Chapter 2

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Not much long later, we arrived at Mark's house and I pulled out my glock, ready to shoot.
Mark's house was huge, and we had to look through all the rooms.
We went out to his deck, we turned over tables and chairs looking for clues.
There was nothing.
Jack started to freak out more and more.
He started ripping it the couch cushions, and
rummaging through the fridge.
He started to cry.
Zoe looked over at Jack and rushed up to have him a hug.
"You keep looking." She said to John and I.
*Jacks POV (lmao I haven't done this in forever)*
"Jack it's going to be okay." Zoë said, patting my back.
"It's not going to be okay!" I cried, burying my face into my knees which were hugged to my chest.
She hugged me, then got up.
"No, don't leave me!" Tears we're streaming down my face.
"Hold on, I'll be right back." She said, getting a blanket.
She wrapped it around my shoulders.
I felt as if the blanket protected me.
"Zoë, y-you can go now." I sniffed.
"Are you sure?" She locked eye contact with me.
"Yes." I sucked in a breath.
"Okay. Mark is going to be fine." She hugged me one last time before running off to find Y/N and John.
"WE FOUND IT!" Y/N yelled from a room.
Zoe and I looked at each other and then both ran into the room where Y/N and John were.
"What? What did you find?" I asked.
"Well, I got another text from the user and it said 'ROTINOM' And John said it was MONITOR backwards so John carefully opened it up and found the next clue."
"Thanks so much, John, I owe you." I gave him a bro-hug.
"It says, 'taw3r'. What the hell does that mean?" Y/N questioned.
"I think you have to unscramble it." John explained. "I mean, it's pretty obvious it's 'water'."
"Well, I'm sorry I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS." Y/N said loudly.
He held his hands up in defense.
"What would water mean?" Zoë asked.
My face lit up "The beach! Mark DESPISES the beach."
"Well, it says ONLY water." John told us. "But it could also be the sewer, because there's a 3 and it might be telling us that three of the letters in 'water' are also in 'sewer'?"
"Why are you so smart..?" Zoë whined.
John shrugged and walked off proudly.
"TO THE SEWER!" I announced.
We all ran to the car, the blanket Zoë had given me flying in every which way around my shoulders.

I'm actually REALLY excited to be writing this book! Also please check out my Instagram @trashy.artt_ where I post drawings! Also please share this story and the rest of the series if you want because it helps boost my confidence to write more. I will see you in the next chapter!

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