Chapter 11

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<Nico's pov>

"Are you sure, Nozomi-chan?" Hanayo asked.

"Of course. Umi-chan knows where I hid the spare key. They should be there by now." Nozomi answered.

Nozomi and Eli's house is fully packed by the time we reached there. Every single chairs and couches are fully occupied that Honoka and Rin sat on the floor. A concerned look took over their faces the moment they saw us.

"Kayo-chin, what happened?" Rin approached us.

"Where's Maki?" Umi perked up. "Did she have something on?"

"No." Eli answered. "She's kidnapped by her father."

The others gasped in unison as their eyes widened in shock.

"When did this happen, Nico-chan?" Kotori asked.

"Nico-chan, how could you keep your eyes away from her? I thought you're watching over her?" Honoka looked into my eyes, tugging on my heartstrings.

I could feel the regret taking over me. I shouldn't have left her alone at home. She was defenseless. Helpless. Vulnerable to any forms of attack. I looked down into the floor in regret, allowing my bangs to cover up half of my face.

"I'm sorry..." I managed to whisper. "I failed..."

"Honoka, shush!" Eli scolded. "And Nico," she turned to me and rested a hand on my shoulder, "there's no such thing as failure in a relationship."

The second that last word left her mouth, I could feel myself burning up. "Wh-what do you mean by relationship!?"

"Oh please, Nico. We know you liked Maki since highschool." Eli smiled, allowing my face to turn from pink to bright red.

"H-how did you know?" I managed to (literally) choke out.

"Nozomi told us."

I'll get that booby monster someday....

Nozomi chuckled a little before her expression turned serious. "Anyway, we need to come up with a plan to stop Maki's father. Any ideas?"

I was about to suggest something when I saw Kotori approaching me. She lifted up my chin so that we're at an eye-to-eye level. Her eyes squinted as she inspects my facial features.

"Wh-what is it?" I stuttered.

"Nico-chan, did you get any rest?" Kotori asked. "There's dark circles around your eyes."

Eli then turned me to face her. She inspected my face closely and sighed.

"Nico, I know that you're worried sick about Maki's well-being but don't forget about yourself."


"No 'but's, young lady." Eli scolded.

Weird... I thought I was supposed to be older than her...

"You go and get plenty of rest for now and let us handle it."

Sighing, I nodded and was led by Nozomi into a bedroom where a queen sized bed was displayed proudly in a corner.

"Rest well." Nozomi said as she tucked me in the surprisingly comfortable bed.

She is like a mother, isn't she?

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to enjoy the rest that I had craved for the past few hours.

<Maki's pov>

I sat at the edge of the bed, trying to figure out any other ways to escape when the door flew open giving me the view of a hideous monster. Papa had this satisfied grin that made me feel the temptation to just punch him in the face. However, seeing the bodyguards behind him shows that it might be a bad idea to do so.

"What do you want..." I grumbled, standing up from the bed.

"I just want you to meet somebody." He smirked as he moved to the side, revealing a decently dressed man. His eyes are a bit squinty, accompanied by icy blue pupils. His jaws are angular and sharp. His dark hair is neatly slicked back and his body is kinda well built. To most eyes, he seems like a dream man.

"Maki, meet your fiance, Yamada Takeru. He's rich and he's willing to take over our hospital."

Fiance... Did he just arranged my marriage without my consent!?

I was about to dart through the open door when Papa said, "I'll leave you two to know each other better." before leaving the room and locking it.

That damned monster....

Takeru then walked up to me and faced me. He reached out his hand and took my hands into his. He looked at me up and down, inspecting me.

"You're not that bad looking, Maki-chan." His deep voice entered my ear.

Not knowing what to say, I replied with a simple "Thanks".

(Warning, rapey lemon ahead. If you want to save your innocence or don't want to read it, skip it!!)

Out of the blue, he shoved my shoulders, which allowed me to land on the bed. Before I could process on what's going on, he crashed his lips onto mine, jamming his tongue down my throat. His tongue roughly invaded and explored every inch of my mouth. While his mouth is exploring mine, his hands wandered elsewhere. His hands squeezed my chest hard. Too hard that I might get bruises from it. After what seems like forever, he finally released me from the kiss

He took off his tie and used it to tie my hands together. He started to unbutton my blouse, exposing my full grown chest. He licked his lips seductively and started to kiss one of my breast and massage the other.

I had never felt this uncomfortable in my life. I bit my lower lips hard, hoping that the pain could distract me from what was going on.

He unzipped his pants and pulled down his underwear along with his pants, exposing his hardened member.

"Look at what you did. It's all hard now~" He smirked, looking at me with his lust-filled eyes. "Now suck it!!" He demanded.

"N-no!" I managed to find the courage to yell. "There's no way I would do that!"

He grunted under his breath before smirking as though an idea flew over his head.

"Y'know, Maki-chan, there's no way you could be free from my clutches. Your father don't even care if you're being violated right now. You're mine!" He grabbed the back of my head and forcefully made me suck his equipment.

My mouth was completely filled by him. The taste was unpleasant. Bitter to be exact. He started moaning uncontrollably as he thrusted himself deeper into my mouth.

After a few minutes of torture, he released his juices into my mouth. There's a lot of it that it could possibly choke me. I coughed out most of it, unable to bring myself to swallow.

It's finally over, huh?

I fell back onto the bed, completely drained of energy when he started to crawl over me.

"Oh no. It's not over yet, Maki-chan." He smirked. "I'm not fully satisfied yet. It's still hard, y'know?"

He removed my pants along with my panties, exposing my womanhood to him.

"N-no.. Please don't..." I whimpered.

He ignored me and inserted his hardened member into me. The pain was unbearable. I was unable to move. I felt like a ragdoll. All helpless and vulnerable. At most I could do is pray that this could end as soon as possible....

(Okay it's pretty much safe from now onwards.)

He had spent the past few hours having his way on me. I was left on the bed like a used paper. I felt useless... Violated... Traumatized...

"That felt good, Maki-chan." He said as he buttoned up his suit. "Hope to continue this sometime later."

He then left me behind and locked up the room.

<Nico's pov>

"Honoka, are you sure they might be okay?"

"Of course I have faith in them!"

"But the cards said otherwise...."

I slowly opened up my eyes to see Kotori, Honoka, Hanayo and Nozomi in the room, having a conversation among themselves.

"What happened?" I yawned.

Nozomi then sat next to me and placed an arm around my slender shoulders. "I don't think our plan will go well..."

"What plan?" I asked.

"Well... We discussed that we will send our strongest members, which is Eli-chii, Umi-chan and Rin-chan, because they are able to fight off the guards..." Nozomi started.

"We planned that they would sneak into the mansion, fight off the guards, and save Maki-chan." Hanayo continued.

"I don't see anything wrong with that plan. Why are you all worried for?" I asked as curiosity got better of me.

"They might not be strong enough..." Kotori muttered.

I leaned back onto the bed frame, trying to think of a backup plan.

"Okay, who owns a fast vehicle?" I asked.

Silence engulfed the room.

"Oh, I can lend you my business's van." Honoka volunteered. "It may seem old but that motor works like a charm."

"Perfect. Then I have a plan for us.." I gathered them and shared my ideas.


Here ya go, fanboys/fangirls! Another chapter that ended with a cliffhanger cuz I'm evil af!! //shot// Okay and I'm terribly sorry for that rape thingy. I'm horrible, I know.

Sometime ago, 'someone' said that this chapter is possibly updated by next year... Bruh... whyy? Please have faith in me.... At least a little ;^;

Aanyways, I hope you humans enjoyed this chapter :)

~YFG out

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