Maki's birthday special

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Yooo, YFG here. This chapter is made specially for Maki's birthday, 19 April. So... Before we get this started, this chapter have absolutely nothing related to the story. I repeat, absolutely NOTHING related to the story (Well... except that they're adults now). Well, enjoy this story and happy birthday, Tsundere Tomato-chan :3

<Maki's pov>

Beep Beep!

My alarm went off, beeping away annoyingly, waking me up. My hands slammed onto the 'off' button, silencing the high pitched beeping. My eyes slowly opened, revealing my amethyst orbs. I slowly got up and stretched out my arms. I looked next to me, where Nico would be sleeping. Empty.

'She might've left for work this early in the morning.' I thought to myself as I got out of bed and straight to a small calendar pasted next to the bed above the drawer.

19 April 20XX

'Oh right. It's my birthday today.' I turned to face the empty bed. 'It's my special day and yet Nico-chan couldn't make it.'

I let out a soft sigh of disappointment before I left the room and into the bathroom.

After I had washed myself up, I went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast when my eyes stopped on some pieces of pancakes nicely decorated with a mountain of whipped cream coated with some glistening honey and not to forget the little cherry on top.

A light blush surfaced on my face as I starred at the mouthwatering breakfast. Nico must've put in a lot of effort to get up early in the morning and to make me this. My eyes was then glued to a little piece of note placed beneath the plate.

Dear Maki-chan,

I'm sorry that I won't be around to celebrate your birthday. To make it up to you, I've made this breakfast specially for you. Cheer up or else I'll Nico-Nico-Nii you till you turn that smile upside down.

If you get too lonely, meet me at my workplace at around noon.


I can't help but to chuckle at that little remark at the end. There's no way I would ever feel lonely. I looked around the empty apartment. Ugh. Who am I kidding?

~Time skip, brought to you by Zurui Yo Magnetic Today~

After consumimg the breakfast and washed the dishes, I went straight out to see her. I rushed down a flight of stairs and flagged down a taxi. I board the taxi and head towards the small bar. The drive was quite quick since the bar is quite close to our apartment.

"Keep the change." I handed the fee to the driver before getting off the vehicle.

I walked up towards the door of the bar. My eyes widened when I saw the 'closed' sign hanging behind the door. I glanced down at my wristwatch which says 11.55am. It should be opened by now, isn't it?

I fished out my cellphone and unlocked it. I went through my contacts to find Nico's number and sent a quick 'where are you' to her.

3 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

...and still no reply from Nico.

Worry started to flood up in me. What happened to her? Is she okay? Where is she? Is she seeing someone else besides me? Wait... What am I thinking? We are not even together and yet I worry about these things!?

I rapidly shook my head from that thought, trying my best to regain my composure.

Bzz bzz! Bzz bzz!

I checked my phone and found out that I've received a call from Nico. I quickly replied it in no time flat.

"Hello, Nico-chan, where are you?" I asked as soon as I picked up the call.

"Is this Maki-chan?" A low feminine voice could be heard at the other end of the line.

"W-what? Who is this!?" I almost yelled from hearing that voice.

"Let's just say that I'm an accomplice." The voice said. "I have your precious Nico-chan. And I'll-" The voice started to chuckle a bit before the phone was being passed to someone else.

"Just follow my instructions and your Nico-chan will be safe." The second voice, this time sounds a lot more feminine, stated. She then gave the directions to that place. "You have less than thirty minutes to get here. Don't get the authorities here or we'll kill her Ny- *cough*. A-Anyway, just get here quickly or say farewell to Nico-chan!"


The phone was then hung up, leaving a monotonous beep to be heard.

As quickly as possible, I ran towards the direction instructed by them without any second thoughts. As instructed, I was lead to a rather normal looking house. I knocked on the door. No answer. On the second knock, the door flew open, revealing a rather dark entrance.

"Wh-Where's Nico-chan!?" I demanded at the deserted entrance.

There was a long silence before a loud pop sound followed by a bunch of confetti flew around, startling me. The lights flickered a little before it was fully switched on. The sight of μ's is finally visible.

"Happy Birthday, Maki-chan/Maki!" A roar of cheers filled the air.

"Maki, happy birthday." Nico walked up through the members, holding up a well made cake.

"T-thanks guys." A drop of tear rolled down my pale cheek.

"Nico-chii planned all of this." Nozomi spoke up. "If anyone who should be thanked, it's her."

"Thanks Nico-chan."

"You're welcome."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Honoka interrupted the moment. "Let's get this party started!"


I stabbed the largest piece of cake and popped a piece of it into my mouth.

"This is delicious. Who made this?" I complimented.

"Hanayo and Kotori helped me to make it." Nico exclaimed.

"It's great on how you had planned all this."

"However, this won't be possible without the help of μ's. Rin provided her home for the party, Umi, Honoka and Nozomi helped to decorate this house and Eli came up with the idea of the whole kidnap story."

"So, was it you who called me, Eli?"

"Yeah." Eli giggled. "But I can't control my laughter so Rin took over me."

"It's really hard to imitate her, Nya."

"Rin-chan, you had done you best." Hanayo confronted her.

The sight of μ's hanging out like we used to brings a tear to my eyes.

"Thanks for this birthday, guys."

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