Shadow of the rising

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April 11, 1786 Edō Period Japan

It was a beautiful night , regardless of the vast amounts puddles created by the seemingly endless falling rain. And soon the bright moon shines ending the rain as it formed puddles that is mixed with the muddy grounds. A decent sized village loomed the night as it was silent as any sound besides the sound of crickets chirping.

All was well till a shadow ran through the trees to the walls.

The figure crouched down and looked at the small village in just below him in the midst of a the valley. The figure pulled down the cloth that hid most of it's face, revealing a youthful face.

The shadow is no other Heibei a merchant that sells goods in the land but in secret he's a Shinobi a warrior who fights in the shadows as his double life for paying the bills and his mission is to assassinate the Shogun of the village who brought reign and terror inside the walls of the village.

"Well time for me to move out and get this over with......." Said the Young assassin and soon he jump on top of a building  and soon got on top of the buildings with agility and speed as he was not spotted by the oppressed citizens and the oppressive guards side to side as he looks around before silently ran from roof to roof stealthily in the night sky's that blended in the cloak.

He jump down and slid down the angular roofs before being on the ground with a clutching stance as he slowly went behind a guard and soon grabbed the guard who was struggling till a knife was jammed into his throat stopping the guard laying motion before dropping to the ground as Heibei took the time to drag the body somewhere else in a small alley way

Soon Shinobi got out he shadows and was wearing the foot soldier armor with weapons as he walks cuasually unnoticed by the crowd and some guards passing by.

"Okay I'm in......" whisper the shadow warrior under his breath as he walk through the Shogun building passing by from room to room without no one knowing there's a assassin in there mist.

He walk trough the castle and was wondering how can he kill the emperor without no one knowing at all and he continue to think till a food cart was moving past him and was mostly tea, sake and food which was being moved by the chief which give the warrior an idea.....

"Halt." He said with a firm voice stopping the chief

"Is there anything wrong?" Ask the chief

"Allow me to get the food to the emperor please..." He said politely with a convincing voice to trust anyone in a heartbeat which the chief nods

"Thank I'll proceed to my kitchen to cook"

"Your welcome sir..." the chief left to do what a chief would mostly do and soon it was just Heibei and the cart. The disguised Shinobi turn left and right and see the coast is clear as he got out a vile that contain poison that could kill a grown man in seconds and put the substance inside the tea and sake and mix it up to merge with the liquid.

"Hurry up Teako is growing impatient...." Said the guard between the doors

"On my way!!!" Heibei Said Back before putting them in a orderly fashion and soon get the cart to the room.

Soon he arrive to the room to see the emperor sitting waiting for his tea "ahh there you are why are you carrying food?" Ask the emperor with a raised eyebrow

"I decide to help the chief and provide the food to you rather than the chief my lord" said the ninja.

"I see.......very well than serve me...." Said the emperor looking at him as the ninja in disguise soon walk and soon place the tray of tea and cups as he poured the tea to the cups and place the food next to him.

"Thank you....." Said the emperor as the ninja Soon look to see the map on the other side as the ninja soon place the tray underneath the map without no one looking and put the tray to the cart and soon rolled the cart and his way out until.

"Hold on...." Said the emperor stopping the ninja dead in his tracks as the guard blocked the door.

"Come here for a sec" said the emperor as the ninja was reluctant too he did as told as he walked back to the emperor

"Sit" He did as both look at each other in the eye.

"Anything wrong my lord?" Ask the ninja with sweat coming down his brow as the emperor soon got out his dagger and was using it like a spoon stirring the contents of the tea a bit

"Mind if you do a favor a bit and try to tea out to see if it's my liking" Ask the emperor shoving the cup to the ninja as it steamed a bit meaning it's warm a bit as the ninja made a sweat dropping a bit

"Is there anything wrong?" Ask the Emperor with a suspicious look on his face.

"Nothing just....getting the fragrance of the tea.." he lied a bit as he got the cup and soon he raised the cup and he was drinking it but he didn't really drink it but he just blow on it to make it look convincing that he was sipping and lays it down.

"It's fine my lord....." he lied again hopeing to fool him once again as the Shogunate nods and got the tea back

"Very well..." the emperor soon drinks the tea but stop in 5 seconds and look at the cup

"This taste very awful it doesn't taste like the tea I normally get tea is suppose to be smelled and taste like herbs but I don't understand why does it taste like this"

"Is it a bit strange that someone who doesn't know this at all my lord" said the scholar next to him

"Because he's not a waiter or a guard. He's a SPY!!!!!" He stab the dagger to the hands of Heibei causing him to scream in pain as blood gushes out by the force as the guards next to him point their spears at him.

"Did you really think I would be impresed by your lackluster skills as a chief give me the map no-" soon the guard barge open to see a panicked the guard with a worried look on his face

"Sir we are under attack by the villagers the palace is on fire we have to go"

"What?!!! Leave I'll deal with the sp-ACCKK" soon a kunai pierced through his skull as he drop To the ground like a sack of rice as Heibei kicked both guards in the head and soon toss a dagger to the scholar which drop to the as well as Heibei smelled smoke meaning the palace is truly on fire which give him the time to flee before the fire grows bigger as he ran out the emperor room as he notice the staff and guards running out the floors trying to leave the flame infested rooms as The Shinobi ran to the exit and soon he grew weaker as he felt the poison coming through his veins as he was panting and drop to the ground as he was dying

"It's no use I'll die here with honor......" the warrior soon got out a dagger and soon opened the garbs to expose his chest and stomach and soon he crouch down looking at the knife before stabbing the blade to his stomach causing the warrior to gagged blood from his mouth and dig the knife deeper to the stomach and soon his vision turns right as he fell to the ground as the flames engulf the palace burning the bodies inside it.

Somewhere once again
The Accountant was sitting at a table reading the latest newspaper with Japanese letters to them as he was smoking a cigar with an ashtray by the side of the table full of cigarette butts as he place the newspaper down and soon he assign the corpse to the new world with swift action and finished with a tick as the bell ring meaning its lunchtime for him as he got off the table and soon walk the other room to make something to eat and soon got back with a sandwich and soon flip the article to the events taking place to the Wild West.
Another one next up the gunslingers of the West.

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