Chapter 2. Joy-or is it??

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~Still the potatoes POV~
I grabbed hold of Y/N's free hand, and smiled.
She smiled back.
I took another look at Sam and Tiffany, and started to cry.
Y/N gave me Sam, and I held him in my arms, still crying.
Mark walked in behind me, in a group face time with Bob, Wade, Ethan, Tyler, and Felix.
Mark held the phone next to me, so that the other guys could see me holding Sam.
"awwwww!!" Said Tyler.
"He's adorable!" Cooed Bob.
"I want to see both of the, in person!!" Said Wade.
"He looks almost EXACTLY like you!!" Exclaimed Felix.
"OML, HES SO ADORBS!!!" Squealed Ethan.
"SHUT UP, ETHAN!!" The guys yelled.
I smiled.
~Your POV~
I held Tiffany, smiling. I watched Mark and Jack face time with the other guys.
After a while, Jack walked back over to me, and laid down next to me.
We smiled and kissed.
"I SHIP IT!!" Yelled the guys.
~Time Skip~
Pretty much unable to walk, I laid down on the couch with Sam and Tiffany.
Jack sat at the other end of the couch, massaging my feet.
We were watching The Simpsons on TV.
Tiffany and Sam were sound asleep.
"Sean, I'm hungry." I said.
"Hi, hungry, I'm Sean." He joked.
I looked at him.
"Okay, I'll get you some chips." He got up and walked to the kitchen.
I grabbed the remote, and changed the channel to the news.
"Turns out the demonic cyborg herself has mentioned to ESCAPE from the hi-tech prison she was being kept in. Please keep a lookout for Chantelle Harley." Said the news reporter.
"Sean. Sean! SEAN!!" I screamed for him.
"What??" He ran into the living room.
~Chantelle's POV~
I hope Y/N was watching the news.
Chantelle is coming to town.

OH, HECK NAW!! JUNK JUS GOT RRREEEEAAALLL!! CHANTELLE IS BACK, BABY!! Shit. I watched "The Nightmare on Elm. Street" last night. It was so cheesey. I almost died. OF LAUGHTER!! BUT- that was Johnny Deep's first movie, he did a PRETTY DANG GOOD JOB!! But he died. :( (Hunger games whistle) ANYWAAYYYY-- my name is URCatwafflez, and I will see you, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!

P.S. Excuse me for not posting lately, I have school. PLUS, I'm sorry about the short chapters. Plz, don't keel meh.

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