Chapter 1: First meet

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Chapter 1: First meet

The sun was up and it was already 7:30 am, which means, the handsome bulky boy named Jungkook had to start his normal day, he hopes so. He stretched his body before waking up and standing up from his bed. He had to go to his work at 8 and he got so much time to do his morning routine.

He went inside his bathroom while removing his shirt and squeezing the toothpaste on his toothbrush. He turned on the water to the faucet, putting the mug in the sink to fill it with water. He brushes his teeth, waited for the mug to get filled, and looked at the mirror to check if his face was okay, as usual, he was still handsome with his messy bed hair.

He turned off the faucet and took the mug to pour the water in his mouth to rinse off the bubbles and spat it out on the sink. He did it once again but with the mouthwash this time and looked at the mirror with his teeth within. He was satisfied seeing his white bunny teeth.

He went inside the shower, removed his remaining clothes, and turned on the shower. He let the water drip down to his body while pushing his hair to the back and washing his face. He squeezed the bottle of shampoo and washed his hair. He took the bar of soap and started to scrub it to his oh-so-well-built body.

Once he was done, he turned off the shower and got out to take the towel to dry himself. He covered it around his lower body and took the small towel to dry his hair before going out of the bathroom. He checked the time and it was still 7:37 am, he threw the small towel on the swivel chair and opened the cabinet.

He took his office uniform, obviously, a white button-up shirt and black trousers. He wore a white button-up shirt followed by his briefs and his trouser. If his buttons can speak, they would say 'save me' because his chest was making it hard for them to clasped properly at any moment they would pop out from the shirt.

He wore black socks and shoes. He stood up in front of his cabinet to see himself in the mirror that was attached to the cabinet. He separate his bangs to show some of his foreheads and smiled.

"I'm handsome" Jungkook chuckled to himself seeing how fine a man he was and knotted a white and blue stripe tie on his neck.

He also wore his black blazer before taking his belongings like his phone and bag. He checked the time on his phone once again and it was already 7:45 am, such a good start for his day. He left his house to fully start his day at his work. He got inside his car and started to drive to his work company.


"Oi, Jungkook, you look good man as always." His friend, the orange-head, Jimin welcomed him once he enter the company.

"It's nothing new, hyung." He snickered when they went inside the elevator.

"I wonder why you're not in a relationship yet, Jungkook. I'm sure there are a lot of pretty girls drooling over you." Jimin suddenly uttered while they were waiting to arrive at their department.

Too bad, Jimin doesn't know that he's bisexual, well no one really knows and he can barely feel something to girls, he would likely date a guy instead.

"I'm not flirty like you, hyung." Jungkook simply retorted.

"Why don't you go on a blind date with me? I already set up a date, you can go with me, and I can help you find a match. And I can assure you that you will find a beautiful and sexy girl." Jimin recommended.

"No thanks, hyung, I am enjoying my single life. I'm not looking for a relationship yet." Jungkook stated.

"Come on, kook, you're 25, you should explore more and be in love, you know it's fun to have experience." Jimin explained.

"Maybe next time, for now, let's just focus on our work, hm." Jungkook patted the older boy's shoulder and went out of the elevator.

"Good Morning, Jungkook."

"Good Morning" Jungkook greeted back those people who greets him when he was inside his department.

He pulled out his swivel chair, removed his blazer, and put it on the backrest before sitting down on his chair.

"Jungkook, later at lunch, do you wanna join us? We're going to a newly built restaurant near our company to try out their food. Jimin Oppa was also coming." Juhyun, his female co-worker invited him.

"Yeah, sure." Jungkook accepted her invitation.

"Good then, see you later." Juhyun said and left.

Jungkook sighed and focused on his work instead.


"Taehyung, come on, stop being lazy and help me out with my aunt's restaurant." Yoongi groans attempting to invite his lazy bear friend, Taehyung to his work with his aunt.

"But hyung, I want to sleep more, can't you just go alone instead?" Taehyung whines, hugging his pillow tightly and turning around so his back was facing Yoongi.

"I won't beg for you if I don't need to, it's just I really need help because aunt's restaurant was new and they didn't hire any employees yet. You're the only one I can invite, besides, don't you need a job?" Yoongi sighed massaging the back of his neck.

"Fine, but makes sure I'll get extra payment after this." Taehyung finally agreed sitting down on the bed.

"Gee, thanks, prepare yourself now. We'll get going once you're done." Yoongi smiled, ruffling Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung sighed in defeat and stand up from his bed, took out his clothes to his cabinet, and went inside their shared bathroom to take a bath.


"Oh, Yoongi, it's been a while since the last time I saw you. Thank you for coming today, it's very hectic for us since we didn't expect that people will go to our restaurant. I hope I didn't bother you and your friend." Shin, Yoongi's aunt said when she saw Yoongi along with his friend.

"It's okay, aunty, besides my friend was willing to help anyway. He's Kim Taehyung." Yoongi smiled.

"Hi" Taehyung bowed his head to show respect to her.

"Hello, Taehyung. I'm glad to hear that, by the way, you two had to change your clothes so they won't get dirty. And we can start once you two are done." Shin told them while giving them the uniform and apron.

Yoongi led Taehyung to the restroom to change their clothes.

"Taehyung, makes sure to tell me if you need help, okay?" Yoongi uttered helping him with the apron.

"Okay" Taehyung mumbled in response.

"Do your best, I'll treat you after this." Yoongi added and they went out of the restroom to start their work.


"I didn't expect this place will be crowded, it's just a new one tho." Juhyun said when their lunchtime came and arrived at the new restaurant.

"Maybe this restaurant was already popular in the other town." Mika muttered roaming her eyes around the restaurant.

"You two are wrong, as far as I can see it, there are a lot of teenage girls here, so I believe, it's because of those two handsome staff." Sek-hun retorted and pointed to the mint-haired boy and to the guy at the cashier.

Jungkook was listening to them and looked at the person they were pointing out. And for some reason, his surrounding turned into slow motion when he looked at the particular guy at the cashier counter.

For the first time, he can feel his heart beating so fast that and got caught by the person he was currently looking at. He never felt this feeling before, the boy was amazingly good-looking and definitely his type. He found the person he was looking for.

"Jungkook, dude, are you okay?"

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Jimin calling his name.

"Yes, what is it?" His eyes never left the boy on the cashier counter.

"They already found a table for us, let's go." Jimin told him.

"Ahm, just go first, I will do something." Jungkook replied and an idea popped up to his brain.

"Oh, okay, make it faster." Jimin simply said before leaving him.

Jungkook make his way to go to the cashier counter and luckily the line wasn't that long so it was his turn to face the person.

"What's your order, sir?"

He felt a cool shiver sent down his spine when he heard the deep voice of the person.

"May I look at the menu first?" Jungkook asked while staring at him.

"Yeah, sure." He gave the menu list to Jungkook and Jungkook look through the list.

"But I can't see your name here." Jungkook grinned and looked at him.

"Huh?" He was confused, did he hear it right?

"What's your name?" Jungkook inquired, smirking.

"K-Kim Taehyung, sir." Taehyung muttered out kind of nervous

"And it wasn't on the menu, I can't see Kim Taehyung on the list." Jungkook snickered.

"It's because I'm not part of the list, sir." Taehyung mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Too bad, I want to order you. I guess you're better to order compared to the food on the menu." Jungkook smirked.

Taehyung was too stunned to speak, his mouth was shut not know how he should respond.

"But I'm a human, sir, and you can't eat humans." Taehyung uttered confusedly.

"Well, there's a different to eat you tho." Jungkook chuckled seeing the confused look on Taehyung's face.

"What do you mean, sir?" Taehyung was perplexed.

"You're naive, I'll let you know next time. Anyways, I'm Jeon Jungkook, and here's my number. Save it so I can show you how I will eat you." Jungkook giggled giving him the small paper with a number listed on it.

Taehyung took the paper since he was kind of interested to know what Jungkook mean.

"I hope to see you again." Jungkook gave him a wink before leaving.

"What was that?"

Taehyung heard Yoongi's voice appear beside him. He just shrugged off his shoulder and sighed.

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