 1800

Although all Dryads are Cenarius' daughters, Aiushtha is said to be his first and favorite. Because of her direct relation to him, she has borrowed much of his power. This is demonstrated by her control over the shy Wisps which she uses to heal her allies, and her ability to bring an opponent under the will of the Sentinel. Preferring ranged combat to melee, she fashioned a spear that strikes with more force the further her target is away. Her agility is unmatched, and any opponent attempting to kill her will find she skips ahead of them with surprising ease.


    * Ability Type: Passive

    * Targeting Type: N/A

    * Ability Hotkey: U

Whenever the Enchantress is attacked, she beguiles the unit into slowing its attack.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 3 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 20% AS reduction for the attacker

    * 2

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 3 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 40% AS reduction for the attacker

    * 3

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 3 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 60% AS reduction for the attacker

    * 4

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 3 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 80% AS reduction for the attacker


• All units who directly attack or cast spells (not AoE) on Enchantress will get slowed.

• The slow will be applied in the attacking unit when he commences his attack, not when he actually damages Enchantress.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: C

Brings target unit under control of Aiushtha. If the unit cannot be converted, it will be slowed instead.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 65

    * 30 seconds

    * 700

    * N/A

    * 5.5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * Possession (Creep), 20% slow (Hero)

    * 2

    * 65

    * 25 seconds

    * 700

    * N/A

    * 5.5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * Possession (Creep), 30% slow (Hero)

    * 3

    * 65

    * 20 seconds

    * 700

    * N/A

    * 5.5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * Possession (Creep), 40% slow (Hero)

    * 4

    * 65

    * 15 seconds

    * 700

    * N/A

    * 5.5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * Possession (Creep), 50% slow (Hero)


• Converted creeps last for 80 seconds.

• Illusions can be converted.

Nature's Attendants

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Instant

    * Ability Hotkey: R

Releases a swarm of wisps to heal nearby allies in a 275 radius. Each wisp lasts 10 seconds and heals 10hp/sec.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 125

    * 45 seconds

    * N/A

    * 275

    * 10 seconds

    * Allied units / Self

    * Releases 3 healing wisps

    * 2

    * 140

    * 45 seconds

    * N/A

    * 275

    * 10 seconds

    * Allied units / Self

    * Releases 5 healing wisps

    * 3

    * 155

    * 45 seconds

    * N/A

    * 275

    * 10 seconds

    * Allied units / Self

    * Releases 7 healing wisps

    * 4

    * 170

    * 45 seconds

    * N/A

    * 275

    * 10 seconds

    * Allied units / Self

    * Releases 9 healing wisps


• Units with full HP will not be selected for the heal.

• Can heal units with magic immunity.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: T

Gives strength to the Enchantress' attacks, causing them to deal greater damage the further away the target is.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 55

    * 0 seconds

    * 550 (700*)

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Deals 15% of the distance in damage, with a 375 damage cap

    * 2

    * 60

    * 0 seconds

    * 550 (700*)

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Deals 20% of the distance in damage, with a 500 damage cap

    * 3

    * 65

    * 0 seconds

    * 550 (700*)

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Deals 25% of the distance in damage, with a 625 damage cap


• Damage type: pure

• The maximum damage is dealt at 2500 range. If this distance is exceeded, no bonus damage will be dealt.

• You can target magic immune units with this skill, but the bonus damage will not be applied.

• Distance to target is measured when projectile hits, meaning that running away from the target after using Impetus will increase the damage dealt.

• (*) With Aghanim's Scepter. Attack range is also increased by 150. Note that Aghanim's Scepter is undroppable on Enchantress.


Faerie Dragon


    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.8

    * Damage: 38 - 49

    * Casting Animation: 0.1 / 0.51

    * Armor: 2.1

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 295

    * Missile Speed: 900

    * Attack Range: 550

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 1200

Loved by aggressive players everywhere, Puck the Fairie Dragon is one of the best heroes in the game at starting fights. Puck's skills are useful in any situation, giving him a lot of flexibility and making him a great hero in both support and offensive roles. His signatue skill, Illusory Orb, is an example of this. Although it functions like a regular line damage spell, at any time during its course Puck can use his Ethereal Jaunt skill and instantly teleport to the position of the Illusory Orb. This makes the spell useful in both attacking and escaping. It also works perfectly with his second offensive spell, Waning Rift. Waning Rift deals damage and silences in an area around Puck, making it the natural choice for use after an Illusory Orb and Ethereal Jaunt. Puck's final offensive spell, Dream Coil, can be used either before or after this combo with great effect. Dream Coil traps enemies in a small area, forcing them to remain near the target point or take damage and get stunned. To complement his need to get up into his target's face, Puck has Phase Shift to help in sticky situations. Phase Shift renders Puck invulnerable for several seconds, although he is unable to move in this state. Puck is a relatively easy hero to pick up, but a rewarding one to master.

In Sentinel's search for heroes to aid them in the war against the Scourge, they discovered the lost lands of the mystical Faerie Dragons. Upon explaining the conflict to the Faerie Queen of Agrace, she sent forth Puck, a personal guardian, to turn the tides of war. Despite his small size and mischievous personality, the little dragon soon proved to pack more than his fair share of power on the battlefield, blasting through the enemy ranks with balls of magic, faerie dust, and the capability to stupefy an entire army with nothing more than his imagination. His foes all learned the hard way that size matters not in combat, and that appearances are, ultimately, deceiving.

Illusory Orb

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Point

    * Ability Hotkey: R

Sends a magic orb flying down a straight path damaging everything in its way. At any time during the life of the orb the Faerie Dragon may teleport up to it, taking its place.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 150

    * 13 seconds

    * 3000

    * 200

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 70 damage

    * 2

    * 150

    * 13 seconds

    * 3000

    * 200

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 140 damage

    * 3

    * 150

    * 13 seconds

    * 3000

    * 200

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 210 damage

    * 4

    * 150

    * 13 seconds

    * 3000

    * 200

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 280 damage


• Damage type: magical

• The Illusory Orb grants flying vision to the area around it while it travels.

• Even though it is castable at 3000 range, it will only travel at most 1800.

    Ethereal Jaunt

        * Ability Type: Active

        * Targeting Type: Instant

        * Ability Hotkey: E

    Shifts into the Illusory Orb.

        * Mana Cost

        * Cooldown

        * Casting range

        * Area of Effect

        * Duration

        * Allowed Targets

        * Effects

        * 0

        * 0 seconds

        * N/A

        * N/A

        * N/A

        * N/A

        * Shifts into the Illusory Orb


    • This ability is automatically gained when the first level of Illusory Orb is learned.

    • Unlike the Blink ability, Ethereal Jaunting to an Illusory Orb cannot dodge projectiles.

Waning Rift

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Instant

    * Ability Hotkey: W

Releases Puck's mystical faerie dust around him dealing damage and silencing enemies.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100

    * 16 seconds

    * N/A

    * 400

    * 0.1 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 60 damage and Silences

    * 2

    * 110

    * 16 seconds

    * N/A

    * 400

    * 1 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 120 damage and Silences

    * 3

    * 120

    * 16 seconds

    * N/A

    * 400

    * 2 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 180 damage and Silences

    * 4

    * 130

    * 16 seconds

    * N/A

    * 400

    * 3 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 240 damage and Silences


• Damage type: magical

Phase Shift

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: N/A

    * Ability Hotkey: F

Shifts the Faerie Dragon out of existence for a brief period, temporarily avoiding any further damage.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 50

    * 6 seconds

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 0.75 seconds

    * Self

    * Grant temporary invulnerability

    * 2

    * 40

    * 6 seconds

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 1.5 seconds

    * Self

    * Grant temporary invulnerability

    * 3

    * 30

    * 6 seconds

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 2.25 seconds

    * Self

    * Grant temporary invulnerability

    * 4

    * 20

    * 6 seconds

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 3 seconds

    * Self

    * Grant temporary invulnerability


• Puck can avoid most damage from spells or attacks when this ability is on autocast, but if he is disabled this ability won't work.

• Phase Shift will not trigger from damages that come after a disable or stun.

• Puck retains his collision size while phaseshifted.

Dream Coil

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Area

    * Ability Hotkey: C

Puck's powerful imagination engulfs an area, creating coils of volatile magic that damages and stuns enemy unit as it latches on to them. Stretching the coils beyond 600 range causes it to snap and deal additional damage and stun time.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100 (150*)

    * 85 seconds

    * 750

    * 375

    * 0.5 seconds (Initial) / 1.5 seconds (Coil Break)

    * Enemy unit

    * 100 initial damage, 100 (200*) Coil Break damage, and stun

    * 2

    * 150 (200*)

    * 85 seconds

    * 750

    * 375

    * 0.5 seconds (Initial) / 2.25 seconds (Coil Break)

    * Enemy unit

    * 100 initial damage, 100 (200*) Coil Break damage, and stun

    * 3

    * 200 (250*)

    * 85 seconds

    * 750

    * 375

    * 0.5 seconds (Initial) / 3 seconds (Coil Break)

    * Enemy unit

    * 100 initial damage, 100 (200*) Coil Break damage, and stun


• Damage type: magical

• The initial stun and damage can be blocked by Linken's Sphere, but the target will still be affected by the coils themselves.

• Each coil lasts a maximum time of 5 (7*) seconds before it disappears.

• Can be upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter (* shows upgraded values).


Holy Knight


    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.5

    * Damage: 43 - 53

    * Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.51

    * Armor: 1.1

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 300

    * Missile Speed: 1100

    * Attack Range: 600

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Chen's standard gameplay is different than most other heroes. His Holy Persuasion skill allows him to convert creeps to his side, including powerful neutral creeps such as the Centaur or Furbolg. As a result, Chen is usually found in the forest searching for creeps to convert. When he finds a strong creep or two, he descends on his unwary enemies, using both his own spells and the abilities of his persuaded creeps to take them out. Due to the difficulty of effectively controlling multiple units and abilities, Chen can be a tricky hero to play to his full potential. When ambushing an enemy hero, Chen generally uses his Penitence ability, which slows the target and causes them to take extra damage from Chen and his allies. The Holy Knight can use Test of Faith to finish off enemies, but it also doubles as a way to save allies who are in danger. Casting Test of Faith on an ally will teleport them to safety after a short time. Chen's support skills are rounded out by Hand of God, a healing spell which instantly restores a set amount of life to all allied heroes across the battlefield. Although Chen can be difficult for newer players, users with experience controlling multiple units effectively will find him very powerful.

Prophesying a new dawn, a new world cleansed of the old evils, the Holy Knight's entrance into the war against the Scourge forever changed the course of history. A crusader riding under the banner of Hextar, the Holy Knight promises ever-lasting glory and redemption for those who march with him, and obstacles ahead to test the faith of all those sworn to forever cleanse evil from the land. Fanatically devoted to his cause, his followers come from every race, every background, and will stop at nothing to see the Scourge destroyed. If ever the redeeming hand of God touched earth, its name was Chen, the Holy Knight.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: E

Forces a unit to accept punishment for its sins, causing it to move slower and accept more damage from attacks and spells.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100

    * 14 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 7 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 8% movement speed reduction, and 7% increased damage taken

    * 2

    * 100

    * 14 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 7 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 16% movement speed reduction, and 14% increased damage taken

    * 3

    * 100

    * 14 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 7 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 24% movement speed reduction, and 21% increased damage taken

    * 4

    * 100

    * 14 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 7 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 32% movement speed reduction, and 28% increased damage taken


• Bonus damage will always be physical (reduced by armor), regardless of the damage source.

Test of Faith

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: T

If cast on enemy, will deal variable damage based on the unit's faith. If cast on allied Hero, it will teleport the hero to safety. Instantly teleports Chen's persuaded units to safety.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 175

    * 24 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Any unit

    * 50-100 Damage to foes, 6 second casting time for allies

    * 2

    * 175

    * 24 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Any unit

    * 100-200 Damage to foes, 5 second casting time for allies

    * 3

    * 175

    * 24 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Any unit

    * 150-300 Damage to foes, 4 second casting time for allies

    * 4

    * 175

    * 24 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Any unit

    * 200-400 Damage to foes, 3 second casting time for allies


• Damage type: pure

• The amount of damage dealt is random.

• The -disablehelp command will stop an allied Chen from being able to teleport your hero with this ability.

Holy Persuasion

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: R

Takes control of a target enemy unit.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100

    * 30 seconds

    * 900

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy non-hero unit

    * 1 Unit Max. 75 HP Bonus

    * 2

    * 100

    * 26 seconds

    * 900

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy non-hero unit

    * 1 Unit Max. 150 HP Bonus

    * 3

    * 100

    * 22 seconds

    * 900

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy non-hero unit

    * 2 Unit Max. 225 HP Bonus

    * 4

    * 100

    * 18 seconds

    * 900

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy non-hero unit

    * 3 Unit Max. 300 HP Bonus


• You can take control of any neutral creep except Ancient-type neutrals (Dragonspawn, etc.).

• When persuading a new creep above your max unit count, a random persuaded unit (which could be the one you just persuaded) will die.

Hand of God

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Instant

    * Ability Hotkey: D

Fully regenerates your converted creeps. Heals all allied heroes on the map.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 200

    * 120 (30*) seconds

    * N/A

    * Global

    * N/A

    * Allied heroes

    * 200 HP Healed

    * 2

    * 300

    * 120 (30*) seconds

    * N/A

    * Global

    * N/A

    * Allied heroes

    * 300 HP Healed

    * 3

    * 400

    * 120 (30*) seconds

    * N/A

    * Global

    * N/A

    * Allied heroes

    * 400 HP Healed


• Heals spell immune units.

• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).


Keeper of the Light


    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.3 / 0.85

    * Damage: 38 - 54

    * Casting Animation: 0.3 / 2.4

    * Armor: 1.1

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 315

    * Missile Speed: 900

    * Attack Range: 600

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

The Keeper of the Light is a one man support team. He has a wide variety of support spells for any situation. He is a master of manipulating mana, with Chakra Magic to restore large amounts of energy to his allies and Mana Leak to drain it from his foes. Illuminate turns the Keeper of the Light into a piece of artillery. After a long charge up time, Illuminate releases a massive shockwave of energy, dealing huge amounts of damage to all enemies in its path. Due to its long channeling period, this spell is generally most effective in large offensive or defensive pushes. Spirit Form further elevates the support skills of the Keeper. While in Spirit Form, he no longer needs to be present to channel Illuminate; a spirit charges it for him, allowing him to move freely and cast other spells. He also gains the valuable Recall and Blinding Light spells while transformed. Recall can teleport any allied hero to his location from anywhere on the battlefield, and Blinding Light releases a massive pulse of light which knocks enemies away and causes them to miss most of their attacks for a few seconds afterwards. For support-minded players, it's tough to find a better hero.

Master of light and mana manipulation, Ezalor was once viewed as a scholar, and was regarded as a powerful mentor to many. However, his defection and betrayal of his allies during the War of the Magi caused him to be sentenced to banishment to the spirit realm for all of eternity. However, knowing of his tremendous power, the Sentinel granted him a corporeal form within the physical realm in exchange for his alliance against the Scourge onslaught. As such, Ezalor carries his duties of supporting his comrades valiantly despite the treacherous past that most know little about.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Point

    * Ability Hotkey: T

Channels a ball of positive energy, letting it build up 100 damage per second. When released, it damages all enemies in a line. The distance also improves with channeling time.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 150

    * 10 seconds

    * 230

    * 400 (Starting AoE) / 800 (Distance) / 400 (Final AoE)

    * N/A

    * Enemy Units

    * Channels up to 200 damage

    * 2

    * 150

    * 10 seconds

    * 230

    * 400 (Starting AoE) / 800 (Distance) / 400 (Final AoE)

    * N/A

    * Enemy Units

    * Channels up to 300 damage

    * 3

    * 150

    * 10 seconds

    * 230

    * 400 (Starting AoE) / 800 (Distance) / 400 (Final AoE)

    * N/A

    * Enemy Units

    * Channels up to 400 damage

    * 4

    * 150

    * 10 seconds

    * 230

    * 400 (Starting AoE) / 800 (Distance) / 400 (Final AoE)

    * N/A

    * Enemy Units

    * Channels up to 500 damage


• Damage type: magical

• Illuminate gives increasing vision of the target area as it is channeled.

• Can damage Meat Wagons and Glaive Throwers.

• Can hit units up to 1600 range away.

Mana Leak

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: E

Weakens the bond between the physical and magical essences of an enemy. The magical and physical essences will be divided if the target moves, causing the enemy to lose some of their mana. If the enemy loses all of its mana, it will be paralyzed while the bond is repaired.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 75

    * 18 seconds

    * 550

    * N/A

    * 4 seconds

    * Enemy Unit

    * Drains 3.5% of max mana per 100 units the target moves. If the mana pool of the target is depleted, stuns for 1.25 seconds

    * 2

    * 75

    * 18 seconds

    * 700

    * N/A

    * 5 seconds

    * Enemy Unit

    * Drains 4% of max mana per 100 units the target moves. If the mana pool of the target is depleted, stuns for 1.5 seconds

    * 3

    * 75

    * 18 seconds

    * 850

    * N/A

    * 6 seconds

    * Enemy Unit

    * Drains 4.5% of max mana per 100 units the target moves. If the mana pool of the target is depleted, stuns for 1.75 seconds

    * 4

    * 75

    * 18 seconds

    * 1000

    * N/A

    * 7 seconds

    * Enemy Unit

    * Drains 5% of max mana per 100 units the target moves. If the mana pool of the target is depleted, stuns for 2 seconds


• If the target travels over 300 distance in less than 0.1 second (by using blink skills, for example), Mana Leak will not decrease its mana for that distance.

Chakra Magic

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: C

Channels chakras through a friendly unit, creating a surge of mana.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 40

    * 19 seconds

    * 900

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Allied units / Self

    * Restores 75 mana

    * 2

    * 55

    * 18 seconds

    * 900

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Allied units / Self

    * Restores 150 mana

    * 3

    * 70

    * 17 seconds

    * 900

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Allied units / Self

    * Restores 225 mana

    * 4

    * 85

    * 16 seconds

    * 900

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Allied units / Self

    * Restores 300 mana


• Cannot target allies with magic immunity.

Spirit Form

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Instant

    * Ability Hotkey: F

Ezalor turns his body luminescent temporarily. His mastery of light becomes so powerful that he can freely cast Illuminate without channeling, cast a brilliant light that blinds foes, and teleport allies from anywhere to his side at light speed.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100

    * 80 seconds

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 40 seconds

    * N/A

    * Morph into Spirit Form, gain automatically charging Illuminate, Recall, and Blinding Light abilities

    * 2

    * 100

    * 70 seconds

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 40 seconds

    * N/A

    * Morph into Spirit Form, gain automatically charging Illuminate, Recall, and Blinding Light abilities

    * 3

    * 100

    * 60 seconds

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 40 seconds

    * N/A

    * Morph into Spirit Form, gain automatically charging Illuminate, Recall, and Blinding Light abilities


• While in spirit form, Ezalor no longer needs to channel Illuminate; it will be channeled by a secondary, ghostly spirit.


        * Ability Type: Active

        * Targeting Type: Unit

        * Ability Hotkey: R

    Target an allied hero. Teleports that hero to your location. If the target takes player based damage during this period, this ability is interrupted.

        * Mana Cost

        * Cooldown

        * Casting range

        * Area of Effect

        * Duration

        * Allowed Targets

        * Effects

        * 100

        * 40 seconds

        * Global

        * N/A

        * N/A

        * Allied Heroes

        * Teleportation with 5 second delay

        * 100

        * 40 seconds

        * Global

        * N/A

        * N/A

        * Allied Heroes

        * Teleportation with 4 second delay

        * 100

        * 40 seconds

        * Global

        * N/A

        * N/A

        * Allied Heroes

        * Teleportation with 3 second delay


    • Since the cooldown and mana cost take effect upon casting, the mana will be deducted and the spell will go into cooldown even if the spell is interrupted.

    • This ability can target any allied hero on the map.

    • The -disablehelp command can prevent an allied Keeper of the Light from casting this ability on you.

    • This skill interrupts channeling spells.

    • Clicking this skill on the minimap will target the nearest allied hero.

    Blinding Light

        * Ability Type: Active

        * Targeting Type: AoE

        * Ability Hotkey: B

    Blind nearby units, causing them to miss 80% of the time.

        * Mana Cost

        * Cooldown

        * Casting range

        * Area of Effect

        * Duration

        * Allowed Targets

        * Effects

        * 50

        * 20 seconds

        * 900

        * 675

        * 3 seconds

        * Enemy Units

        * Causes enemies to have a 80% chance to miss in their attacks and knock them back

        * 50

        * 20 seconds

        * 900

        * 675

        * 4 seconds

        * Enemy Units

        * Causes enemies to have a 80% chance to miss in their attacks and knocks them back

        * 50

        * 20 seconds

        * 900

        * 675

        * 5 seconds

        * Enemy Units

        * Causes enemies to have a 80% chance to miss in their attacks and knocks them back


    • Causes knockback of 250 range over 0.4 seconds, centered on the middle of the target AoE.

    • If a unit being knock-backed collides with a tree, the tree is destroyed.

    • Does not interrupt channeling skills.


Lord of Olympus


    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.633 / 0.366

    * Damage: 41 - 49

    * Casting Animation: 0.4 / 0.5

    * Armor: 2.1

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 295

    * Missile Speed: 1100

    * Attack Range: 350

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Zeus has one role: offensive spellcaster. His spell damage output is probably the highest of any hero in the game, due to the great damage and low cooldown periods of his spells. Arc Lightning strikes a large number of enemies with a relatively low damage chain lightning, but due to its low cost and cooldown it can be cast a large number of times during a battle. Lightning Bolt is easy to understand: lots of damage! Compared to a lot of other offensive spells, Lightning Bolt's damage, cooldown, and mana cost are very good, and it is Zeus' primary means for dealing with enemy heroes. Although Zeus has a passive skill, it is in fact another way to blast his enemies with even more spell damage. Every time Zeus casts a spell, Static Field shocks nearby enemy heroes for a small percentage of their life. This means Zeus will continue to deal good damage throughout the game as enemy heroes get higher and higher life. Perhaps Zeus' most feared ability is Thundergod's Wrath. When cast, this spell causes a bolt of lightning to strike all enemy heroes on the battlefield. This spell is especially useful for finishing off nearly dead heroes who are fleeing from battle, but it is also useful to give Zeus and his allies an edge in team fights.

Once a deity of unfathomable might, Zeus reluctantly sacrificed his much relished immortality in exchange for the chance to crush the sinister armies of the unholy undead. As his soul crossed into the mortal plane, his omnipotent powers withered greatly, yet not nearly enough to quell this destructive Thunder God's resolve for justice. With sheer precision, he cleanses through the enemy ranks with an impressive mastery of electrical discharge, smiting the fool hardy with formidable bolts of lightning from the heavens above. Ever vigilant in his relentless assault, the Scourge cowers in fear of incurring the fearsome wrath of the Lord of Olympia.

Arc Lightning

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: C

Hurls a bolt of arcing energy that laces through many nearby enemy units.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 65

    * 2.25 seconds

    * 700

    * 500*

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Arcs 5 times, deals 85 damage

    * 2

    * 72

    * 2.25 seconds

    * 700

    * 500*

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Arcs 7 times, deals 100 damage

    * 3

    * 79

    * 2.25 seconds

    * 700

    * 500*

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Arcs 9 times, deals 115 damage

    * 4

    * 86

    * 2.25 seconds

    * 700

    * 500*

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Arcs 15 times, deals 130 damage


• Damage type: magical

• The damage of Arc Lightning is not reduced with each bounce.

• (*) Area of Effect means the distance the Arc Lightning can bounce.

Lightning Bolt

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: G

Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike a target enemy.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 75

    * 6.5 seconds

    * 700

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Deals 100 damage

    * 2

    * 95

    * 6.5 seconds

    * 700

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Deals 175 damage

    * 3

    * 115

    * 6.5 seconds

    * 700

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Deals 275 damage

    * 4

    * 135

    * 6.5 seconds

    * 700

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy units

    * Deals 350 damage


• Damage type: magical

• Gives true sight within 900 range.

• Reveals the surrounding area (1000 and 750 range on day and night, respectively) for 3 seconds.

• Posseses a mini-stun, which allows Zeus to interrupt channeling spells and items with this ability.

Static Field

    * Ability Type: Passive

    * Targeting Type: N/A

    * Ability Hotkey: F

Whenever Zeus casts a spell, he shocks all nearby enemy heroes for a percentage of their current hit points as damage.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 1000

    * N/A

    * Enemy heroes

    * Shocks for 5% of current hit points

    * 2

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 1000

    * N/A

    * Enemy heroes

    * Shocks for 7% of current hit points

    * 3

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 1000

    * N/A

    * Enemy heroes

    * Shocks for 9% of current hit points

    * 4

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 1000

    * N/A

    * Enemy heroes

    * Shocks for 11% of current hit points


• Damage type: magical

• The damage from Static Field is dealt before the damage from the used spell.

• Using items does not trigger Static Field.

Thundergod's Wrath

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Instant

    * Ability Hotkey: W

Strikes down all enemy heroes with a bolt of lightning.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 225

    * 120 seconds

    * N/A

    * Global

    * N/A

    * Enemy heroes

    * Deals 210 (400*) damage

    * 2

    * 325

    * 120 seconds

    * N/A

    * Global

    * N/A

    * Enemy heroes

    * Deals 335 (500*) damage

    * 3

    * 450

    * 120 seconds

    * N/A

    * Global

    * N/A

    * Enemy heroes

    * Deals 460 (600*) damage


• Damage type: magical

• Reveals the surrounding area (1000 and 750 range on day and night, respectively) for 3 seconds.

• Gives true sight 900 range around each affected target for 3 seconds.

• If a target is invisible it will get revealed (both vision and true sight) but not damaged.

• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).




    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.4 / 0.77

    * Damage: 45 - 59

    * Casting Animation: 0.5 / 1.17

    * Armor: 3.1

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 300

    * Missile Speed: 1125

    * Attack Range: 600

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Furion the Prophet is an unusual intelligence hero. His only damaging spell is his ultimate, and it is more effective when cast far from enemies to allow it to build in damage. Instead, Furion relies on his physical attack and his allies to take down enemy heroes. He is also a great sieger with his summoned Treants. Furion's main advantage is his amazing mobility. Using Teleportation, he can quickly be anywhere on the battlefield practically at will. A Prophet with good map awareness can be an invaluable help to his allies, since he can potentially be in any battle anywhere on the map. Using Sprout, he can trap enemy heroes and finish them off with his strong physical attack and allied help. After dealing with any resistance, he can summon an army of Treants and quickly destroy enemy towers and buildings before they have a chance to retaliate. Furion's final spell, Nature's Wrath, can be used to soften up targets across the map and give him a lot of gold from dying enemy creeps. For combating Furion and also playing him, map awareness is key.

The land is never safe. Furion, therefore, never rests. The leader of all Night Elves, Furion tirelessly works to protect the sanctity of his woods. It comes as no surprise that he who helped defeat Archimonde would be called upon once more in the Sentinel's hour of need. The fury of nature is at his disposal, the trees come to life at his command, the wind carries him to lands far away, and nature itself strikes all who defy his will. He is more than just a Keeper or a Prophet, he is a savior.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit/Point

    * Ability Hotkey: T

Sprouts a ring of trees around a unit, trapping it in place.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100

    * 11 seconds

    * 600

    * 150

    * 3 seconds

    * Any unit or Ground

    * Traps the target using trees

    * 2

    * 120

    * 10 seconds

    * 600

    * 150

    * 3.75 seconds

    * Any unit or Ground

    * Traps the target using trees

    * 3

    * 140

    * 9 seconds

    * 600

    * 150

    * 4.5 seconds

    * Any unit or Ground

    * Traps the target using trees

    * 4

    * 160

    * 8 seconds

    * 600

    * 150

    * 5.25 seconds

    * Any unit or Ground

    * Traps the target using trees


• Can be used on enemies, allies, own units, Furion himself, or on the ground.

• Cannot be used on Ancient-type creeps.

• The -disablehelp command will prevent an allied Furion from casting Sprout on you.

• Trees created with Sprout can be destroyed with any item or skill which destroys regular trees, including Force of Nature.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Point

    * Ability Hotkey: R

Teleports to any explored point on the map.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 50

    * 50 seconds

    * Global

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Teleports to target location

    * 2

    * 45

    * 40 seconds

    * Global

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Teleports to target location

    * 3

    * 40

    * 30 seconds

    * Global

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Teleports to target location

    * 4

    * 35

    * 20 seconds

    * Global

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Teleports to target location


• Takes 3 seconds to cast.

• Since the cooldown and mana cost take effect after this spell is finished casting, Furion will not use any mana or waste the cooldown on this spell if he is interrupted while casting (either by enemies or by himself).

• When cast, this spell creates an obvious swirl effect on the target point which is visible to both allies and enemies.

Force of Nature

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Area

    * Ability Hotkey: E

Converts an area of trees into Treants. Treants have 550 hit points and deal 21-23 damage.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 160

    * 37 seconds

    * 750

    * 150

    * 60 seconds

    * Trees

    * Raises 2 Treants

    * 2

    * 160

    * 37 seconds

    * 750

    * 225

    * 60 seconds

    * Trees

    * Raises 3 Treants

    * 3

    * 160

    * 37 seconds

    * 750

    * 300

    * 60 seconds

    * Trees

    * Raises 4 Treants

    * 4

    * 160

    * 37 seconds

    * 750

    * 375

    * 60 seconds

    * Trees

    * Raises 5 Treants


• Will only summon as many Treants as there are trees in the target AOE.

• Treants have 33% spell resistance.

Wrath of Nature

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: W

Summons damaging energy to swath around the map and damage random enemies. Each enemy hit beyond the first adds 7% damage. Number of bounces increases per level.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 150

    * 90 seconds

    * Global

    * Global

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 140 (155*) base damage , has a maximum of 12 (14*) targets

    * 2

    * 175

    * 60 seconds

    * Global

    * Global

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 180 (210*) base damage, has a maximum of 14 (16*) targets

    * 3

    * 200

    * 60 seconds

    * Global

    * Global

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 225 (275*) base damage, has a maximum of 16 (18*) targets


• Damage type: magical

• Although the range of the additional bounces is map-wide, only currently visible enemies can be hit.

• Can be cast through the minimap: the nearest valid target will be selected.

• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).




    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.5

    * Damage: 43 - 57

    * Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.51

    * Armor: 1.3

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 290

    * Missile Speed: 1000

    * Attack Range: 600

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

The Silencer is among the minority of intelligence heroes who rely on their physical attack to take down enemy heroes. Although Curse of the Silent deals surprisingly good damage to unprepared opponents, the Silencer's real power lies in his Glaives of Wisdom. With powerful intelligence items, the Silencer is capable of easily out-damaging many strength and agility heroes who focus on their physical attacks. Since he needs powerful items to be effective, the Silencer is best utilized by players who enjoy killing a lot of creeps and getting as much gold as possible. Both of his silencing abilities are very useful in combat, especially against enemy spellcasters who like to cast a lot of spells in quick succession. Last Word is an offensive aura which silences enemies after they cast a spell. This will completely ruin the deadly combos of a lot of dangerous spellcasters, making the Silencer an excellent counter to this type of enemy. Global Silence is perhaps his most powerful spell when used at the proper moment. If cast at the beginning of a large battle, this spell can mean the difference between an easy victory and a crushing defeat.

Hailing from the magical community of Quel'Thalas, Nortrom is one of the strongest Elven warriors defending the integrity of the lands. Mastering the ancient art of glaive-throwing, and combining it with the volatile nature of the Blood Elves' arcane magic, he is able to disrupt the magical energies in his enemies. By binding his magical powers to his glaive, he is able to cause damage beyond devastation, gaining intelligence from every kill. Concentrating all his energies, he can cause chaos within his enemies' magical pools, making them unable to cast spells. He is determined to fend off the Scourge and their demon magic until he has breathed his last.

Curse of the Silent

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Area

    * Ability Hotkey: C

Afflicts enemies with the Curse of the Silent. The target will lose hp and mana per second until it casts a spell.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 75

    * 20 seconds

    * 700

    * 350

    * 5 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * 20 hp/10 mana per second

    * 2

    * 95

    * 18 seconds

    * 700

    * 350

    * 6 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * 30 hp/15 mana per second

    * 3

    * 115

    * 16 seconds

    * 700

    * 350

    * 7 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * 40 hp/20 mana per second

    * 4

    * 135

    * 14 seconds

    * 700

    * 350

    * 8 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * 50 hp/25 mana per second


• Damage type: magical

• It will be removed when the target dies or begins the effect of a spell.

Glaives of Wisdom

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: W

Nortrom's Glaives are enchanted by his experience in magic. Dealing extra damage based on his Intelligence.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 15

    * 2 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy Units

    * Deals 30% of your intelligence in bonus damage

    * 2

    * 15

    * 0 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy Units

    * Deals 40% of your intelligence in bonus damage

    * 3

    * 15

    * 0 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy Units

    * Deals 50% of your intelligence in bonus damage

    * 4

    * 15

    * 0 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy Units

    * Deals 60% of your intelligence in bonus damage


• Damage type: pure

Last Word

    * Ability Type: Passive

    * Targeting Type: N/A

    * Ability Hotkey: L

Causes any unit under the effect of this aura to become silenced after it finishes casting a spell.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 900

    * 0.75 second

    * Enemy Units

    * Silences unit if it casts anything

    * 2

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 900

    * 1.5 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * Silences unit if it casts anything

    * 3

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 900

    * 2.25 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * Silences unit if it casts anything

    * 4

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 900

    * 3 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * Silences unit if it casts anything


• The aura will be disabled when Nortrom is silenced.

• Channeling skills will activate this even if they are canceled.

• Silencer will permanently steal 1 Intelligence from any enemy hero that dies within 950 range.

• The '-int' command can be used to know how much Intelligence you gained through this skill.

Global Silence

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Instant

    * Ability Hotkey: E

Stops all enemies on the map from casting spells.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 250

    * 160 seconds

    * N/A

    * Global

    * 3 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * Silences all enemies

    * 2

    * 350

    * 160 seconds

    * N/A

    * Global

    * 4 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * Silences all enemies

    * 3

    * 450

    * 160 seconds

    * N/A

    * Global

    * 5 seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * Silences all enemies


• This skill works on invisible units.

• Silence works on magic immune units.

• Game-wide sound is muted when Global Silence is used.



Lina Inverse

    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.75 / 0.78

    * Damage: 37 - 55

    * Casting Animation: 0.45 / 1.08

    * Armor: 1.3

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 295

    * Missile Speed: 900

    * Attack Range: 625

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

The Slayer is one of the deadlier offensive spellcasters, capable of killing fragile heroes with one combo of her spells. Her two main offensive spells provide a powerful area of effect combo. Dragon Slave fires a quick fiery projectile which deals good damage and has pretty high range. Light Strike Array is Lina's stun spell. Due to her relatively slow cast time it can be difficult to hit moving enemies with this spell, however. Many Lina players cast Light Strike Array right after an ally uses another stun, making the spell much easier to hit and prolonging the total disable time. To support her offensive gameplay style, Lina has a passive skill called Fiery Soul. Every time she casts any of her other spells, Lina gains a temporary movement and attack speed bost, allowing her to chase down and kill fleeing enemies. Lina also has the most damaging single-target spell in the game: Laguna Blade. This devastating blast of energy is one of the best ways to finish off injured enemies. Often heroes who thought they were safe are blasted into oblivion by a single Laguna Blade.

A renowned pyromancer roaming the lands, Lina Inverse originally joined the Sentinel for monetary purposes. However, weeks turned into months, and fighting alongside the many holy warriors with fearless souls inspired her with the responsibility of protecting the sanctity of the World Tree. With her devastating abilities to summon vaporizing flames, she wreaks havoc among the enemy ranks. In dire situations, she would imbue herself with an ultimate fervor, or even call forth a massive beam of lightning which is said to instantly slay any single foe. A most feared enemy of the Scourge, a most unswerving defender of the Sentinel.

Dragon Slave

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Point

    * Ability Hotkey: D

A wave of fire that ripples out from Lina Inverse, causing damage to land units in a line.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 90

    * 8.5 seconds

    * 600

    * 275 (Starting AoE) / 700 (Distance) / 125 (Final AoE)

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 100 damage

    * 2

    * 105

    * 8.5 seconds

    * 600

    * 275 (Starting AoE) / 700 (Distance) / 125 (Final AoE)

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 170 damage

    * 3

    * 125

    * 8.5 seconds

    * 600

    * 275 (Starting AoE) / 700 (Distance) / 125 (Final AoE)

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 230 damage

    * 4

    * 140

    * 8.5 seconds

    * 600

    * 275 (Starting AoE) / 700 (Distance) / 125 (Final AoE)

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 280 damage


• Damage type: magical

• Can hit units up to 1100 units away

Light Strike Array

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Area

    * Ability Hotkey: T

Summons a column of flames that damages and stuns enemies for 1.6 seconds.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 90

    * 7 seconds

    * 600

    * 225

    * 1.6 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 90 damage and stun

    * 2

    * 100

    * 7 seconds

    * 600

    * 225

    * 1.6 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 150 damage and stun

    * 3

    * 110

    * 7 seconds

    * 600

    * 225

    * 1.6 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 210 damage and stun

    * 4

    * 125

    * 7 seconds

    * 600

    * 225

    * 1.6 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 280 damage and stun


• Damage type: magical

• Effect is delayed 0.5 seconds.

Fiery Soul

    * Ability Type: Passive

    * Targeting Type: N/A

    * Ability Hotkey: F

Grants you bonus attack and movement speed each time you cast a spell. Stacks with itself. Lasts 5 seconds.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 7 seconds

    * Self

    * 30% IAS, 2% MS

    * 2

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 7 seconds

    * Self

    * 40% IAS, 3% MS

    * 3

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 7 seconds

    * Self

    * 50% IAS, 4% MS

    * 4

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 7 seconds

    * Self

    * 60% IAS, 5% MS


• Duration refreshes each time a spell is cast.

• Stacks at most 3 times.

• Using items does not trigger Fiery Soul.

Laguna Blade

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: G

Fires off a bolt of lightning at a single target, dealing critical damage.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 280

    * 120 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 450 (600*) damage

    * 2

    * 420

    * 90 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 675 (925*) damage

    * 3

    * 680

    * 55 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Deals 950 (1250*) damage


• Damage type: magical

• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).


Storm Spirit

Raijin Thunderkeg

    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.3

    * Damage: 45 - 55

    * Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.51

    * Armor: 5.1

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 295

    * Missile Speed: 1100

    * Attack Range: 480

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

A hero for the adrenaline junkies, the Storm Spirit provides arguably the best non stop movement of any hero. When equipped with a lot of items, the Storm Spirit can be seen bouncing around the battlefield, zapping his foes and quickly jumping away. Raijin relies partly on his physical attack and partly on his spells to defeat his enemies. Static Remnant is his main source of spell damage. When cast, this ability leaves a staticky copy of the Storm Spirit behind. Similar to a landmine the image will explode on contact, shocking all nearby enemies. Electric Vortex is a very powerful disabling spell, which grabs a target enemy and drags them to the Storm Spirit. A common tactic is to use Electric Vortex to pull a target into a Static Remnant image. Overload completes this combo, giving the Storm Spirit's next attack a blast of electrical energy whenever he casts a spell. However, Raijin's signature ability is definitely Ball Lightning. This teleportation spell has no cooldown and no maximum range, which means Raijin can bounce about as much as he wants, as long as he has the mana and regeneration to support the high cost of the spell. Raijin behaves much like a storm, starting out weak early on, then gathering power over the course of the game until he becomes an unstoppable force of nature.

A celestial being summoned to aid the Sentinel in their darkest hour; the Storm Spirit chose to manifest itself in the life essence of a humble elementalist, Raijin Thunderkeg. Though the Pandaren's soul perished during the profound surge of pure electrical essence, the divine entity even now seeks refuge in Raijin's body, unable to thrive on its own. However, despite its mortal imprisonment, the Storm Spirit is far from being limited of its tremendous powers. Able of manipulating vast, inexhaustible sources of energy in mysterious ways, it swiftly hails destructive sparks of lightning upon the Sentinel's adversaries, eradicating all that dared to cross its path.

Static Remnant

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Instant

    * Ability Hotkey: R

Raijin creates a remnant of himself containing his essence. The Static Remnant will release its stored energy whenever an enemy unit comes near it. Lasts 12 seconds.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 70

    * 4 seconds

    * N/A

    * 235

    * 12 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 140 Damage

    * 2

    * 80

    * 4 seconds

    * N/A

    * 235

    * 12 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 180 Damage

    * 3

    * 90

    * 4 seconds

    * N/A

    * 235

    * 12 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 220 Damage

    * 4

    * 100

    * 4 seconds

    * N/A

    * 235

    * 12 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 260 Damage


• Damage type: magical

• Static Remnants take 1 second to materialize after this spell is cast.

• Remnants have flying vision and can see over cliffs and trees.

• The explosion actually hits units in a 260 AOE, but will only be triggered by units within 235 AOE.

Electric Vortex

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: E

Storm focuses his energy to rip open vortex drawing an enemy to it. This process slows the Storm Spirit down for a brief period.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100

    * 20 seconds

    * 300

    * N/A

    * 1 second

    * Enemy unit

    * Pulls 100 units over 1 second.

    * 2

    * 110

    * 20 seconds

    * 300

    * N/A

    * 1.5 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Pulls 150 units over 1.5 second.

    * 3

    * 120

    * 20 seconds

    * 300

    * N/A

    * 2 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Pulls 200 units over 2 second.

    * 4

    * 130

    * 20 seconds

    * 300

    * N/A

    * 2.5 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Pulls 250 units over 2.5 second.


• This ability slows the Storm Spirit by 50% for 3 seconds.

• This skill is blocked by Linken's Sphere and can't target magic immune units.


    * Ability Type: Passive

    * Targeting Type: N/A

    * Ability Hotkey: V

Storm Spirit becomes overloaded with electrical energy whenever he casts a spell. The charge is released on his next attack as an electrical burst, dealing damage and slowing nearby units.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 275

    * 0.6 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 30 Damage

    * 2

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 275

    * 0.6 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 45 Damage

    * 3

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 275

    * 0.6 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 60 Damage

    * 4

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * 275

    * 0.6 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 75 Damage


• Damage type: magical

• Overload slows all affected units' movement speed by 80% and attack speed by 50% for 0.6 seconds.

• Using items does not trigger Overload.

Ball Lightning

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Point

    * Ability Hotkey: G

Storm Spirit becomes enveloped with energy, losing his physical form, and travels until he depletes his mana or reaches his target. While in this form, he deals damage to nearby units based on how far his electrical form has traversed. Damage, speed and area of effect improves per level.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * Depending on distance traveled

    * 0 seconds

    * Global

    * 125

    * N/A

    * Ground

    * Moves the Storm Spirit to the targeted location doing 8 damage per 100 units traveled at 1250 movespeed.

    * 2

    * Depending on distance traveled

    * 0 seconds

    * Global

    * 200

    * N/A

    * Ground

    * Moves the Storm Spirit to the targeted location doing 12 damage per 100 units traveled at 1875 movespeed.

    * 3

    * Depending on distance traveled

    * 0 seconds

    * Global

    * 275

    * N/A

    * Ground

    * Moves the Storm Spirit to the targeted location doing 16 damage per 100 units traveled at 2500 movespeed.


• Damage type: magical

• If the Storm Spirit runs out of mana while traveling he will stop immediately.

• Initial mana cost: 15 + 7% of total mana pool.

• Mana cost per 100 units traveled: 10 + 1% of total mana pool.

• Instant cast abilities can be used while traveling.

• While using this ability, the Storm Spirit is invulnerable.

• This ability destroys trees.




    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.4 / 0.3

    * Damage: 44 - 56

    * Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.5

    * Armor: 1.4

    * Base Attack Time: 1.5

    * Movespeed: 295

    * Missile Speed: 1250

    * Attack Range: 600

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Although she is an intelligence hero, Alleria's gameplay style resembles an agility hero in many ways. She relies on her physical attack most of the time, and she has a powerful attack speed increasing ability which lets her fire very quickly. She can launch deadly Power Shots, which strike the first target with massive damage, then lose a little the more units they pass through. Power Shot is very good at picking off injured heroes who are trying to flee, due to its long range, fast projectile, and good initial damage. To stop enemies from fleeing in the first place, Alleria has Shackleshot. Although it doesn't deal any damage by itself, Shackleshot is one of the best single-target stuns around. This ability allows the Windrunner to shackle a target either to a tree or to another enemy unit, potentially stunning two heroes for a lengthy period of time. Windrunner, Alleria's third skill, allows her to escape dangerous situations, position herself for good Shackleshots, and catch up to fleeing enemies. If Powershot isn't enough to take down a target, Alleria can use Focus Fire. This powerful ability makes her attack at the fastest possible rate at a single enemy unit for a long duration, but reduces her total damage. This skill is often used in conjunction with Shackleshot, but it is also effective against buildings and other stationary targets.

In the valleys of Winterspring, deep within the verdant glades of the Forest of Trees, an elf with the power of the wind makes her home. She joined the Sentinel as a free agent shortly after the War of the Magi. Favored by the Goddess of Wind, Alleria received many blessings. Her arrows fly straight and true, piercing all enemies in a line. She can lace her arrow with wind and bind enemies together by creating ethereal shackles. Her footsteps are hastened by the currents of air. It is known that she can dispatch enemies at blinding speed by releasing a flurry of arrows. She is indeed a worthy enemy of the Scourge.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: E

Alleria fires an enchanted arrow using wind magic that binds the target to an enemy unit or tree behind it.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 90

    * 10 Seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 1.5 seconds shackle

    * Enemy Units

    * Stun for 0.75 seconds, or 1.5 if close to enemy unit or tree

    * 2

    * 100

    * 10 Seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 2.25 seconds shackle

    * Enemy Units

    * Stun for 0.75 seconds, or 2.25 if close to enemy unit or tree

    * 3

    * 110

    * 10 Seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 3 seconds shackle

    * Enemy Units

    * Stun for 0.75 seconds, or 3 if close to enemy unit or tree

    * 4

    * 120

    * 10 Seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 3.75 seconds shackle

    * Enemy Units

    * Stun for 0.75 seconds, or 3.75 if close to enemy unit or tree


• If the target isn't shackled to anything, the stun only lasts 0.75 seconds.

• This spell can shackle two enemies together, stunning them both.

• Trees created by Furion's Sprout spell are valid targets for shackling.

• Can shackle the target to an enemy unit or tree at most 525/500 units behind it.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Point

    * Ability Hotkey: R

Windrunner winds up her bow for up to 1 second to perform a single powerful shot. The arrow travels up to 1700 distance, dealing damage and destroying trees in its path. The damaged dealt is greatest to the first target it hits and is reduced by 10% with each other it passes through.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 90

    * 9 Seconds

    * 1800

    * 125

    * N/A

    * Enemy Unit/Trees

    * Fires an arrow that shoots through targets with 120 initial damage, and 10% reduced damage for each other target hit

    * 2

    * 100

    * 9 Seconds

    * 1800

    * 125

    * N/A

    * Enemy Unit/Trees

    * Fires an arrow that shoots through targets with 200 initial damage, and 10% reduced damage for each other target hit

    * 3

    * 110

    * 9 Seconds

    * 1800

    * 125

    * N/A

    * Enemy Unit/Trees

    * Fires an arrow that shoots through targets with 280 initial damage, and 10% reduced damage for each other target hit

    * 4

    * 120

    * 9 Seconds

    * 1800

    * 125

    * N/A

    * Enemy Unit/Trees

    * Fires an arrow that shoots through targets with 360 initial damage, and 10% reduced damage for each other target hit


• Damage type: magical

• The arrow initially moves at a rate of 3000 units per second.

• The arrow is slowed a little each time it hits an enemy or a tree.

• This spell destroys trees.

• This skill has a short channeling time. If canceled before Alleria finishes channeling, the arrow will deal less damage.


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Instant

    * Ability Hotkey: W

Imbues her body with the essence of wind, increasing her movement speed by 50% and giving her the ability to evade all physical attacks for a short period of time. Additionally, the gusts of wind around her impairs the movement of nearby enemies, slowing their movement speed in a 300 AoE around her.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100

    * 15 seconds

    * N/A

    * 300

    * 2.75 seconds

    * Self/Enemy Units

    * Gives complete physical evasion, 50% increased MS, and slows nearby enemies by 8%

    * 2

    * 100

    * 15 seconds

    * N/A

    * 300

    * 3.5 seconds

    * Self/Enemy Units

    * Gives complete physical evasion, 50% increased MS, and slows nearby enemies by 16%

    * 3

    * 100

    * 15 seconds

    * N/A

    * 300

    * 4.25 seconds

    * Self/Enemy Units

    * Gives complete physical evasion, 50% increased MS, and slows nearby enemies by 24%

    * 4

    * 100

    * 15 seconds

    * N/A

    * 300

    * 5 seconds

    * Self/Enemy Units

    * Gives complete physical evasion, 50% increased MS, and slows nearby enemies by 30%


• The slow will affect enemies with magic immunity.

• Incoming projectiles before this skill is activated will not be evaded.

Focus Fire

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: F

Alleria channels wind throughout her body to surge an excess of adrenaline, giving her maximum attack speed on one target. Damage is reduced in this state.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 200

    * 60 (15*) seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 20 Seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * Constantly attacks with 50% reduced damage and maximum attack speed at the target

    * 2

    * 300

    * 60 (15*) seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 20 Seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * Constantly attacks with 40% reduced damage and maximum attack speed at the target

    * 3

    * 400

    * 60 (15*) seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * 20 Seconds

    * Enemy Units

    * Constantly attacks with 30% reduced damage and maximum attack speed at the target


• The damage reduction affects all damage from Alleria while the spell is active, including alternate damage such as orb effects.

• Can target buildings and magic immune units.

• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).

• With Aghanim's Scepter it no longer reduces damage from secondary item effects (Like bonus damage from Bash, Chain Lightning).


Far Seer


    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.4/0.5

    * Damage: 49 - 53

    * Casting Animation: 0.05/1.0

    * Armor: 1

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 300

    * Missile Speed: 1200

    * Attack Range: 600

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Being raised by humans as a gladiator, Thrall learned more about strategy and tactics as a youth than even experienced orcish warchiefs learned in their lives. After escaping from the human slavery and meeting Grom Hellscream, he found out that he was a descendant of the Frostwolf clan. He traveled to his ancestor's village, where he became familiar with the spiritual magics of the orcish shamans. Now he combines not only his control over thunder, but also his tactical abilities to turn fights in his favor using impenetrable walls of magic, areas of static energy and even control over time.

Thunder Strike

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: C

Thrall curses the target to be struck by thunder 3 times over 4 seconds. Foes nearby the victim will also be damaged.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 130

    * 16 seconds

    * 800

    * 200

    * 4 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 3 strikes with 50 damage

    * 2

    * 130

    * 16 seconds

    * 800

    * 200

    * 4 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 3 strikes with 75 damage

    * 3

    * 130

    * 16 seconds

    * 800

    * 200

    * 4 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 3 strikes with 100 damage

    * 4

    * 130

    * 16 seconds

    * 800

    * 200

    * 4 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * 3 strikes with 125 damage


• Damage type: magical


    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Unit

    * Ability Hotkey: D

Thrall forces the target back to it's previous position through a psionic rift. Sends the unit to where it was 4 seconds ago.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 160

    * 60 seconds

    * 600

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Target is moved back in time

    * 2

    * 130

    * 50 seconds

    * 1000

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Target is moved back in time

    * 3

    * 100

    * 40 seconds

    * 1400

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Target is moved back in time

    * 4

    * 70

    * 30 seconds

    * 1800

    * N/A

    * N/A

    * Enemy unit

    * Target is moved back in time


• The glimpse effect has some travel time, the target isn't instantly moved back.

• Instantly kills illusions.

Kinetic Field

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Area

    * Ability Hotkey: E

Thrall summons a circular barrier of kinetic energy, keeping enemies from walking in or out of it. The barrier has an aoe of 300.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 70

    * 14 seconds

    * 900

    * 300

    * 2.5 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Keeps enemies from walking in/out

    * 2

    * 70

    * 14 seconds

    * 900

    * 300

    * 3 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Keeps enemies from walking in/out

    * 3

    * 70

    * 14 seconds

    * 900

    * 300

    * 3.5 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Keeps enemies from walking in/out

    * 4

    * 70

    * 14 seconds

    * 900

    * 300

    * 4 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Keeps enemies from walking in/out


• Has a 1.2 second cast delay before the field is fully formed.

Static Storm

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Area

    * Ability Hotkey: R

Creates an area of electric instability which damages and silences enemies in the area. The effect starts off weak and then intensifies over 5 seconds, dealing increasing amounts of damage, before disappearing.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 125

    * 85 seconds

    * 800

    * 375

    * 5 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Silence and up to 170 dps

    * 2

    * 175

    * 85 seconds

    * 800

    * 375

    * 5 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Silence and up to 210 dps

    * 3

    * 225

    * 85 seconds

    * 800

    * 375

    * 5 seconds

    * Enemy unit

    * Silence and up to 250 dps


• The damage starts off slow and ramps up continuously until it reaches the maximum

• Total damage dealt in whole duration: 446.25/551.25/656.25

• Damage type: magical

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
