Impa Empire

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The Impa Empire is a totalitarian empire country of the southern hemisphere of the fantasy world.

Many years ago, Impa was originally a poverty-ridden republic state where the country is left dry from higher taxes from other kingdoms, inflation of food where the people are unable to afford food at all as the monarch the senate have weak leadership try to maintain the country but failed miserably However 3 unknown men with exalted speeches and clever manipulation of the masses led to civil unrest in the kingdom overthrowing the senate killing those who oppose the new opposition. The men are able to reorganizing itself as the Impa Empire, the nation began an aggressive expansion , annexing all neighboring southern countries around it.

The Empire preached human supremacy and promoted persecution of other races, introduce slavery to enslave the population under an iron fist as they are worshipped by the numbers for being reincarnated god's bestowed by the goddess herself. Saviors who saved the country as whole.

The 3 men are by followed

The Priest - a corrupt man who have religious aspects of the goddess believing it as destiny with his cunning religious speeches which he is manipulative and charismatic to boot.

The Captain a man with a strange accent who he made slave control of the southern borders of the fantasy world enforce laws to sell mostly Dark elves at the highest bidder and give huge control of them by making rules of stripping them to read and write.

The High Commander a high rank commander in he who founded the military control of the empire and pose strict superior control of thinking of other are nothing but inferiors to the might of human superiority.

With their tactics, strategies and government knowledge control they successfully take control of the empire with all their might as the 3 men are killed when the imposing forces poisoned them during their feast now they are in control of trusted advisors and other superiors to boot.

The system has Four stacks of a status in the Impa political system of different tiers as 1 to 4 of status

Tier 1 - a Ultimate class are mostly High Class Generals, Mages, High class nobles, powerful advisors mostly people who the 3 men that are trusted. Which make 5% of the population.

Tier 2 - High class are mostly wealthy noblemen, women, commanders, priest, mages and alchemist which make 15% of the population.

Tier 3 - The Middle class is more average yet have some power to have land mostly these are elite soldiers, mid tier merchants, scholars and government affaires (tax manager). Which make 30% of the population

Tier 4 - The weakest class who are just commoners as they are mostly peasants, mundane merchants the common soldier and the common people with little to no power to move up as they are restricted to leave. Which make 50% of the population.

Tier 4 are given rations and ration cards for every meal as a result of most food are for mostly soldiers and higher ups. The other tiers are given more choices of food as Tier 1 are the high priorities in the Impa Empire.

The Empire have high tight control of their citizens of go so far to hire spies to destroy any rebellion or any sign of disagreeing with their views will be imprisoned or mostly executed. Curfew is high as the time is 5 am to 9 pm to lower class citizens consist of Tier 3 and 4 citizens while the second have more freedom of 11 pm rather than 9 unless if it's a meeting or council watch since they are also mandatory for the second tiers.

Tier 1 is most secured and are most regarded as the most important rather than its people.

It has a holiday mostly on YùŒS of celebrating the victory of the 3 fathers in their efforts of 'saving' the empire from despair as it's mandatory to celebrate it by serving drinks, re-enactments of their battles, every day praised and speeches. The holiday last for 5 days while 10 days of mourning the lost of the Father's.

The military is enforced by the High Commander of reorganizing the forces with brutal efficiency of many men aged 18-30 are at the infantry level while higher commanders are only held by veterans who served more than 20 years of service which are highly rewarded with land or any slaves for free.

is at a roughly late-medieval technology level. Large stone fortifications, crossbows, siege engines, and plate/chain mail armor all exist, however, gunpowder has not been discovered to produce any guns for The a Impa Empire men.

The Backbone of the army which they focus on numbers to overwhelm as they are mostly commanded by high rank commanders or captains.

Their armor is composed of steel/iron meshed chain mail or plated metal over a red long tunics and mundane early European Like equipment reminiscent of a Templar.



Spears of varying length are used by both foot soldiers and cavalry. Plentiful of men who prefer far reach tactic to stab or pierce.

Some are Equipped with a shield to provide protection against some arrow shots but is weak against bolts or high piercing arrows.


Men who have axes or helberbs have muscular upper body strength to carry them which they are used for clearing out enemy camps or clusters.

A footman equipped with a broadsword which they are skilled in some swordsmanship. Widely used and favored by the army.

Calvary men

Mundane infantry soldiers who are equipped with a lance, spear or sword riding on horses have high mobility on a horse cutting down foes easily yet are weak when the horse is injured.


The range units of the army which are skilled in the arts of archery which are few In numbers of most units prefer crossbows over a bow. Not as skilled as an elf but still pose a threat. Equipped with a sword in case if they are out go arrows or if their bow doesn't function

Crossbow men
Archers equipped with a crossbow as it has firing projectiles using the trigger to fire the arrow or bolts in rare cases. Compared to standard bows, the crossbow rarely made a mistake when the users shooting but require more maintenance to load another one.

These Footmen are the top position most prominent role in battle against tough opposers

Elite Calvary
The High-Class top tier Calvary men with high training on mounted horses who have more protected and more faster steeds in battle more dangerous than the regular Calvary men.

Elite Spearman
Men with a high skill of using polearms most notably the spear which have somewhat resilient armor and more refined weaponry to boot.

Elite swordmen
A Advance variant of soldiers who has a high skill in swordmanship equipped longswords and somewhat resilient armor against bolts and arrows.

Elite Bowmen
Archers of the highest regards have more intense training as they are equipped with Automatic Crossbows where they have enhanced hearing and keen eyes on shooting enemies from afar equipped with special arrows like poison, piercing and flaming. It's very large and require a second to refit and resupply more arrows.

Battle Mage
One in every army the mage is a more prominent role in support of summon fire elemental abilities and as well boost the armies ability of being more resilient against attacks. Few in numbers as a result of fewer Impa citizen learning the arts of magic

Large Bulking Warriors equipped with magically enhanced enchanted armor for the few men who being ejected with a mystical serum that greatly enhance their physical conditions to the fullest slow yet powerful as they posses great swords as they are mostly for last resort units of the oppositions are too strongest as they can turn the tide for battle.

The Impa Empire only have few siege weapon as a result of any production as they are not able to find or advance any.

The catapults are mobile siege weapons used by any army in the battlefield used mostly in laying heavy assaults on enemy castles and fortresses in order to soften up resistance for the troops to finish the job. They can also be used as defensive fortifications against invading armies too as well.

It requires 10 men to function and worked and require 10 more men to get backbreaking ammo for the catapult.

A large crossbow and one of the early inventions given by the priest from a blueprint as it offer much greater efficiency over tension-based weaponry. Which require more manitnence and men as they are mostly hooked up to Seige towers or fortresses which require more men to operate.

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