Chapter 13

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<Honoka's pov>

"How much longer should we wait? Twenty minutes passed but still nothing!" I sighed in frustration, looking out of the window. Still a boring mansion...

"Calm down, Honoka." Tsubasa turned to face me, her beautiful emerald eyes meeting mine."What if they're in trouble? Don't be mad at them over nothing."

"That's right... I've never considered that... What kind of friend am I...?" I looked down in guilt.

Out of the blue, Tsubasa landed a soft kiss on my cheek and flashed a calming smile. "I know you're good at making quick decisions since back in highschool. I'm sure you can do it again."

It's hard to believe it. My decisions would always end in a bad note. How could that help them out?

"Think of it, Honoka. If you hadn't created that idol group of yours, your school won't be standing right now."

That's right... We saved the school because of my quick decisions. I had that idea on a whim. That idea to create the group somehow saved the school...

I wrecked my brain to think of ways of saving them when...

"I got it!" Tsubasa then switched places with me and stomp onto the gas without letting me come up with something.

<Maki's pov>

I struggled with the door knob trying to break through when the door flew open. I was harshly shoved aside which resulted in me skidding across the room, landing on my back. I got up to see four more lifeless bodies being tossed into the room.

"This is what happen if you call for help." Takeru grinned. "Everyone you love will end up in the same fate as you. Come to think of it, all of them are pretty cute to be part of my harem, don't you think?"

My eyes widened from the sight of a certain raven haired girl's lifeless body. Crimson red blood can be seen trickling down her head. Her eyes are closed and she seemed unresponsive.

How could they...?

I clutched my fist in anger that my knuckles turned white. My eyebrows are furrowed together. My teeth are gritted tight. My blood is practically boiling. Anger built up in me so much that I might at well erupt.

I quickly got up from the floor and marched towards him. Just from the look of his face made me want to tear it apart. I couldn't feel anything else apart from this intense feeling inside of me. Hatred. I sent my fist flying towards his face but he grabbed my knuckles and cracked them.

"O-ow!" I yelped in pain.

"Still not giving up, huh?" He smirked as he grabbed my other arm, turned me around and tied my wrist together.

"You won't get away with this, Yamada! I swear I'll fucking rip you into- Mmph!" My mouth was taped shut.

I struggled, trying to get loose but to no avail.

"I look forward to our wedding next week, Maki-chan. It will last for eight days. Each day, different bride." He looked at me and flashed yet another smirk of his. "Guards, tie the rest of them up."

As on cue, the guards tied all my precious friends up and tossed them next to me. I felt useless. All I can do is watch helplessly as they get bound up one by one.

-A few hours later-
<Nico's pov>

I slowly regained my consciousness. My head was pounding. Everything was still a blur. I waited for the world to stop spinning before I realised that I was unable to move at all.


I struggled with all my might to tear the rope apart but it was really thick.


I heard a muffled voice calling my name. I turned around to see Maki's body lying down. Her face was quite close to my hands. She lets out more muffled yells, trying to tell me something.

Oh right

I tore the tape from her mouth, where I was greeted with a silent scream. In return, she untied the rope around my wrist with her mouth. Once I was free, I took the tape off my mouth and helped Maki free.

"Nico-chan... Why did you come here just to rescue me..? Why did you risk yourself for this..?" Maki asked.

My eyes widened from hearing that. Why did she ask such questions? I have never seen her being this depressed before..

My face softened as I let out three simple words, "Why shouldn't I?"

"I caused you a lot of pain since highschool... Rejecting you... Making fun of you... And yet you helped me a lot.."

I can't bear seeing her like this. I want her to forget about the past. I have to tell her that even if it's really difficult to say so. I untied the rope and hugged her tightly from behind.

"Maki, I want you to know that my feelings for you would never change. I know you always bully me but I don't mind it one bit. If anything, it made me feel like...well...we're getting closer." I released her from the hug and turned her head to face me. I wiped her tears away gently with the back of my palms. "Well... Let's get out of here."

Maki nodded and wiped away the remaining tears. She start to untie the rope around Umi's wrist after calming herself down.

"Nico-chan, you better know what we're doing!" Rin exclaimed as we were running down the hall.

"Uhh... To be honest, not really..." I replied. I've never thought that we would get this far. Plus, I've came up with lots of ideas that my brain might be squeezed dry.

"What!?" Everyone yelled in unison.

"Well since we have nothing to work with, we'll just wing it." Eli shrugged.

Maki led us to the staircase which is supposed to lead us to the main entrance. However, we unknowingly ran past a room where Maki's fiance was having fun popping corks out of champagne bottles.

"Stop right there! Guards!"

We stopped in our tracks and turned towards the voice, where we see a bunch of built men charging towards us.

"Girls, split up!" Eli commanded.

The rest of them did so and fought the guards while Maki and I charged straight towards her fiance.

He doesn't seem to be shaken by it and dodged our attack. Maki seems to have anger boiling up in her that she might explode. She landed a solid punch across his face, sending him stumbling backwards. He recovered rather quickly and presented a smirk on his face. 

"You're quite daring, eh? Hitting me like that." He exclaimed. "And your face... Heh... Quite beautiful when you're mad."

"Cut your nonsense, asshole!" Maki yelled. "You took away my freedom, my happiness, the ones I loved... and now you're complimenting me?!"

Maki then threw clumzy punches at him, in which he returned a kick towards her stomach, sending her down.

"M-Maki-chan!" I ran towards her. "Are you okay?"

No answer.

I looked up and glared at him. How dare he hurt Maki that way? She faced both physical and mental pain because of him. He could've ruined her sanity just because if his animal-like actions.

I ran towards him and landed a couple good punches all over him. He grabbed both my arms with one hand and punched my eye.

"You bastard!" I continued sending him a series of punches and kicks, bringing him up to a wall. All I have to do is to exhaust him and I will attain victory.

Once he have stopped fighting back or even struggling, I used my knee to kick him in the most sensitive place any man would feel. His unprotected crotch. He yelled in pain and crouched down, trying to reduce the unbearable pain. Maki might've recovered from the kick as she got up and grabbed his collar. She dragged him to the nearest low lying window and pushed him out.

"M-Maki... Please no! Don't do this!" He exclaimed as he held onto the ledge of the window for his dear life.

"For the countless number of crap you've done to me... You deserved it." Without hesitation, Maki stomped on his hands, which sends him falling from five stories up.

The second I heard the loud thud, I rushed towards the window and looked down to see his body laying unconsciously on a pool of blood. It's kinda hard to see since my left eye is getting swollen but I managed to make out the figure of it.

"Now let's get out of here." Maki smiled as she looked at the rest of the μ's members who are scattered across the room, standing next to unconscious bodies of the guards.


The door flew open revealing a man in his 60s. From the look on his face, he's pissed.

"What the hell is going on in here!? Care to explain, Maki!?"

Maki just stood there with a disgusted look on her face. "What I want to know is why the hell are you treating me like a prize!"

"Maki! I didn't raise you to talk back to your own father!"

"More like you didn't raise me at all! You're always leaving me behind with Mama and turn our lives into living hell! I wasn't raised by you. I was raised by my friends. They were the once who brought light into my dark and cruel life." I have never seen Maki's face as emotionless as right now.

"You ungrateful daughte-" He marched towards Maki but fell on the floor, revealing a women behind him. Her finger is still in a pinching position, possibly from pinching a vital nerve at his nape.

"Mama!" Maki ran up to her and gave her a hug, sobbing uncontrollably into her shoulders.

"I'm glad you're safe..." Maki's mother whispered as she shed a river of tears.

"Whew. Glad we made it on time, right Tsubasa-chan?" Honoka appeared by the doorstep with her arm linked with Tsubasa's.

Tsubasa then replied with a simple nod and exclaimed that the police are on the way.

~Few days later

We were all waiting outside the doctor's room, waiting for the result. A few of us suffered minor injuries that could easily be cured. Maki's fiance was deemed dead from landing head first. Her father is arrested for countless slavery and violence. Kotori is currently discussing about her overseas plan with Umi outside. The rest of us treated each other from our injuries.

"O-ow..." I jumped a bit from the unbearable pain.

"Nicochii, keep still." Nozomi muttered as she dabbed an ice pack over my bruised eye.

After a while, the doctor and Maki walked out of the office with the results.

"I have some bad news. Based on the test readings, Nishikino-san is pregnant with her fiance's child. She has two choices, either abort it or keep it." The doctor adjusted her glasses, as she read from her clipboard.

That earned a couple of gasps from us.

"Th-then... Maki-chan.. What would you do..?" I asked.

Without hesitation, Maki replied with this two strong words.

"Abort it."

~Weeks later

It has been weeks since that wild incident happened. Kotori had departed off to France along with Umi as her personal bodyguard. With Umi not around to look after her family's dojo, Eli has volunteered to take over it until she returns from the trip.

Honoka and Tsubasa's relationship got leaked into the public's eye and it sent her fans to an uproar. Since everyone supported it, their relationship is no longer a secret.

As for me and Maki, we're still living together and we started going out. Our relationship is growing everyday. As for our jobs, I continued my job as the number one idol (after my black eye is healed), making a huge successful debut. Maki on the other hand worked as a composer and helped me in my big debut. We even made a vow to always be by each other's side and help each other out when times in need.

"Nico-chan, can you come over and check on this song?" Maki called from the new piano placed where the dining table used to be.

"Coming!" I replied as I rushed up to her and sat next to her.

For now, let me stay by your side and show you that you're worth everything.


Aaaand the last chap chap for this book is done. I really hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster of feels.

Thank you for supporting this book to the very end. I appreciate it ^^

Ps. There's no sequel to this so don't ask for one xD

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