Chpt. 10 Hope

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We floated for a while.
No one spoke.
"Guys?" I looked at everyone.
They looked at me.
"Do you think we're going to die?" I asked.
"I hope not.." Logen whispered.
"Logen, Aspen, do you have any loved ones at home?" I scooted over to them.
"My crush is back home." Aspen said.
"My boyfriend is back home." Logen said.
"His name is Pablo." Aspen hugged her knees.
"I hope we can in touch with both of them." I said reassuringly.
"I HAVE A SIGNAL!!" Tyler shouted.
"WHAT??" Mark turned to him.
We all hurried over.
Once Tyler pointed to his signal, we all cheered.
"We just have to keep going east!" Ethan announced.
We went East more and more.
Tyler used his phone to let us call loved ones back home, and called Felix.
We were going down a river into a small town in France.
"Welcome to.." Logen started reading the sign.
"We're here!" I shouted.
We started yelling, and the guy from the restaurant on the water pulled us in.
"Mercí." Logen said.
"I speak English." The man said.
"Oh." Logen blushed.
I giggled.
He let all of us inside.
There was a boy playing outside, trying to catch some chickens. I smiled.
"We never really got your name." Mark said.
"David. And my son is Eli." He said.
"Nice to meet you, David. I'm Mark, that's Jack, Y/N, Logen, Aspen, Ethan, and Tyler." Mark said.
"How did you get here?" David asked.
"Plane crash." I said.
"I'm going to call Felix, I'll be right back." Mark got up and walked away.
An older man and woman walked in.
"Hey, David!" They said.
"Who are they?" The woman asked.
"They are survivors from a plane crash." David said.
"Guys, this is Dana and Michael." David said.
"Hi." We said.
We all sat in silence while Dana, Michael, and David talked.
Mark walked in.
"Felix is going to pick us up." He said.
"Thank you for having us, we should be going." I said.
"Your welcome, and goodbye!" David said.
We walked outside, and a helicopter hovered over us.
Mark texted Felix.
"That's Felix in the helicopter." Mark said.
"You texted him like, five seconds ago." Jack said.
"I know, right?" Mark said.
A ladder fell down, and we climbed up.
"Thank you so much." We thanked him.
"No prob. You owe me for saving your asses, though." Felix sped off.

You guys should know something weird.
1. I know who Dana, Michael, David, and Eli are. I've been there and met them.
2. I forgot to mention that Aspen, Logen, Averi, and Pablo are my OC's.
3. I ran out of ideas, so I made Felix just pick them up. XDDD

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