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Name: Oliver Shawn

Age and Age Appearance: Is actually around 1250 but looks to be close to 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight
Role: The Dark Male

Coven: The English Coven
Faceclaim: Richard Deiss

Height: 6'5

Weight: 205
Personality: Oliver tries his best to be fairly likable and generally nice, but he's honestly not very good at it. He tends to be super blunt and sarcastic. People can very easily get on his nerves and he is not good at hiding his annoyance.

He is afraid of getting close to people because he doesn't want to end up hurting them. In relationships, though he hides it, he can be very insecure and just wants to try to do everything best for that person. He is very gentle with his lovers but is still very afraid on the inside.

Oliver is a good listener and trustworthy, making him a good right hand man to The Venomous Princess and anyone who needs someone to confide. And even though he is good at getting other people to open up and talk through things he never can.

Likes: The Venomous Princess and being able to help her, the trusty and trustworthiness, when he is more able to be kind and gentle

Dislikes: Blood and strong blood lusts, his past and what he's done, how is past still effects him, people who abuse their lovers, liars

He is physically strong and possesses other strengths that come with being a vampire.
Everyone knows they can trust him to give the truth and trust him to keep their secrets.
He doesn't let anyone hurt him or anyone he cares for.
He is fairly intelligent, from things he's learned through his long lifetime.
He can usually spot a lie from a mile away.

Oliver is terrible at opening up or telling people about himself.
He is for the most part still a space to his past, never having been able to let it go.
He is honestly quite terrible in relationships, trying to balance keeping the person in his life, but also seeming distant so he doesn't get too close.
Honesty isn't always best for likability and isn't always the best at being nice, as well as getting angry too easily.
Backstory: Oliver had a fairly normal childhood before he was turned. Back as soon as he was bitten, everything changed. He had extreme blood lust that he couldn't control, and no one to really guide him. Because of this, just a bit after he was turned he ended up killing his first lover. This broke everything inside him. He went nearly months pushing down his blood lust before gaining control, and then not drinking at all. Sometimes, even centuries later, he'll get so wrapped up in his own mind again, that he'll end up not drinking for days on end, essentially starving himself. He stumbled upon the English coven and joined, fairly quickly becoming close and useful to The Venomous Princess. His past, no matter how long ago, seems to stick with him, even if only in the corners of his mind.

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